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Chapter 1383: Devils and devils (it seems to be gettin

Chapter 1383 Demons and Demons (it seems to be getting hotter these two days)

“Special report, there was an explosion in the March Mental Hospital on the outskirts of our city last night, suspected to be caused by a gas leak. The fire has been brought under control, and the number of casualties is still being counted...”

"Oh, I really didn't expect that this kind of thing would happen."

Sitting at the dinner table, watching the news on TV, the middle-aged woman sighed with emotion, and then looked at the girl with glasses opposite.

"Are you okay? Do you want me to call the school for you to ask for leave today?"

"No, Mom."

The bespectacled girl finished her breakfast silently and stood up.

"I'm going out."

The girl with glasses came to school as usual and greeted her classmates as always. But when she came to the classroom, she was surrounded by several people dressed as hot girls at the door, and then they took her to a secluded place behind the school.

"Hey, ugly girl."

The leading hot girl stared at the girl with glasses with disdain, while the latter still lowered her head and curled up.

"Sada didn't come to school today, and he didn't ask for leave from the teacher. Do you know what happened to him?"

"I, I'm not sure..."


Hearing the answer from the girl with glasses, the hot girl immediately widened her eyes and stared at her dissatisfied.

"Don't you live near his house? How could you not know? Are you hiding it from us on purpose?"

"I, I really don't know..."

The girl with glasses shook her head, looking panicked, while the hot girl showed a fierce smile and slowly approached the girl with glasses.

"You really don't know? He disappeared, but you told me you didn't know anything? But it doesn't matter, I will soon know what you know!"

Having said this, the hot girl suddenly opened her mouth, and then dark tentacles sprang out from it and shot towards the girl with glasses.

At the same time, a cold light flashed!


Along with the severed tentacles, the hot girl let out a weird roar and retreated. The girl with glasses stood there, holding a kitchen knife in her hand, staring coldly at the hot girl in front of her.

"Sure enough, it's just as the master thought."

"Hoo...ho ho..."

At this moment, the hot girl glared angrily at the girl with glasses. Her face began to melt, and her facial features became distorted, like a wax figure that was set on fire. At this time, several other hot girls also gathered around, and their appearance gradually turned into indescribable beasts, glaring fiercely at the girl with glasses. The latter just held the kitchen knife tightly and stood there quietly, motionless.


Several tentacles came from both sides and stabbed at the girl with glasses. The bespectacled girl quickly waved the kitchen knife at a speed that was almost impossible for humans to react, cutting off all the tentacles that were stabbing her.

Although the girl with glasses reacted extremely quickly, the monster on the opposite side was not slow either. Just as the girl with glasses swung the kitchen knife again, a tentacle suddenly circled around, flew past the girl with glasses, and penetrated her directly. chest. Immediately afterwards, tentacles struck from all directions, piercing the bespectacled girl's head, chest, arms, thighs, and lower abdomen, completely turning her into a horrific skewer.

For an ordinary person, this blow would be enough to kill him completely, but the girl with glasses just glanced at the tentacles and then gave the order.

"Do it!"

The next moment, several figures suddenly emerged from the shadows of the hot girl monsters. Their arms instantly lengthened, and they easily pierced the heads of the hot girls.

It was obvious that these monster babes did not have the abilities of bespectacled girls. After their brains were penetrated, they screamed and then turned into a pool of splashing mud and soft human skin, falling to the ground unresponsive.

"As expected, just as the master said, their heads are their weak point."

As the bespectacled girl spoke, she swung the kitchen knife again to cut off the tentacle that penetrated her body, and then threw it aside. The big hole that appeared on the girl's chest did not flow out any blood. Instead, it shook a few times like a frame-jumping screen, and then returned to its original state.

The girl with glasses raised her head and looked around, only to see the hot girls still standing there behind the human skins. These are the "shadows" of the hot girls that the girl with glasses scanned and copied before. Although their appearance is better than the Shoggoths who turned into soft monsters, but looking at the slender spider-like hands and feet - well, just It can be said that each has its own merits.

