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Chapter 1362: Changing homes (I don’t know if Seven Da

Chapter 1362: Changing Houses (I don’t know if the seven-day world is fun or not)

“Brother, what happened?”

At this moment, Shajiuye was also curiously asking. She didn't even know what happened. So Duanmuhuai didn't hide it, and told them what he and Tomo Tokisaka had said before.

"I see."

After listening to Duanmuhuai's description, Shajiuye acted very calmly. She stretched out her hand to touch her chin and nodded slightly.

"So that's it..."

"Huh? Can you accept it?"

I have to say that Duanmuhuai was a little surprised to see Shajiuye accepting his words so easily. After all, in Duanmuhuai's opinion, the current claims about the "Light of the Universe" cult are all based on speculation without any evidence. It can be said to be a pure conspiracy theory. Why is Shajiuye so calm?

"Of course, after all, we have never been involved in this kind of thing before, and the results came out all at once. If there is some evil organization behind it, it makes sense!"


Seeing Sha Jiuye's vow, Duanmu Huai also patted his forehead silently. He had forgotten that Shajiuye was just an ordinary girl. Logically speaking, being involved in the incident with the Old Ones would not happen to most people once in their lifetime. As a result, Shajiuye met twice in just one summer vacation, and of course she didn't know how many outer gods or old rulers there were in this universe, so if she described this as "an evil sect using **** rituals to carry out a conspiracy", On the contrary, it is easier for people to accept.

"Is everything you said true?"

Compared to Shajiuye, Ziyuanji Youzi seemed shocked. Shajiuye was able to accept it because she and Duanmuhuai were involved in two incidents in a row and witnessed those terrible existences with their own eyes, so they were very accepting. powerful. But for Shionji Yuko, if she hadn't actually witnessed the strange bird crawling out of her computer screen, she might have just thought it was some kind of nightmare.

"Believe it or not, this is your freedom."

Duanmuhuai didn't care.

"I have warned Kosakachi before, but unfortunately it seems that he did not take my words to heart at all. So what about you? Do you continue to deliver it with a stubborn heart? Or do you stop obediently?"

"I want to cooperate with you!"

"Cooperation? Just..."

Duanmu Huai looked at the soft-bodied girl in front of him with disdain. She fell down even if she touched her casually. Why do you want to cooperate with her... hmm?

"You're good at hacking, right?"

"I'm a NEET detective."

"I don't care about NEET or not."

Duanmu Huai waved his hand.

"You can help if you want, but you must obey my arrangements completely. Of course, if you want to die in an unknown way like Satoshi Tokisaka, then I don't mind."


Faced with Duanmu Huai's request, Ziyuanji Youzi gritted his teeth and finally nodded reluctantly.

"Okay, but my room has been destroyed, I'm afraid it will take a while..."

"Room, you can stay with me temporarily, um... Indeed, it's time for us to change places."

After hearing what Ziyuan Temple Youzi said, Duanmu Huai also started to think. They now live in a high-end apartment, which is enough for two people and is convenient. But if you want to confront a cult, then this kind of place won't work. At least Duanmuhuai needs a separate residence, and he also needs to use various methods to exert power to isolate himself from the evil methods that the cult may use on him.

"Are we moving, brother?"

"Well, I'm worried that those guys will also target us. After all, we ruined their good things twice in a row. Maybe they will also cause trouble for us."

"But the apartment we live in has strict security, so it should be fine, right?"


Faced with Sha Jiuye's curious inquiry, Duanmu Huai shrugged his shoulders and smiled. The security is very strict and it is only for humans. This kind of security is useless in front of the relatives of the evil god. People can fly in the sky and escape from the earth and can do anything. Can you really stop them as a guard?

Could it be that the guard has the old seal in his hand?

"Anyway, leave it to me. You should be careful during this time. By the way, wear this."

As he spoke, Duanmuhuai took out two pendants and handed them over.

"This can protect you from being attacked to a certain extent. If the other party really wants to attack you, it can protect you from harm."

"Thank you, brother."

Shajiuye accepted it with a smile, while Shionji Yuko stared at the pendant with a skull, warhammer and tentacles in front of him with disgust. After hesitating for a moment, he still wore it around his neck.

"It's late that day, you go to bed."

After sending Yuko Ziyuanji to the guest room, Duanmuhuai also returned to his room. Then he took out his mobile phone and made a call. Soon, the call was connected, and then there was a loud noise from the other side.

"Hello? Hello? Who is it?"

"It's me."

Hearing the yelling from the other side, Duanmu Huai also spoke calmly, but when he heard his voice, the sound from the other side suddenly fell silent, and then only the originally noisy music quickly became smaller, and then the voice sounded again.

"Brother Duanmu! I didn't expect you to call me! What's the matter so late? By the way, we are singing K, and there are several tender girls. Brother Duanmu, do you want to come and play with us?"

"I'll forget it."

