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Chapter 1187: Exchange of equal value (there are still a few days until Robin is released)

Chapter 1187 Equivalent Exchange (There are still a few days until Robin opens)

To be honest, there is really no challenge in interrogating these black-robed magical girls.

Although they are magical girls, in the final analysis they are just a group of ordinary girls. Even if they can fight the witch, it does not mean that they can withstand the interrogation. In fact, most people are so frightened that they almost wet their pants just by standing in the interrogation room.

But this does not mean that Duanmuhuai will show mercy to them. Basically, he will ask everyone, and the content is nothing more than name, age, school, why you signed with QB to become a magical girl, what are you doing now, what organization is Magis...

Although it took a lot of time, Duanmuhuai at least had a clear idea of ​​the general situation.

“Okay, I know you are all sleepy, but now is not the time to sleep.”

 After interrogating the last unlucky magical girl, it was already late at night, and everyone was very sleepy at this time, but after hearing Duanmu Huai's words, they still cheered up and concentrated.

"First of all, we can make it clear that these magical girls all know that magical girls will become witches, and the reason why they joined the Wings of Magis is because of the rumor that magical girls can find redemption in Kamihama City... …”

 “Ah, I know what’s going on.”

  Qian Shu raised his hand at this time.

"When we fought the two girls in white robes before, their...soul stones became turbid due to excessive consumption, but then the two girls in white robes suddenly changed into a very strange appearance and treated us Launched an attack, and after that, their soul stones seemed to become clean again? "

"I remember you said before that you need to use the Seed of Lament to absorb the filth of the Soul Stone, right?"

Hearing this, Duanmu Huai looked at the magical girls next to him, while Xiao Meiyan nodded and said.

"Yes, if it is used excessively, the Soul Stone will be filled with filth, and then the magical girl will become a witch... I have witnessed it with my own eyes."

 Speaking of this, Xiao Meiyan's expression was a little gloomy, but Duanmuhuai didn't pay much attention.

"Then if your statement is correct, then the two girls in white robes should also become witches, but in fact they did not become witches, but produced another form. After that, their soul stones The filth in it has also disappeared... Well, so this means that in the land of Kamihama City, magical girls who accumulate filth will not become witches, but will release the filth and then transform back into magical girls? "

  ……At present, it seems so.”

 “Then this is indeed the redemption of the magical girl, but the problem is not solved here.”

 Duanmu Huai knocked on the table.

“Assuming that all this is done by the organization Magis Wings, what does the rumor have to do with it? Why does Magis Wings protect the rumors?”

Those black-robed magical girls did not know this. In fact, according to their descriptions, the organization of Magis Wings is divided into the following levels.

 At the lowest level are these magical girls wearing black robes, also known as Black Wings. The ones on the next level were Bai Yi, the two magical girls in white robes that Duanmu Huai and others met later.

 In addition to this, there are various cadres, followed by the three founders of the Wings of Magis organization.

 These black wings at the lowest level are just following orders, and they don’t know why they do what they do. Bai Yi may have known better, but unfortunately he couldn't catch it.

“It seems that our next investigation direction is this organization.”

Duanmu Huai made the decision, and no one else objected.

 “So, what to do with those magical girls?”

 “Let them all go.”

Facing Yugiri Ayano’s inquiry, Duanmuhuai waved his hand.

“I don’t have much strength, and I lack the necessary information, so it’s useless to keep it. The wishes of most people here are really speechless...”

As he spoke, Duanmuhuai patted the tablet in his hand and started complaining.

 No wonder Duanmu Huai said this. According to what he asked, most of the original intentions of these black-winged magical girls in signing contracts with QB were...ridiculous.

 That’s right, it’s very funny.

 Some people hope to associate with the person they like, others hope to save their dying pets, and some even make wishes for other people. In Duanmuhuai's opinion, this is as stupid as signing a contract of prostitution for a meal. Those like Tomoe Mami or Akatsuki Homura are helpless and can only pray for a miracle to happen. But many other things are obviously just trivial things, but these girls signed with QB to become magical girls for these trivial things, and then were cheated with blood on their faces - to be honest, they totally deserved it.

In fact, these magical girls also found that they were indeed stupid enough, so they came to Kamihama City to find salvation and joined the Wings of Magis.

