Several other Bai family members appeared in different places, and there were people from different industries in front of them.

A white family stays in an office building, and dozens of hackers keep knocking on computers.

"Usually, this kind of deliberately troublesome person will definitely have a careful plan, and according to the previous surveillance video, we have learned some information!" I'm asking you to hack the surveillance cameras in the neighborhood and find the guy!

The Bai family scolded.

"Understood!" The hackers nodded, their eyes fixed on the screen, and their expressions extremely serious.


"You are all people who the Bai family spent a lot of money to cultivate, and now the Bai family needs it, you must show full energy, understand?" The leading man scolded.

"Yes!" A group of strong men with eyes like eagle falcons holding weapons in their hands, they were responsible for the security of the Bai family industry during this time, so as to avoid the previous incident from happening again.


"City Chief, what's going on with you? It's all made such a big deal, you don't pay attention there? I can tell you, this time it was the old man of the Bai family who spoke, and you must solve the case for me over there!" A middle-aged man said on the phone.

"Definitely, definitely! After all, such a big thing, my side will definitely deal with it in the first time! "


"You guys, starting tomorrow, I will purge who the Bai family has offended over the years, who can do these things, and immediately eradicate the signs when they find them, understand?" A Bai family member scolded at a group of people.

With eyes, this group of people kept looking through some ledgers, and their expressions were extremely serious.


For a moment, the entire demon seemed to be shrouded in a kind of shadow.

Under the huge minions of the Bai family, many departments began to operate.

What happened during this time has also attracted a lot of attention.

Some forces also had some palpitations when they saw the Bai family's means.

In such a short period of time, so many people have been gathered, and there is a tendency to dig three feet into the ground and find out the other party.


Qin Mu sat at home, listening to the report of his subordinates, with a somewhat indifferent look on his face.

During this time, the Bai family put pressure on the authorities, and at the same time mobilized well-known domestic hackers and detectives.

Security in each venue has been tripled.

And they also used internal permissions to listen to the phone calls of many people.

These means are not something that ordinary people can do.

Under normal circumstances, even if the other party has three heads and six arms, under these operations of the Bai family, they will be found.

It's just that the opponent they faced was Qin Mu.

A person with a high IQ and a thoughtful mind.

He had thought about this before, so the communication equipment used by his subordinates was specially made.

Moreover, none of these people of his had shown their faces before, and after being transformed by Qin Mu with some means, no one recognized them at all.

However, Qin Mu felt that the true strength of the Bai family had not yet been exposed.

This giant beast should have more than this in its hands.


A doorbell rings.

Qin Mu walked outside, opened the door, and Liu Ruoxue stood outside, with a faint smile on her face: "Yes!" In such a short time, it made the Bai family chaotic.

"It's just a little hors d'oeuvres, I now know how much power the Bai family has!" Qin Mu said indifferently.

"The big play hasn't started yet! Look here! Liu Ruoxue put a document on the table.

Qin Mu picked it up and looked at it, and when he saw the information on the document, his face suddenly changed!

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