In the face of Bai Hao's apology, Qin Mu's eyes were still very cold.

The gun in his hand was directly pressed against Bai Hao's lower body.

This made Bai Hao, who had always had a relatively arrogant personality, change his face.

It was basically impossible for a person like him to apologize to others, but what he didn't expect was that after he apologized to Qin Mu, the other party still didn't plan to let him go.


What does he want to do?

A trace of fear appeared in Bai Hao's eyes.

"Qin Mu, don't be impulsive, our Bai family's forces are not so easy to mess with!"

"Not that easy to mess with?"

"I see you really don't know me Qin Mu!"

Qin Mu's tone was a little cold, and his fingers slowly pulled the trigger.


A gunshot rang out.


The screams came instantly.

Bai Hao's lower body was directly smashed, and blood overflowed.

Qin Mu directly threw him aside.

"I'm a person who hates others threatening me, your Bai family does have skills, but I'm sorry, you actually wanted to kill me just now, then I can't make you feel good!"

Qin Mu actually wanted to kill him just now.

But after thinking about it, he still saved his life.

That's right, Bai Hao's identity is not simple, but how can he Qin Mu be an ordinary person?

Qin Mu, who has a system, is not afraid of any family.

If the Bai family really wanted to start a war with him, he wouldn't mind.

Even the chaebols of the country of sticks are not afraid, what is a Bai family?

Liu Ruoxue's whole face changed drastically when she stayed on the side, and she didn't expect Qin Mu to be so cruel.

This shot directly scrapped Bai Hao.

Her eyes looked at Qin Mu, and a little uneasiness appeared in her heart.

This is Bai Hao!

Bai family sister-in-law!

His identity is not simple.

"Get out of here with him, or you'll all die!"

Qin Mu said coldly.

The eyes of those bodyguards who were still alive were a little frightened, the little young master was beaten like this, they definitely didn't have any good fruit to eat.

But if the little young master died, then they were really finished.

Without the slightest hesitation, they quickly came to the little young master's side, picked him up, and left quickly with him.

After they left, a trace of blood spat out of Qin Mu's mouth, and there was obviously a bit of pain on his face.

Just now, his arm was hit by a bullet, and when he rolled, he was accidentally hit by fragments, and he also suffered a lot of injuries.

"Qin Mu, are you okay!"

Liu Ruoxue hurriedly ran over and asked worriedly.

"No big deal!"

"This guy, it's really not an ordinary ruthlessness!"

Qin Mu said softly.

"He is the young master of the Bai family, the bodyguards around him are naturally not ordinary people, you sit down first, I have a medical kit in my office!"

Liu Ruoxue said quickly.

Qin Mu nodded.

When Liu Ruoxue brought the medical kit over, Qin Mu took off his shirt, revealing perfect muscles.

Seeing Qin Mu's figure, Liu Ruoxue's heart trembled slightly.

So handsome!

Although Qin Mu was injured, his figure was indeed perfect.

Liu Ruoxue had never seen such a good figure at all, but her beautiful eyes soon noticed the wound on Qin Mu's left hand, and quickly stepped forward to deal with Qin Mu.

First disinfected with alcohol, then carefully treated the wound with forceps.

But at this time, Qin Mu directly took the tweezers, and under Liu Ruoxue's gaze, he directly inserted the tweezers into his flesh and blood, and the blood flowed down quickly.

Seeing this bloody scene, a trace of panic appeared in Liu Ruoxue's heart.

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