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Chapter 1293: Behemoth Island (Drink ice-cold sparkling water, woo woo woo

Chapter 1293 Behemoth Island (Drink ice-cold sparkling water, woo woo woo)

The next day, Duanmu Huai looked refreshed, but Mu Geng, who came out behind him, couldn't even walk steadily, swaying from side to side, looking like he was hungover.

 “Are you okay? Miss Kisara?”

Lorena looked at Kisara with some worry and asked, and the latter barely managed a smile.

 “Alright, not bad……”

As he spoke, Ki Geng instinctively stretched out his hand and pressed his lower abdomen. Although it has returned to its previous smoothness, Kisara still remembers the scene last night when his belly bulged so high that it seemed like it was about to pierce through his entire body.

That’s really......

 “I finally understand why the master is so powerful.”

“???I don’t quite understand what you mean, do you need me to help you treat it?”


When the three people walked out of the tent, the work in the camp had begun. When they saw Duanmu Huai and others appearing, everyone also said hello to them. Professor Serizawa and Kiba Yuto also brought everyone to the table and began to hold a meeting.

To put it simply, after locking the giant gorilla yesterday, the Argonaut in the sky has been tracking the latter's whereabouts. And since this guy is so big, it is naturally easy to track. So they followed the direction in which the giant gorilla escaped, and finally found that the gorilla was hiding in a canyon on the northwest side of Skull Island.

I don’t know if it was scared by Duanmu Huai and others, or if it had other ideas, but it was hiding there and looking around, looking quite vigilant.

Not only that, while tracking the gorilla, the Argonaut also made a new discovery, that is, there is a wasteland to the west of the gorilla's hiding place. There are also two huge skeletons there, which are larger in size than the gorilla monster they have discovered so far.

In other words, this giant gorilla is probably not fully adult, but a sub-adult. Therefore, the command's suggestion is not to disturb the giant gorilla for the time being, but to go to this area to investigate the two wrecks and collect specimens for research. By the way, conduct a large-scale search around. If you can't find any clues, it's not too late to go find the gorilla.

  It’s just that... on the issue of how to reach the destination, the headquarters gave everyone a difficult problem.

 First of all, it is definitely no longer possible to take a transport plane. On the one hand, the target of the transport plane in the sky is too obvious, and the previous battle also showed that the gorilla has anti-air capabilities. It was blocked by Duanmu Huai before. If it had not been blocked, the transport plane would have been directly hit by the tree thrown by the gorilla. Smashed down!

It was good luck this time, but not necessarily next time, and the transport plane does not have the weapons suitable to deal with this thing, so everyone can understand.

What about taking a boat upstream along the river?

Hmm...Professor Serizawa did not speak this time, but played a video taken by a drone.

I saw in the video that the badly beaten gorilla came to a nearby river, stretched out his hand to take a few sips of water, and then began to clean the wounds on his body. After all, Kisara showed no mercy to him. There were several sword marks on his hands and chest. If it weren't for the gorilla's rough skin and thick flesh, he would have been hacked to death long ago.

However, just as the gorilla was cleaning its wound, it seemed to find something. Then it looked around, then suddenly stretched out its hand and grabbed it toward the bottom of the river. At the same time, several tentacles suddenly stretched out and tightly entangled the gorilla!

 This is a giant octopus!

Then the gorilla and the giant octopus started fighting in the river. The giant octopus wanted to entangle the gorilla to death, while the gorilla wanted to tear the giant octopus into pieces. In the end, the gorilla was slightly better, tearing apart the tentacles of the giant octopus, then biting the fragments of the octopus's tentacles, and dragging the corpse away.

 “Good guy.”

 Seeing this, Duanmuhuai couldn't help but be amazed.

“How many octopus **** can be made from such a big octopus?”


 Everyone looked at Duanmuhuai silently, and finally decided not to speak.

Your focus is so strange that we can’t stand it.

But this makes it clear that the waterway cannot be used. It is obvious that there are not only giant gorillas but also giant water beasts on this island. Who knows whether this octopus is alone or in a group? If it enters the water and is killed by this If a monster attacks, it will really make the sky and the earth become inoperable.

