The white tiger team's group had a ugly face, for them, the white tiger was their leader and their spiritual pillar, and now their spiritual pillar was actually shot away by Qin Mu so easily.

This is simply a slap in the face of their White Tigers.

The white tiger climbed out of the tree pole, his eyes full of murderous aura, his gaze looked at Qin Mu, his fists clenched.

Those behind him also took a few steps forward at this moment.

"It's kind of interesting! I didn't expect to meet an opponent like you! The

body of the white tiger was filled with murderous aura, and at the same time, the members of the white tiger team formed a killing formation at this moment, and the thirteen people were like a sharp blade, and the murderous aura actually communicated with each other, with a sense of substance.

Suzaku looked at the situation through her electronic eyes, her face was a little ugly, she knew that the white tiger was a madman.

If Lin Xiao is here, it's okay, but Lin Xiao is not here at the moment, once the white tiger enters the state of killing habits, it will be difficult to control, which is also the drawback of the killing game.

"I hope this guy is a little more sensible, Xuanwu should be ready!" Qin Mu, I don't believe that you can survive in this situation!

Suzaku said in an icy tone.

The four protectors of the Hades Hall, Green Dragon, White Tiger, Vermilion Bird, and Xuanwu.

Everyone has their own strengths.

The green dragon is good at long-range, and all the gunmen who attacked Qin Mu before are basically from the green dragon team.

White Tiger is good at close combat, with twelve killers in his hands, which cooperate with each other and can burst out with amazing combat power.

Suzaku is good at planning, every battle, she will give advice, and the battle she plans will basically not be too much of a problem.

As for this Xuanwu, it is more mysterious in the Hades Hall, and it is also one of the most important characters in the entire Killing Bureau.


At this time, the figure of the white tiger once again rushed towards Qin Mu, and his twin swords were swung to the extreme in an instant.

In addition, the twelve members of the White Tigers also suddenly rushed towards him.

They are well-trained and cooperate extremely well in battle.

As soon as Qin Mu dodged the attack of the white tiger, the big knives in the hands of several other people quickly slashed towards him, and the sound of breaking wind continued to sound.



However, just as they were fighting each other, bullets were shot around Qin Mu from time to time.

The gunman in the distance is shooting.

The Jedi Game is the cooperation of several major protectors.

Originally, there would be Lin Xiao's figure among them, but Lin Xiao was locked up and it was impossible to appear.

Even so, the Jedi Bureau also brought Qin Mu a great sense of oppression.

His figure was constantly moving, and as soon as he was slightly out of range of the White Tigers, several shots would be fired, causing his figure to be flawed.

And the group of the White Tiger Team had extremely strong killing intent, and almost did not give Qin Mu a chance to keep his hand.

'Find a way to get rid of the gunmen in the distance, otherwise staying entangled with them will only cause me trouble!'

Qin Mu said softly.

He can feel the situation of his body, all the god-level abilities erupt, his combat power is indeed incredible, you must know that in the face of such an attack, a god of war also used a variety of secret medicines, bursting out of amazing combat power.

But in the end, it was still killed, and the entire killing game has not yet operated to the extreme.

There are rumors in the outside world that the killing game of the Hades Hall is that the king of Yan is asking for his life....

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