Qin Mu quickly opened another file.

"Name: Friar. Hometown: Lighthouse Country. Position: God of War. Seeing

this set of information, Qin Mu's face was full of horror, and he was the God of War.

There was a god of war before, which was already very surprising.

In the second file, it turned out to be the God of War.

He took a deep breath, and there was a bit of indifference in his eyes: "This X God will be much more powerful than I thought." Then

a few more clicked.

Similar to what Qin Mu guessed, they were all war gods from various countries, and each of them had the strength of hands and eyes in the sky.

The organization of these people is still so mysterious.

There must be a reason behind this.

"Why are they gathered together, and for what purpose?" Qin Mu had great doubts in his heart.

But he now knows very little information, naturally he doesn't know what is going on.

"This world is really more complicated than I thought!"

Qin Mu exhaled softly, he looked at Lisa with a smile on his face: "Thank you."

Lisa: "It's okay, but you have to be careful, generally the forces involved behind this chip are very large, you know their information, they are likely not to make you feel better."

Qin Mu smiled indifferently: "Even if I don't know this information, they won't make me feel better!"

"After I know, I will at least know who is bothering me!"

Lisa's eyes looked at Qin Mu: "I helped you so much, should you tell me, what kind of person are you?"

Qin Mu: "Qin Mu!

Lisa's eyes narrowed slightly: "That Qin Mu who is wanted by the Hades Palace?

Qin Mu: "You also know this?"

Lisa: "Those of us who are hackers, a lot of information on the network knows, in addition, your affairs are so big, I think it's hard not to know."

Qin Mu smiled indifferently: "It's the same!" But you have this opportunity, how can you still owe so much money.

Lisa gave Qin Mu a blank look: "Don't I need money to transform into a shape?"

"In addition, although I have this technology, many people are staring at me, and there are many things that I dare not do."

"You know that hackers after filing in the state, a lot of work cannot be done!"

Qin Mu: "Then are you interested in going to work with me?"

Lisa glanced at Qin Mu: "Can you provide protection for me?"

Qin Mu: "Of course.

Lisa: "Yes, but I want a good salary."

Qin Mu: "No problem, give you a fifty percent premium according to the price on the market!"

There was a hint of surprise on Lisa's face: "You are so generous!"

Qin Mu: "Of course, you can lay down your life to accompany the gentleman, what is this money?" In addition, with your technology, others may not be able to invite if they want to.

Lisa's beautiful eyes looked at Qin Mu: "You are an interesting person!"

"Okay! I promised you!

There was a smile on Qin Mu's face: "Okay, I will rearrange your identity tomorrow, and I have a set of techniques to make your face more beautiful, at least they will definitely not recognize you!"

Lisa's eyes looked at Qin Mu: "It's a little interesting!" "

Casually, Qin Mu destroyed these materials, took Lisa towards the airport, and under the escort of Jaylen, he successfully left the lighthouse country and returned to Shenzhou.

After returning to Shenzhou, Qin Mu arranged Lisa and used medical skills to help her retouch her face, and now Lisa is more beautiful than before, and there is only a little shadow of the past from the facial features.

This made Lisa's eyes full of incredulity.

Qin Mu's hand is too great!

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