Zhang Orange Orange looked a little embarrassed.

Although Long Yu's family is not as good as Zhang Orange Orange, it is not a family to mess with.

Long Yu died at the hands of Qin Mu and was also seen by so many people.

Qin Mu's future end will definitely not be much better.

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Chengo's fist clenched slightly, it was impossible for her to allow someone to hurt Qin Mu.

"If the Long family wants to mess around, I don't mind adding some price to them!"

Zhang Orange said softly.

It's just that she doesn't know that Qin Mu is close to herself, and more to bring down her family.


After leaving the track, Qin Mu returned to his residence, at this time Qi Xueqin was already asleep, Qin Mu sat in the study, sorted out what happened during this time.

Trying to take down Wang Anfu was indeed more difficult than he thought.

"If that's the case, then tomorrow there will be a beautiful Chen for a while!"

Qin Mu said softly.

He felt that this Chen Meili was likely to be a breakthrough, after all, she and her daughter were controlled by Wang Anfu, if they were coerced, then Chen Meili should cooperate with him.

Thinking of this, Qin Mu's eyes narrowed slightly, with a somewhat indifferent look.

In the blink of an eye, the next day, Qin Mu obtained another set of real estate of more than 100 million through check-in, but for Qin Mu, the accumulation of these wealth was meaningless.

What he needs is a real career, and the power to lean into the opposition.

Qi Xueqin got up from the bed, and soon an excited cry came.

Qin Mu's face had a look of doubt.

"What are you doing in the morning?"

Qin Mu asked.

At this time, Qi Xueqin ran towards this side and showed his mobile phone to Qin Mu.

"Qin Mu, look, the video released yesterday!"

Qin Mu had a puzzled look on his face, and after glancing at Qi Xueqin's mobile phone, his pupils contracted slightly.

Qi Xueqin's mobile phone is a short video, released yesterday, but in just a dozen hours, this video has more than two million likes and hundreds of thousands of comments.

"Look at the comments!"

Qi Xueqin opened the comment area.

Qin Mu's eyes looked at it.

"Lying groove, it's kind of interesting! This boss is quite handsome!

"It's not just handsome, this feeling of being rich is really alive!"

"Hahaha! Yes, the life of a rich person is so boring, waking up from a bed of 10,000 square meters every day, I also feel that life is boring! "


Most of these comments are exaggerating the interesting content of the video.

Because such a video is the first time it has appeared on the Internet.

"Kind of interesting!"

There was a faint smile on Qin Mu's face.

Although he is no longer short of money, Qi Xueqin can make some achievements in his career, and he is quite satisfied.

"I think you will definitely be popular, and you will be an Internet celebrity in the future!"

Qi Xueqin said with a smile.

Qin Mu shrugged his shoulders, and didn't care too much, for him, becoming an Internet celebrity was nothing remarkable.

After making breakfast, Qi Xueqin and Qin Mu ate beautifully.

After Qin Mu went downstairs, he drove towards the location of Chen Meili, who had been investigated earlier.

But it wasn't long after Qin Mu left home.

The other side!

Dragon family!

At this time, in the villa of the Long family, dozens of people gathered in one place, their eyes looked at the corpse in front of them, their faces were extremely ugly, a thin old man about eighty or ninety years old, with a dragon head crutch walked towards this side, when he saw Long Yu lying on the ground, his figure trembled slightly, the breath on his face was constantly shaking, and a roar came from his mouth.

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