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Chapter 1325: Fair, or fair as a horse! (It’s 37 degre

Chapter 1325 Fairness is still as fair as riding a horse! (It’s 37 degrees hot today)

After Abaddon entered the scene in person, the entire Cadia soon began to feel unprecedented pressure.

Although they blocked the attacks of Chaos again and again, in the face of the full-scale advance of the Black Legion led by Abaddon, Cadia's biggest weakness was also exposed.

There are too few people!

When Duanmu Huai came to Cadia, there were only some surviving soldiers from other planets and locals left here. Although under the command of Lord Creed and the arrival of Duanmu Huai and others, they successfully repelled the Black Legion's attack. But that was because the opponent was eager for success, and at the same time thought that the defeat of Cadia's meager army was not something to be afraid of, so he rushed forward greedily, and was caught off guard by the opponent's unexpected counterattack.

However, when the Black Legion calmed down and began to advance in all directions and on the entire battlefield at the same time, Cadia's defense line instantly became precarious.

Although the Blackstone Fortress was destroyed, the Phalanx was not unscathed. It originally encountered a melee before arriving in the Cadian system, and a lot of the equipment on the Phalanx was also destroyed. After the battle with the Blackstone Fortress, although the Phalanx successfully destroyed the Blackstone Fortress, it itself was also scarred, and the Phalanx was already poorly staffed, and it was no better than the Blackstone Fortress that had been blown to pieces. go.

Not to mention the battleships that "protected" the Phalanx. Many of them were in worse situations than the Phalanx. If they were said to be escorts, it might as well be said that they were using the Phalanx as a cover!

Therefore, when the black fleet launched another attack on Forward Cadia with a silent and unswerving attitude, the Phalanx and the remnants of its fleet could only have time to focus on fighting the fleet from space, and could not be distracted from anything else.

After confirming that the Phalanx and other battleships were unable to cover the ground, Abaddon also waved his hand, and all the legions rushed out like a black tide and began to launch the final assault on Clough Bastion!

The battle lines are in danger!

In the command room, flashing red lights were everywhere. Lord Creed had already tried his best, but there was nothing he could do.

If there aren’t enough people, there won’t be enough.

If you can't beat it, you can't beat it.

At the moment, the Cadian garrison is like a broken little devil, facing a group of muscular men.

how to spell?

What to fight with?

If you want to win, it will take a miracle!

However, even so, they did not give up.

Because...Cardia stands tall!

Sitting on the chair, Duanmu Huai stared at the command room in front of him and looked at the busy people. His fingers couldn't help shrinking and then spreading out, and wisps of spiritual light emerged from them. No one noticed that Duanmu Huai was using his power as a soul messenger to silently print cards.

The so-called printing card is to turn the cards collected in the card library into entities for use, but it requires a lot of power, especially those legendary level cards. And it must be collected by players. Fortunately, Duanmuhuai still has his own small card library. Although the cards in these card libraries cannot be used in large sizes, long as they are printed, they can be used. .

As for the spiritual energy consumed? The power I got for free is not painful at all when I use it, hahahaha. It was brought by the strong wind anyway, so why should we care?

This is...the last one.

Duanmu Huai stood up after watching the last card in his hand being put into storage. A slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. The Chaos Evil God took action so shamelessly, so don't blame yourself for being rude.

"Lord Creedburg, I have an opinion."

"Mr. Inquisitor? What do you propose?"

Lord Creed, who was so busy and exhausted, replied casually, without even raising his head to look at Duanmuhuai. His current attention was completely focused on the battlefield.

"This is my suggestion. I hope you can transfer all the garrison troops on the front line back to Clough Fortress."


Hearing Duanmuhuai's words, Lord Creed raised his head and glanced at him doubtfully.

"If you want to win, do as I say. In the name of the Tribunal, I guarantee that Cardia will never lose this battle."

"I do not understand."

For the first time, Lord Creedberg shifted his attention from the map to Duanmu Huai, who stared at him.

"You should also be very clear, Lord Creedburg, if this continues, the entire army will be annihilated. Unless there are more reinforcements... But as of now, the possibility is not very high, is it? So, I hope You can recall as many soldiers as possible to the bastion, so that I can strengthen them with the power of the Inquisition."

"What kind of sacrificial ceremony are you referring to?"

Lord Creed's expression became more and more serious, but Duanmuhuai's expression did not change at all.

"Of course not. As for what I am going to do... you will know by then. So... are you willing?"


Lord Creedburg did not answer, he stared at Duanmuhuai. Duanmuhuai knew what he was thinking. He was thinking whether this was a trap by the Chaos Demon. Perhaps the person in front of him is a traitor or even a traitor to the Chaos Demon. Everything he does is to gain their trust and give them the heaviest betrayal and blow at the most critical moment...

Well, considering the bird-like appearance of the world, Duanmu Huai couldn't understand it, so he just stared at the other person, waiting for his answer.

Lord Creedburg was silent for a long time. He stared at the bright red warning on the screen in front of him, then took a deep breath and looked at Duanmuhuai.

"I hope you will not disappoint me, Grand Inquisitor."