"Eat them."

"You want us to eat this?"

The leading hot girl's shadow showed an obviously unhappy expression, while the girl with glasses did not change her expression.

"You know, if you can't eat her, you can't replace her."

"Well, I just don't want to eat this stuff..."

As he said that, the hot girl's shadow stretched out his hand towards the mess of meat on the ground. With a "click", the remaining body of the hot girl disappeared completely as if it had evaporated, leaving only a dark streak. It looked like burnt humanoid marks.

" tastes really this what Shoggoth tastes like? Why does my prototype have to be mixed with such disgusting things?"

"This is not the time for you to complain."

Faced with the complaint from the hot girl leader, the girl with glasses did not change her expression at all.

"What do you know?"

"Well... everyone in the class has been completely transformed, and they are now starting to turn their targets to teachers and other students in the club, and of course family members and their friends, as well as their friends' friends..."

"Why do you do this? Do you know the reason?"

"have no idea."

The hot girl leader shook her head and pointed to her brain.

"The information received by the prototype can only be transformed, polluted, and diffused as much as possible to welcome the return of a certain existence... That's it."

"I see."

Hearing the hot girl's answer, the girl with glasses nodded, then she took out her mobile phone and made a call.

"Master, it's me, it's... the situation is like this... yes, okay, I understand."

After a brief conversation, the girl with glasses hung up the phone, and then turned her head - the other shadows standing next to her had also "eaten" their prototypes, and were standing there staring at her.

"The situation has changed. The master has allowed us to move freely. There is only one thing we have to do next."

At this point, the girl with glasses paused. "Assimilate everyone in this city as quickly as possible!"

Duanmuhuai hung up the phone, yawned, and looked out the window silently.

Although I had already guessed that this would be the case, now it seems that it has really become like this.

If Duanmu Huai could have his original abilities, he would be more inclined to directly issue an extermination order to the entire city. But unfortunately, Duanmu Huai cannot use the power of the God of Destruction in this world, and even if his [Explosion] is raised to the full level, it is impossible to blow up an entire city, so the only way is to fight fire with fire.

Well, from this point of view, Shadow and Shoggoth are actually quite similar. Shadow needs to scan other people's information, copy it to become someone else, and then eat the scanned prototype to become someone else.

And the Shoggoths here are also transformed into the form of others through assimilation.

In fact, Duanmuhuai knew that Lord Shoggoth had the ability to transform into a human being. Of course, ordinary Shoggoths did not have this ability. But now...well, I can only blame the culprit for making them like this.

"Is it really the Cosmic Light Foundation?"

"That's right."

Looking at Ziyuanji Youzi with an unhappy expression on the other side of the computer screen, Duanmuhuai also snorted coldly - after leaving the mental hospital, Duanmuhuai removed the hard drive from the main cabinet and connected to Ziyuan through the computer. Tera Yuko, who analyzed the entire data on the hard drive and then came up with the results.

To put it simply, the director of this mental hospital has been conducting research on the treatment of mental illness, and he is more concerned about the field of treating mental illness through surgery. Of course, his research didn't make much of any difference at first. And it also caused a lot of problems. On one occasion, the patient's family even took him to court and almost went to jail.

Just when he was detained and about to despair, someone came forward to bail him out.

And the other party is from the Church of Cosmic Light.

After that, they funded the construction of the March Mental Hospital, and the doctor became the director. Here he was able to have a large number of mentally ill patients as guinea pigs for experiments. Of course, the Cosmic Light Church also helped the mental hospital deal with some troubles.

However, the dean's research has not improved, which makes him increasingly anxious. And just when he was about to despair, people from the Cosmic Light Church came to his door again and took him to the second material storage room...

"Well, so this is indeed a show performed by the Church of Cosmic Light."

Looking at the decrypted information, Duanmu Huai looked calm and indifferent. From these records, it can be seen that the Church of Cosmic Light originally built a mental hospital here. So it is obvious that they knew what was here, so they chose here. What's even more incredible is that the Church of Cosmic Light did not tell the dean about the secret of the Shoggoths immediately. On the contrary, they chose to tell him about it when the dean was completely desperate and at the end of his rope. The dean has completely stepped into the abyss...

