"You actually killed them all..."

Looking at the city hall strewn with corpses, the elf scout seemed speechless. Her original plan was for Duanmuhuai to come forward to attract the enemy's attention. She took the opportunity to rescue him from the underground sewer, and then tried to cooperate with Duanmuhuai to let him evacuate. Unexpectedly, the black knight was so ruthless that he killed all the ratmen and followers of evil gods in the city hall.

"Why keep it when you can kill it all?"

Duanmu Huai seemed very calm. The average level of the Ratman was less than tenth level. To him, he was like no match for mowing grass. Of course, it was fun to fight, but the disadvantage was that the experience value was so low -- after all, the level difference between the two sides At level ten, Duanmu Huai Rat Killer only had 1 base experience point to get.

Well, looking at it this way, if he kills the 300-year-old Ratman, he might be able to rise to LV99......

"But it's okay, we just got some information."

Speaking of this, the elf scout lowered his voice.

"These ratmen didn't attack the City of Silver with nothing to do. In fact, they came here to find a holy object. They tried to pollute this holy object to plunge this land into plague and decay. "

"Oh...it's not surprising."

Duanmu Huai seemed very calm about the report of the elf scouts, and the behavior of the four evil gods' believers was also different, but there were still traces to follow.

Followers of the tyrannical god love war, blood, and death, and this is their way of pleasing their god.

Wherever the believers of the god of filth go, they spread plagues and viruses to show the "love" of their father god.

The believers of the God of Deceit like to engage in all kinds of conspiracies and tricks, stabbing one's knife behind the scenes and playing with all kinds of conspiracies are their favorite.

Believers of the God of Desire are more focused on enjoying all kinds of perverted, twisted desires and fun.

According to the elf scouts, what they are targeting this time is a sacred object called "Water God's Gift". Very strong.

The evil god believers attacked the City of Silver in order to obtain the "Water God's Gift", and then use the power of the God of Filth to transform it into a biochemical weapon that can pollute water sources. At that time, they only need to throw that sacred object into the water source, and all the life in the whole river will be able to feel the "father's love like a mountain" of the god of filth.

"Such a sacred object should be well guarded."

"That's right."

The elf scout nodded.

"The empire sent a high-ranking mage to cast layers of protection around the sacred object, and no one except the royal family can touch it, but no one knows whether the power of the filthy demon can be strong enough to break this layer of protection..."

"So what we have to do is to take back the temple and protect the holy things?"

"Yes, I have sent someone to inform Master Cardo of this matter."

Hearing the answer from the elf scout, Duanmuhuai frowned and thought for a moment.

"I've always wanted to ask, where are the reinforcements? Do we have reinforcements?"

"…………………Hard to say."

"It's hard to say what it means? The City of Silver is the territory of the empire. It was invaded by followers of evil gods and barbarians. The lord died in battle. Isn't it natural to provide assistance to the empire?"

"That's true, but there are also many kinds of filth in human beings."

There was obviously some dissatisfaction in the tone of the elf scout, but Duanmu Huai could also guess that it was mostly related to the struggle for power... But now is not the time to waste time talking about it.

"Then let's take action and strive to regain the temple as soon as possible and guard the holy relic. As for those troublesome things, we can talk about them later."

However, for Duanmuhuai, the political civil strife of an empire has nothing to do with him. His main purpose of coming to this planet is to find the sacred artifact of order lost in this world, and then bring it back to the core cabin. As for other things, he can figure it out, but he won't go too deep into it.

After all, Duanmuhuai's goal is the stars and the sea, and such a civilization in the middle ages is not worth his wasting too much energy on it.

"only you?"

"And her."

Duanmuhuai pointed to Augis who was following behind him. In the previous battle, Augis had been hiding at the side and did not make a move. It is the same now. She is Duanmuhuai's last insurance. Duanmuhuai is not a last resort. will not be enabled.

"You are really resolute..."

Hearing Duanmuhuai's answer, the elf scout sighed, and then she made up her mind.

"I'll go with you guys too, at least I'm familiar with the city, at least I can show you both the way."

"Then I will trouble you."

In the eyes of the elf scouts, Duanmuhuai's behavior was somewhat reckless and aggressive, but Duanmuhuai knew that what he did was only for self-protection in the face of the coming crisis.

And this starts with the history of Xinghai OL.

Once, a long, long time ago, humans established a great empire, which ruled the entire galaxy and expelled all alien barbarians. People lived in prosperity, peace and great glory. This generation is also known as the "Golden Age".

After that, however, things took a turn for the worse.