 So everyone can only use the oldest method.


As for why we didn’t take a car, the reason is very simple. There are dense jungles and steep mountains everywhere. There are no roads to drive, so in the end we can only walk on two legs.

As for equipment and camping equipment, they can airdrop them after they arrive at the location.

 The route has also been determined. With the Agor in the air for navigation, all we have to do is walk this way.

 Duanmu Huai felt it was a bit of a pity. He originally wanted to go fishing here.

With the urine quality of this broken island, even if you catch a grass carp, you will be able to catch it for a lifetime!

 Unfortunately, for safety reasons, this route planning did not choose to go along the river, but through the dense forest. On the one hand, this can hide the traces of Duanmu Huai and others to the greatest extent and avoid being discovered. Secondly, it can also ensure a certain degree of safety.

Duanmuhuai didn't care about this. Anyway, they were using melee weapons. On the contrary, the mercenaries were a little unhappy. But unfortunately, they had no say here. The command gave them the route, so they could only move forward according to the plan.

So after eating breakfast, the group packed up and went on the road.

After entering the forest, Duanmu Huai led the way, Lorena was in charge of the rear, and Mu Geng stayed behind among the crowd. Although the others held guns, in this dense jungle, guns were not very useful. , so they just followed Duanmuhuai, watched the surroundings vigilantly, and walked forward along the route.


Following Duanmu Huai, the soldiers could not help but show envy when looking at the power armor on the former. They are all soldiers, so they naturally know how powerful such a set of power armor is. Charming is secondary, but combat effectiveness is the most enviable.

But everyone also knows that Duanmuhuai not only relies on combat power, but also has enough courage. Before, when facing the gorilla that was more than 100 meters tall, they were afraid that they could not even stand firmly, but Duanmu Huai actually dared to **** him face to face!

 If nothing else, his courage is enough to make people give him a thumbs up!

Advancing in the forest is very physically demanding, but for trained soldiers and mercenaries, this is certainly nothing. But for researchers like Dr. Serizawa and those from the Imperial Organization who had nothing to do with it, it would cost their lives.

 “Me, let’s take a rest!”

 After just a few hours of walking, these researchers in blue clothes could not help but scream in pain. The soldiers glanced at them contemptuously, showing a rather disdainful expression.

"It's really useless. The two girls are not tired of shouting, so you are just yelling here."

“Is that okay? That’s why I’m telling you, researchers, if you don’t exercise properly every day, with your physique, you won’t be able to run away from a monster!”


Hearing the taunts from the soldiers, the researchers also turned red. Although they were researchers, they were also men. In fact, at the beginning, Lorena planned to help them get the equipment, but the researcher still refused. After all, they were men after all. How could they let such a young-looking girl help them carry such a heavy thing?

 But they couldn't lift it themselves, so they had to hand it over to the soldiers. He also repeatedly told the soldiers not to touch these things... It's no wonder that the soldiers looked at these uncles who were not easy to serve.

 “Forget it, let’s take a rest.”

Dr. Serizawa also took a breath. He is old and is not suitable for hiking over mountains and ridges. He is also tired and sweating profusely. After hearing Dr. Serizawa's words, everyone immediately felt as if they had received an amnesty, and sat down to rest - and then were kicked up by the soldiers around them.

 “Hey, what are you doing?”

“Idiot! Are you stupid for reading? Just sit on the ground, be careful of being bitten by a poisonous snake or insect! We don’t have the time or energy to take care of the wounded!”


Hearing this, the researchers were also startled and jumped up from the ground. Seeing this scene, Dr. Serizawa shook his head helplessly. This is normal. After all, these researchers work in the research laboratory on weekdays and have no experience in field exploration. It is normal to have such negligence.

While looking at the scenery in front of him, Dr. Serizawa sat on a broken log next to him and took a breath.

However, just as he sat down, he saw what looked like a rotten piece of wood under Dr. Serizawa's **** actually trembling! Then, it suddenly lifted up!