Under the order of Lord Creedberg, the fighting soldiers began to retreat slowly. Although they did not know what Creedberg was doing, they still followed his orders. The soldiers of the Black Legion also began to chase and kill. For a time, the already unstable scene was quickly moving towards the edge of collapse. "It's now."

Standing on the platform of the tower, looking at the battlefield around him, Duanmu Huai whispered silently, and then, the soul card in his hand suddenly flashed with light!


A ray of golden light pierced the thick clouds above Cardia and shone on Duanmu Huai, shrouding his whole body in a shining golden light. Immediately afterwards, the phantom of a girl quietly emerged from behind Duanmu Huai!

At the same time, Duanmu Huai played his first card.

[Yela's Prayer: Whenever the main combatant recovers life, give all followers a +1/+1 effect]

But it was not over yet. Soon, Duanmu Huai played his second card.


The melodious bell rang, echoing on the chaotic battlefield outside Clough Fortress. For a moment, everyone, whether they were the soldiers of Cadia or the Chaos servants of the Black Legion, could not help but be stunned and subconsciously looked towards the source of the sound. direction. Then they saw a huge white bell tower emerging from the thick clouds, and the golden bell shined as brightly as the sun.

[Golden Bell (entrance song): Restore 1 health point of your main combatant]


The golden bell rang again, and the loud bell merged with the prayer of the phantom girl behind Duanmu Huai, spreading on the battlefield. And everyone who heard the bell, whether it was the Astartes, the priests of the Mechanicus, the battle sisters, or the Cadian soldiers, felt their spirits startled, and a warm current mixed with strength emerged from their bodies. Then they discovered that a golden radiance was looming on their bodies!

Duanmu Huai stood on the high platform, staring at the battlefield below. He held a warhammer in his right hand and a brilliant jar in his left hand. In the jar, the glittering gold coins piled up into a hill, clearly visible.

[Holy Relic of Prayer: Whenever a bishop’s servant enters his/her battlefield, restore 1 health point to his/her leader]

Behind Duanmuhuai, Lord Creed stood there dumbfounded, staring at the sacred scene in front of him with his mouth wide open, almost unable to believe his eyes.


The bell rings again.

The outer wall of the ruined Clough Bastion collapsed, and the shining light shone through the gap. The church, which was originally enclosed in the dark cave, reappeared in the world.

[Cave Temple: At the beginning of your turn, summon the ‘Paladin’ to enter the scene]

"Ta da, da da, da da..."

The sound of horse hooves sounded, and the heroic souls on horseback walked out of the temple. They raised their swords high and shouted angrily.


With the appearance of the Holy Cavalry, the gold coins contained in the holy relic in Duanmu Huai's hand quietly turned into a ray of golden light, and at the same time, Yela's prayer sounded again!

The power continues to explode.

The faint golden light that originally surrounded the guarding soldiers began to become brighter at this moment, and feeling the power filling their bodies, the soldiers roared, raised their weapons, and rushed towards the chaotic army again!

But, this is not over yet!


As the third bell rang, the holy white gate of heaven slowly emerged in the sky, and a warm light shone on the Clough Fortress below, only to see the dry sky that had been desecrated by blood, war and death. The earth, under the dazzling light, was revitalized, with green grass and flowers covering the earth in front of him. The bloodstains and stains on Clough's Fortress also disappeared without a trace at this moment, as if they had been washed away.

[Bright Sanctuary: Whenever a follower enters your battlefield, give the follower a +1/+1 effect]

At the same time, the demons seemed to realize that something was wrong. Although the battle on the ground was in a stalemate, the **** flying dragons roared across the battlefield and rushed towards Duanmu Huai's position with their rotten breath full of corruption and evil. Come over here!

However, at the same time, a glorious dragon with white wings descended from the sky. The white dragon with holy wings opened its **** mouth and pounced on the demon engine in front of it!

Hum, come on, who is afraid of whom?

Looking at the battlefield in front of him, Duanmu Huai sneered. This set of Jela's Prayer is a set that his trumpet often uses on the battlefield. Its core is to use Jela's Prayer to restore blood and strengthen the tactics of friendly forces. Through the fastest blood recovery, it directly increases the combat effectiveness of friendly forces to the highest level. .

Of course, whether it is a soul card or a mortal, this kind of enhancement has its limits.

But for Duanmuhuai, this is enough.

You black legions don’t respect martial ethics and just come to bully people with the blessing of the Chaos Evil God. Do you really think we can’t fight?

Now this is right, if you strengthen, I will also strengthen.

This is called fairness when riding a horse!

Then, Duanmu Huai raised his war hammer, and another card flashed on the top of his war hammer, and then it turned into an overwhelming rain of light and fell from the sky, covering both the enemy and ourselves!

The warriors shrouded in the rain of light were surprised to find that their injuries were improving rapidly. On the other hand, to the demons and Chaos believers, the rain of light was like sulfuric acid, causing them to involuntarily let out painful screams. scream.

[Gospel of Kindness: Restore 3 health points to all your main combatants and followers]

Don’t underestimate these three points. In reality, anyone who is not dead, even if they are near death, can give you minor injuries in an instant!


Duanmuhuai put down his war hammer and roared loudly. His voice echoed around Kraf Fortress and resounded in the sky of the battlefield.

"In the name of the Tribunal, protect humanity and destroy demons! Cardia will remain standing!"

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