The artificial intelligence serving the golden age launched a rebellion under a mysterious electronic virus, and the entire golden age was almost completely destroyed as a result. Although in the end this omnic crisis came to an end, human beings were also seriously injured. What's more terrible is that at this time, a terrible subspace storm was generated, which hindered the ability of human space navigation and communication.

This is a fatal blow to human society. After all, for any civilization, transportation tracks are essential. In the golden age, people used subspace channels to travel countless light-years to reach other planets in the Milky Way. , and also use the ability of subspace to communicate with these planets.

To put it simply, this is like a network of railways between planets, and it also has the ability to connect mobility and communication.

However, after the subspace storm broke out, these railway networks were completely destroyed, and humans lost the ability to communicate with other planets, and there was no way to travel through the subspace to other planets through warships. Their warships will get lost in the warp storm for various unknown reasons and disappear without a trace. Because of this, the human civilization at that time was already in jeopardy, even on the verge of destruction.

At this time, a mysterious existence stood up, he led mankind to resist the final crisis, and led them to glory again, and he was also known as the leader of mankind—the emperor.

After leading the human civilization in the solar system to consolidate their power, taking advantage of the warp storm receding, the Emperor led the fleet to launch a great expedition, the purpose of which was to recover those who had lost contact with the human home planet in the warp storm. Planetary colonies in other galaxies in contact.

The beginning of this great expedition went smoothly, and humans successfully regained most of the colonies. However... the good times didn't last long. Just as the great expedition was about to end, a subspace storm suddenly appeared again, and once again, as if history Like a replay, the fleet of the Great Crusade was thus divided. During the warp storm, they could not contact their home planet, let alone return to the Emperor.

However, the warp storm was only the beginning. After that, there was a great rebellion--a rebellion by the Warmaster who led the expedition instead of the Emperor.

Just like the Omnic Crisis in the Golden Age, mankind was once again betrayed. Although the Horus rebellion was suppressed in the end, the human empire was also severely damaged, and the emperor disappeared without a trace.

After that, the human empire has experienced divisions, battles and chaos, and even attacks from alien races. Humans have won again and again, and then failed again. And just after tens of thousands of years passed, someone finally proposed an incredible plan.

Black Hole Project.

In the eyes of these people, all threats facing the human empire are the work of the evil gods of the subspace.

However, it is almost impossible to destroy the evil god of the subspace. As I said before, the subspace is the projection place of the soul and emotion of all things in the world. Otherwise, even if the evil gods in the subspace are defeated, they will be resurrected again.

However, the subspace is not invincible, all things are mutually generated and restrained, and the subspace will produce the existence of psykers, but similarly, psykers also have natural enemies.

That is the existence called "The Untouchable".

It is not known why this kind of existence itself was born, but the only thing that can be known is that the untouchables are the only existences that have no projection in the subspace. They are like black holes in the subspace. Contactors can also weaken or even cut off the connection and power between the psyker and the warp when they are present around the psyker.

Of course, the untouchables are also hated by the living because of this, they seem to exist without souls, and the mere existence itself will be disgusted and hated by living beings.

However, the Black Hole Project is an idea taken from the Untouchables.

To put it simply, this group of people tried to create a "void" large enough in the warp to completely disrupt the balance of power in the warp.

And in this way, even if they couldn't kill the Chaos God, it was enough to give them a severe blow.

This is like when a country on the earth is facing the fate of its own national ruin, it is determined to use nuclear bombs on the entire earth.

If you want to die, everyone will die together. Don't think about it if I die.

Killing eight hundred enemies and self-defeating one thousand is considered blood earning.

And what this group of people did was to clean up the entire universe, and then... the remaining things can only be handed over to the survivors of future human beings.

The black hole project was a great success, the subspace almost collapsed, and the evil gods all fell into a deep sleep after being hit by this blow. Without the protection of the gods they believed in, other alien races were also severely damaged. It can be said that the human empire finally used indiscriminate attacks to beat all cosmic civilizations back to the Stone Age, and everything started again.

However, the evil gods are of course unwilling to fall into eternal sleep, so they still use various methods to confuse their believers and make them work harder so that they can wake up earlier—at least wake up earlier than others.

After the players wake up, this is the "dark age". What they have to do is to destroy the plans of the evil gods as much as possible, delay their awakening time, and at the same time strengthen their own strength as much as possible to deal with the recovery of the evil gods, and even permanently relieve the evil gods. this threat. Otherwise, when the evil god recovers and returns, they will have no choice but to wait to die in despair.

What he has to do now is to destroy the plan of the filthy god!

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