Dr. Serizawa didn't expect that the broken wood under his **** would bounce up, so he hurriedly stood up and stepped away. The soldiers quickly raised their guns and aimed at the broken wood.

It was then that they discovered that this was not a broken piece of wood at all, but a bug disguised as a broken piece of wood!

Its body was completely shrunk into a body that looked like a broken piece of wood, motionless, so that everyone regarded it as a piece of broken wood.

 “This, this, this…”

Looking at the big bug in front of them, everyone's scalp was numb and they all ran away. The soldiers aimed directly at the bug and pulled the trigger.

 “Bang bang bang bang!!”

A series of bullets were shot out, hitting the bug, but the latter felt no pain or itching. He just tilted his head and looked at the crowd without saying a word.

The look in his eyes seemed to say, "That's it? Didn't you eat?"

The soldiers' attack also angered the insect. It turned around, pointed at everyone, and then opened its mouth. However, the next moment, Kisara flashed past with the magic sword in his hand, and the shining sword light seemed to Thunder fell from the sky and instantly cut the bug in half from the middle, and the big bug fell to the ground and turned into a corpse.


Everyone was relieved when they saw the insect was killed. At the same time, a few people curiously looked at the strange-shaped magic sword in Kisara's hand. You know, they couldn't even penetrate the monster's skin with bullets, but this girl just cut it in half with a sword?

"Thank you."

Professor Serizawa also just came back to his senses at this moment. You must know that he was sitting on this thing just now. Fortunately, this was just a big bug, and it seemed to have no other abilities. If it had bitten him... Thinking of this, Professor Serizawa trembled for a while, and then expressed his gratitude to Kisara.

 Subsequently, his expression changed and he looked at the other researchers.

 “Collect samples immediately, preserve and analyze them!”


At this moment, the researchers stopped talking and hurriedly took out their instruments and gathered around. Indeed, they did not have the fighting ability of those soldiers, but collecting samples for analysis and research - well, they were professionals.

 Sure enough, professional things still need to be done by professionals.

Duanmuhuai glanced at the corpse of the big bug, then withdrew his gaze and looked around again. At this moment, his personal terminal communication suddenly rang. Duanmuhuai connected the communication, and soon Mary's face appeared in front of him.

“Ah, Mr. Duanmu, I’m sorry to bother you. You’re not busy right now.”

“Fortunately, we are currently resting on a small island in the south. What’s going on?”

 “Miss Kumiko has made a decision.”

Mary's voice was filled with joy.

“She has just explained to everyone in the club that she will compete face-to-face with Mayu Kuroe before the next performance.”

 “Oh? What do you mean...”

Hearing this, Duanmu Huai was stunned for a moment, and then he came to his senses.

“She wants to recreate the duel between Kosaka Reina and Kosaka Reina in the middle ages, right?”

At that time, Duanmu Huai remembers that the two faced each other on the stage. You must know that during the selection, because they were all conducted individually, only the teacher in charge of grading and the student knew what happened in the room. Although this can be regarded as protecting personal privacy from a certain perspective, it also gives time for rumors to ferment.

For example, this was the case with Reina Kosaka at the beginning. Because she and Taki had known each other before, no one was sure whether Taki had given her convenience. So Duanmu Huai decided to have a head-on competition with Nakasai Furukaori in full public view, so that everyone could see clearly. The fact was that after the confrontation, no one objected to Kosaka Reina's decision to be a soloist.

Now it seems that Kumiko Huangzen also wants to re-enact this scene.

“But the one named Mayu Kuroe is more troublesome.”

 At this point, Mary's voice became much more helpless.

“She seems to really not intend to participate in the competition, and even expressed her willingness to abstain...Currently, Miss Kumiko is trying to convince her.”

"This kind of person is the most troublesome, but since Kumiko has made a decision, let her go."

 “Okay, Mr. Duanmu, I will continue to observe.”

After finishing the conversation, Duanmuhuai cut off the communication and looked at everyone again. At this moment, the researchers had also finished collecting samples.

So Duanmuhuai picked up the war hammer and waved his hand.

 “Okay, let’s go on!”

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