“Wouldn’t this make the Wings of Magis wary of us?”

 “What’s the use of being vigilant?”

Facing thousands of curious inquiries, Duanmu Huai scoffed.

"Now it seems that although I don't know what this organization wants to do, it is at least certain that they did not release those rumors for no reason. In other words, the existence of these rumors is probably related to the redemption of this magical girl. We As long as they keep an eye on the rumors, the other party will have to endure it even if they don't want to show their face. Unless they want to see their plan fail, they can only come out and be beaten by us. Then we will arrest a few more high-level officials and figure out these guys. Whatever you want to do, the matter will be solved!”

 “Wow… Xiao Ai, you are so cruel…”

Hearing this, Qian Shu stuck out her tongue, and even Tomoe Asami, Nanami Yachiyo and others took a breath of cold air - indeed, this move simply forced the Wings of Magis to take the initiative to fight with them. If they didn't fight, They can only sit back and watch their plan fail... Well, I'm afraid no one wants to see this happen.

 “Okay, let’s all go and have a rest.”

Seeing that everyone's chins were about to hit the table, Duanmuhuai had no intention of letting them stay up all night anymore, and waved his hand to announce the disbandment. After hearing this, everyone felt as if they had received an amnesty and ran away in a hurry - after all, they had been tired for the whole day.

After a day of action, Duanmu Huai originally planned to take a good rest. However, unfortunately, the good times did not last long. Before he had time to sleep in bed for a while, a reply from Lumière came.

  ……equivalent exchange?”

Duanmuhuai was somewhat surprised when he heard Lumière's reply.

"Yes, Lord Inquisitor, according to Miss Mary and Miss Ellie, whether it is a limited wish-making technique or a system rooted in the Holy Grail, its essence requires huge magic power to subvert cause and effect and realize wishes. The more contrary to common sense, the more it goes against common sense. Wishes require more magic.”


“So Miss Ellie is very curious, if QB can really realize any wish, where does its power source come from?”

 “This is indeed a good question...”

Hearing this, Duanmuhuai narrowed his eyes and nodded. Indeed, it can be seen from the appearance of QB that he is definitely not a selfless good person. Even if he beat Duanmu Huai to death, he would not believe that QB would use his magic power to realize the wishes of girls.

You must know that although most magical girls' wishes are quite simple, there are also some that can subvert the world - such as Akatsuki Homura's wish.

“So, what was the outcome of your discussion?”

"Well... From the current situation, Miss Ellie suspects that QB may have used the power of magical girls themselves to achieve their wishes in some way. After all, didn't you, Lord Inquisitor, also say that only some girls can see QB? ? Maybe they hide some kind of powerful magic or talent, and then they are discovered by QB, who uses some method to activate the power in the girls, turn them into magical girls, and realize their wishes, and then turn the remaining All the power was used for his own use.”

 “Good guy, this is a waste of money.”

Duanmu Huai whistled. Indeed, this makes sense. After all, not everyone can sign QB, which means there must be some kind of screening mechanism. Judging from the previous interrogations, most magical girls' wishes are quite simple, and they are the kind that Duanmu Huai can easily help them solve. Even if Tomoe Mami hopes that she can survive, it will not be difficult for Duanmu Huai.

  Only Xiao Meiyan, who can travel through time, may have some problems... But generally speaking, if the souls of girls can be obtained through such an operation, Duanmu Huai feels that this is definitely a profitable business. For a **** like him, this is simply free money. It doesn't cost him a penny at all. The only thing he has to do is to turn his hand.

  After all, there are still only a few magical girls who truly wish to overturn the world. Most of the wishes fall into the category of using 100 yuan to buy a 10 yuan service.

What about the remaining 90? I'm sure I'll accept it without any hesitation.

 “So what’s the solution?”

"This... As expected, we still need to send someone over to contact the QB personally. At least we must understand what the system is like for QB to realize his wishes, so that we can carry out targeted countermeasures..."

 “Hey, that means there are still more people coming, right?”

Duanmu Huai sighed silently. To be honest, he didn't want others to know that he was in such a miserable state, but unfortunately, as of now, Duanmu Huai didn't seem to have much choice.

 “Okay, I get it, so who’s going to come over?”

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