Listening to what Huang Mao said opposite him, Duanmu Huai chuckled. After the incident at Bai Fan's house, Huang Mao respected Duanmu Huai very much. He even called Duanmu Huai his eldest brother and exchanged contact information, saying that he would be on call if anything happened... But of course Duanmu Huai didn't. They will look for him to eat, drink and have fun together.

"I remember you have a real estate company?" "Yeah, what? Brother, do you want to buy a house? I can give you a house, no problem!"

"I don't want you to give it away, but I do need a house."

"That's no problem! Brother! I will take you to see the house in person tomorrow!"

"In person?"

Hearing Huang Mao's words, Duanmu Huai couldn't help but be startled, but still nodded.

"Okay, then we'll see you tomorrow."

"Okay, big brother, I'll pick you up tomorrow!"

It has to be said that Huang Mao is still very capable. Early the next morning, he drove to Duanmu Huai and took him to his real estate company.

Although Huang Mao looks like a street gangster, he doesn't look like a businessman at all. Instead, he looks more like the guys who appear in many books who would rob the protagonist's woman. But it turns out that his ability to control a real estate company is obviously not just based on his family background.

"Speaking of which, brother, what kind of house do you want to buy? Why don't you tell me your requirements, and I can recommend it to you."

While driving, Huang Mao looked at Duanmuhuai curiously. Duanmu Huai thought for a moment and then spoke.

"I have a lot of requirements. First of all, it must be in a prosperous area of ​​the city, it must be a single-family house, and I also need to carry out a certain degree of renovation."

These demands made by Duanmu Huai naturally have their own reasons. After all, Duanmu Huai is very aware of the methods of those cults, so he made these demands.

First of all, it must be in an urban area, a densely populated place. This kind of local cult does not dare to cause trouble, because if something happens, they are likely to be targeted by the police. For cults, the most feared thing is extraneous problems. Duanmuhuai chose to be located in a downtown area to increase the cost of trouble for the cult.

On the contrary, if he is like those rich people who specially build a villa or something in the remote mountains and forests, then maybe an army of ghouls will come to kill him the next day!

The requirement for a single-family house is to prevent others from fishing in troubled waters, which is why Duanmu Huai wants to move out of the apartment. After all, there are many people living in the apartment. If the cultists sneak in disguised as residents of the apartment, no one will notice. But if it is a single-family house, you can keep a close eye on the people around you to avoid outsiders sneaking in to cause trouble.

As for the transformation... On the one hand, Duanmu Huai plans to transform this place into his own temple, so that the abilities of other old rulers will not be able to affect his home. On the other hand, it is similar to those in Xianxia novels. Any formation or the like that can be used for protection is also a good choice.

", your demands are not low..."

After listening to Duanmu Huai's request, Huang Mao also frowned. Apart from anything else, having to live alone in a downtown area was very fatal in itself. After all, most of the buildings in downtown areas are commercial buildings, and there are basically no places for people to live there. And it’s a single-family house...a single-family house...


Huang Mao suddenly thought of something and clapped his hands hurriedly.

"By the way, brother! There is a house that quite meets these conditions!"


Hearing Huang Mao's answer, Duanmu Huai was somewhat surprised. He also knew that his condition was very difficult. He originally thought that Huang Mao had nothing to do, but he didn't expect that he actually had it?

"Take me to see it."


Soon, Huang Mao took Duanmu Huai to a house in the city. The appearance of this house looks different from its surroundings. It looks more like a warehouse than an ordinary commercial building. There were a few lines of letters written on the signboard that were not sure whether they were French or something else. Duanmuhuai just glanced at them and then looked away.

"What is this place?"

"This is an estate we've received before."

Huang Mao opened the door and introduced Duanmu Huai.

"This place was originally a warehouse. Later, when the new city was developed, it was bought and converted into a coffee shop + B&B."

After listening to Huang Mao's introduction, Duanmu Huai also walked in, curiously admiring the scenery inside. As Huang Mao said, there is still some vaulted warehouse style left here. But most of the place has been renovated, so it looks like that.

"The first floor is a coffee shop, and the second and third floors are accommodation rooms. And because the owner's craftsmanship is good, this place seems to be quite famous among a certain group of people."

"How come it was sold to you?"

"Oh, the store manager was addicted to gambling, and ended up losing everything. He also sold this house to us to exchange for gambling funds. I heard that the guy still owed loan sharks. I'm afraid he has been sent to a fishing boat to fish. ”

Gambling is harmful.

"This place is nice."

Duanmuhuai looked around carefully and nodded with satisfaction. This building is located at the corner of the street and is in a relatively closed area. And there is a bustling urban area nearby, which increases the cost for cultists to cause trouble. And because it was originally a warehouse, the entire building is also designed to be closed-well, this is normal, otherwise a thief who comes in casually will steal things. Gone?

"Okay, it's settled, I will ask for renovations here."

Duanmu Huai made a decision, then looked at Huang Mao.

"How much?"

"Hey, brother, what are you talking about about money?"

Upon hearing Duanmuhuai's inquiry, Huang Mao waved his hand.

"You helped Meijia and let our Baifan family get rid of that unfortunate curse. How can I ask you to pay for it and give it to you directly!"

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