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Chapter 1373: Strange shop (this cat’s body is as fat

Chapter 1373 A strange shop (this cat’s body is as fat as a balloon)

Ziyuanji Youzi, who was at full strength, did have a few brushes. It didn't take long for her to find the information Duanmuhuai needed.

"According to my investigation, the accounts of these three people all received a sum of money one week before their actions."

Ziyuanji Youzi opened the window, pointed at the information in front of him and said to Duanmu Huai.

"The money is basically around 500,000, and it was transferred through different anonymous accounts."

"In other words, these guys were really instigated?"

"Perhaps it can also be said that he was hired. After all, half a million yuan is not a small amount of money for ordinary people."

"Continue to investigate."

"The clue ends here."

Shionji Yuuko shook her head.

"These anonymous accounts were only used once, and the deposit records were from ten years ago, so there are not many residues at all."

"In other words, someone saved several accounts worth half a million yuan ten years ago, and then just transfer money directly from here when needed? Where is the personal identity of the account?"

"Nothing gained, it's all fraudulent use of other people's identity information..."

"These **** are really cautious."

Hearing Ziyuanji Youzi's reply, Duanmuhuai snorted in displeasure.

"Where's the old immortal?"

"I inquired through police channels. The police did find some books similar to religious publications when they searched his home. They are currently investigating, but there seems to be no progress. The professor's account also has the same transfer record, but the time It’s been a long time, probably about five years.”

"Good guy, this is poverty alleviation."

Duanmu Huai rolled his eyes speechlessly. Most academic people are poor, let alone those who study folklore. But since the other party has been able to support him for five consecutive years, it means that this old professor should still have some skills in the Cosmic Light Sect... Well, judging from his crazy appearance, it doesn't look like he can be trained in a year or two. of.

The investigation has come to an end here, or it has entered a dead end. Because those anonymous accounts were too long and too scattered, even Shionji Yuko was unable to investigate who was behind the scenes controlling these accounts. But she thought it was not one person, but a group of people. Because according to Shionji Yuko’s investigation, these anonymous accounts were opened in different locations, and some were even abroad. Unless the man behind the scenes knows the art of clones, this is the most reasonable explanation.

"It seems that we still have to catch him alive."

Duanmuhuai stared at the screen, and then sighed.

"What's next?"

"It's very simple. Continue to monitor other addresses. If there are any abnormalities in these places, notify me immediately."

Duanmu Huai originally planned to trace the account directly to the individual, but now it seems that this method is not feasible, so he has to continue to wait and see... It's really annoying.

Since the other party intends to awaken the sleeping or sealed old rulers or evil gods, and wants to make big news, it is impossible to keep silent. Once there is any trouble, Duanmu Huai plans to take action immediately and go to deal with the opponent.

"But, brother, wouldn't it be bad if you just go there like this?"

At this time, Shajiuye also asked.

"I think brother, you should have a public identity. This will make it easier to move around. Otherwise, what will you do if others ask you when you get there?"

"This is indeed a problem..."

Hearing Sha Jiuye's reminder, Duanmu Huai also started to think, while Ziyuanji Youzi next to him chuckled.

"What's so difficult about this? As long as you put a badge on your chest, no one will dare to trouble you. After all, when you look at you, it looks like... pain, pain, pain...!"

However, before Ziyuanji Youzi could finish his words, Duanmu Huai stretched out his ruthless iron claws and grabbed his head.

"You're done, aren't you? Don't mention this in front of me again!"

Damn it, the system used this when designing the background for me, and now you do it too?


Just when Duanmu Huai caught Ziyuan Si Youzi, kicking his legs and shouting randomly on the bed like a little chicken, Duanmu Huai suddenly thought of something and his eyes lit up.

"Let's just be a detective. As expected, detective is the one that suits me!"


Hearing Duanmu Huai's words, Ziyuanji Youzi, who was lying on the bed, held his head and looked at him with an unhappy expression.

"You don't look like a detective at all! Where can I find a detective like you!"

"Stop talking about it, I said yes! That's it! You can go through the procedures for me later and clear the formalities. From now on, when I go out to investigate, I can just show up as a detective, and I don't have to worry about being exposed. Doubtful."

"But you are called a detective if you rely on someone to entrust you. If you go to investigate and someone asks who entrusted you, what will you say?"

"Do you even need to ask?"

Duanmuhuai waved his hand.

"You still call yourself a NEET detective. Read more novels. When people ask, you will say that a dead man entrusted me with it! Isn't that the end of it?"

Duanmu Huai was very proud of his sudden idea. After all, many suspenseful detective novels didn't start like this. The detective received a commission from someone, received a reward, and then went to the destination to inquire, only to be told that the client had already died... …Isn’t this the classic opening paragraph of suspenseful detective novels?

