After leaving here, Qin Mu's figure quickly rushed towards where Chen Meili was.

At this time, Chen Meili was hiding alone in the trees, her body trembling, and her face was full of horror.

She is just a dancer, although she has fallen for a while before, but since she was with Wang Daqiang, she has changed her mind, and she is not the same as before.

Over the years, working in the casino and taking care of her daughter when she has time has also made her think a lot less than before.

It is precisely because of this that in the face of this scene in front of her, her heart is very panicked.

"It's all right, they've all been led away by me, take advantage of this gap, let's run!"

Qin Mu said to her.

Chen Meili nodded, stood up and followed Qin Mu towards the front, her palms were full of sweat, and her steps when running were a little stumbling.

The two walked through the jungle and came to a small stream, Qin Mu simply washed his face with water, and after a short rest, he once again pulled Chen Meili and ran forward.

Chen Meili's physical strength is very average, and every time she runs for a while, she will want to rest.

Qin Mu was also quite patient with her, after all, she was just a woman, and she couldn't be asked to be the same as herself.

More than an hour passed before the two left the jungle, and Qin Mu sent his location through his mobile phone during the run.

It was for this reason that as soon as they left the jungle, several black Mercedes Benz cars stopped in the distance and waited for them.


Qin Mu said to Chen Meili.

The driver standing next to the car quickly opened the door for Qin Mu.

"Qin Ye!"

The man shouted respectfully.

Qin Mu nodded slightly and took Chen Meili to the car.

Several car engines started and left quickly.

Chen Meili, who was sitting in the car, was still shocked, and her beautiful eyes looked at Qin Mu, and there was a faint sense of dependence in her heart.

But she was curious.

What the hell is going on?

Unexpectedly made such a big battle, he almost died.

"I know that you have a lot of things you don't understand in your heart now, it's okay, I'll explain it to you slowly in the future!"

Qin Mu comforted.

Chen Meili nodded, temporarily suppressing the confusion in her heart.

The vehicle drove all the way, and after almost half an hour, it came to Modu Commercial Street and stopped in a parking lot.

The driver ran down from the car to open the door for Qin Mu.

After getting off the car, Qin Mu directly took Chen Meili to a five-star hotel, where the room had been opened.

After entering the room, Chen Meili's face was a little frightened.

Along the way, she had already seen that Qin Mu's identity was not simple.

More importantly, the room in front of you is a presidential private room, and the price of one night is at least 20,000 or more.

The man in front of him turned out to be so extravagant???

"You go take a shower first! Someone will bring you something later, I'll come to you later!"

Qin Mu said directly.

He also wanted to know what he wanted to know in Chen Meili's mouth.

But it's not time.

Chen Meili is now in shock, plus she has a certain degree of vigilance against herself.

The experience of these days has also made Qin Mu have a sense of many things, and the current situation is not to ask Chen Meili what she knows, but to first stabilize her emotions and let her trust herself.

Chen Meili nodded and glanced at Qin Mu with her eyes.

It has to be said that such a man does have some charm.

In addition, Chen Meili, who looks so handsome, even the half-old has some heartbeats.

But she has self-awareness, how can a woman like herself be seen by the other party.

And she already has a husband.

After Qin Mu left, Chen Meili came to the bathroom to wash her body, and when she came out, there was a knock on the door....

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