It’s all made up anyway, so why not make one up yourself?


Hearing Duanmu Huai's words, Ziyuanji Youzi's expression was as ugly as if he had caught a fly while eating noodles.

"I've never seen a detective like you..."

"Didn't you see it now?"

Duanmu Huai didn't care about the dissatisfaction in Ziyuanji Youzi's tone. He was now very proud of his ingenuity. Appearing as the client of the dead would not only fit in reasonably, but would even cause a series of commotions. . Maybe those guys with evil intentions will jump out on their own. Isn't this much simpler than simply using reasoning to solve the case?

Therefore, the weapon of criticism cannot be compared to the criticism of weapons! "Anyway, let's do it this way. If something similar happens over there, you know what to do."

"I know...wuwuwu..."

Ziyuanji Youzi no longer dared to talk back at this moment. Duanmu Huai scratched her head just now, which made Ziyuanji Youzi feel that her head was as fragile as an egg shell. If she hadn't struggled desperately, she might have My head just exploded!

I'm still a little girl, this **** won't even hold back! ?

"So there's nothing wrong now?"

"That's not true."

Listening to Duanmu Huai's complaint, Ziyuanji Yuzi lay on the table, stretched out his hand and pointed feebly at the screen.

"Those people have been standing outside for a long time. You should go and see what's going on."

During the renovation, Duanmu Huai followed Ziyuanji Youzi's request and installed cameras in all directions of the building. The connected ones were naturally Ziyuanji Youzi's bedroom. It can be said that in addition to being her bedroom, this place is also her bedroom. Responsible for monitoring - Duanmuhuai is welcome at all.

Where can you find someone who is willing to do security checks for you 24 hours a day without having to work?

Duanmu Huai looked in the direction of Ziyuan Temple Youzi's finger, and as expected, he saw a few people standing not far from the gate.

"What is this for?"

Duanmu Huai also looked puzzled. This was not a store and it wasn't open. Why was there someone blocking the door?

Anyway, just go and check it out.

At the same time, outside the gate, four girls were looking at the gate in front of them curiously, with doubts on their faces.

"What kind of store is this? Ichichi-senpai?"

A red-haired girl carrying a guitar took a selfie with her back to the door, then curiously turned her head to look at the blond girl next to her.

"Ugh... I'm not sure. I remember this place used to be a coffee shop, but now it seems to have been renovated..."

The blond girl shook her head from side to side, looking confused. The girl with short blue hair standing next to her showed an excited expression.

"Maybe it will be LIVEHOUSE."

"Huh? Really?"

"Yes, when I passed by a few days ago, I saw that this place was being renovated. It was full of punk decorations, and look at this door!"

As she spoke, the blue-haired girl pointed to the thick, huge, Gothic-style double doors.

"Look at the pattern above, the skull, and a lot of metal textures. This is a pure heavy metal punk flavor! Punk originated in the UK, and it was originally..."

"What are you doing here?"

Just as the blue-haired girl was excitedly educating her companions, the heavy door suddenly opened, and Duanmu Huai walked out. Looking at the group of four in front of him, he asked.


Seeing Duanmu Huai's sudden appearance, the blond girl was startled, while the red-haired girl quickly ran behind the blue-haired girl and hid. Even the eloquent blue-haired girl turned pale at the moment and was speechless.

"You, you, hello..."

The blonde girl seemed to be the backbone of the group. When she saw Duanmu Huai's gaze, she was frightened and trembling with tears in her eyes, but she still mustered up the courage to say hello to Duanmu Huai.

"I, we didn't mean to make noise here, we were just curious about this newly opened store..."


Duanmuhuai turned his head and glanced at the door.

"Well, that's right, this is a newly opened store."

"Please, what is for sale here?"


Facing the blonde girl's inquiry, Duanmu Huai pondered for a moment.

"It's kind of a detective agency."


Hearing this, several girls were suddenly startled and looked at Duanmu Huai with wide eyes in disbelief.

"Huh? Does that mean you are a detective?"

"What? It doesn't look like it?"

"No, no, no, we didn't mean that...Yes, I'm sorry to bother you!"

Before he finished speaking, the four girls turned around and ran away. Duanmuhuai looked at their backs, shook his head, and then closed the door again.


On the other side, the four girls didn't relax until they ran to the other side of the street.

"Okay, so scary!"

"Yeah, I've never seen such a scary person... Couldn't it be some gangster office there?"

"Huh? But will the underworld firm be so public?"

"Anyway... we'd better be careful in the future."

The blond girl also looked at the others and said, although Duanmu Huai doesn't look like a good person, he was quite kind when he spoke just now... Well, but this is just the appearance. In short, if you want to come here in the future, you still have to do it. Just be careful.

But unfortunately, their gathering place was not far from the detective agency.

...The situation is worrying.

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