Well, Duanmu Huai has no interest in the life of this dean. Cultists are like this. They only need to be responsible for doing evil. Who cares if there is any unknown tragic experience behind it.

"But this church is really cautious. I checked the mental hospital's account and found that they receive a large amount of money every year, but this money is not transferred through transfers, but directly deposited into the account. In other words..."

"The other party gave me cash. It's an old-fashioned and reasonable evasion method, especially in the information age."

Duanmu Huai sighed. In the Internet age, any operation that circulates through the Internet will be recorded. The only way to get rid of this kind of investigation is to give cash directly - just like the kidnapper in the movie wants cash instead of a check. , Of course, the more experienced ones will still need old banknotes.

These are all to avoid being traced. After all, whether it is a remittance or transfer, records will be left, and as long as the remitted money is locked, sooner or later it will be withdrawn. As long as you find the person who withdraws the money, you can follow the clues and catch it. A prisoner. In comparison, it is much more convenient if it is cash.

However, this is not the end.

The scene in the mental hospital is just the prelude to a larger drama. According to the information obtained from the girl with glasses, the memory of the Shoggoths obtained after scanning only contains the only thing that welcomes the arrival of a certain being - that is to say , is the spread of these Shoggoths prepared for the coming of a certain evil god?

"So, what do we do now?"

The idol detective flipped through the information at hand and narrowed his eyes.

"Although the explosion in the mental hospital was covered up as a gas explosion in the news, it is certain that the other party will be wary of it. Of course, this also shows that the other party's control in this city is very deep..."

The idol detective had a gloomy face and was able to unanimously announce that it was a "gas explosion" on the second day after the incident, which shows that the other party's control over the city has reached an unimaginable level. After all, this cannot be achieved by relying on public relations orders. As a star, the idol detective is different from other detectives and has appeared on TV for a long time. Because of this, she also has a good understanding of the operation of the media.

To be able to give such a unanimous answer means that it is not just an administrative order from above, but it is even possible that high-level executives in the media industry are involved...

"It's obviously just a small city, but I didn't expect that something like this would happen!"

"The sky is high and the emperor is far away, there is nothing strange about it."

Duanmuhuai didn't care. After all, small cities were like this. Although they were not as good as big cities, closed circles were more difficult to deal with. The so-called strong dragon does not suppress the local snake is like this.

Of course, for Duanmu Huai, there is no need to suppress the local snake, just destroy it directly.

"Should we report it to the Detective Association and ask them to send someone?"

Food detectives also offered their opinions.

"At least we now have enough evidence to prove inhumane experiments in mental hospitals. If we use this as a reason to ask the Detective Association to re-investigate..."

"Aren't you afraid that the newcomers will also be transformed into monsters?"


Hearing Duanmu Huai's rhetorical question, the food detective was speechless for a moment.

"The more people there are, the more likely it is that problems will arise, and this cannot be solved by just having a large number of people. There are also tens of thousands of people in this city, and once a disturbance occurs, it will only be more difficult to solve."

The idol detective shook his head, and Duanmu Huai also laughed.

"That's right. Since the other party has shown that it is not willing to cause trouble in a big way, then we will continue to investigate. Anyway, no matter what trouble we cause, the other party will have to wipe our **** regardless of whether it is reluctant or not."

Hearing Duanmu Huai's words, the food detective and the idol detective both rolled their eyes. After spending a night together, they already knew Duanmu Huai's behavior very well.

It is conceivable that when Duanmuhuai talks about making trouble, it must not be ordinary trouble.

Well, fortunately, it's not me who wipes my butt.

"What are your plans next?"

"I'm going to investigate the dean. He shouldn't have left the city yet."

The idol detective quickly answered.

"Then I'll go investigate the situation of the Care Fund. Since this is a proposal from the city council, it means there may be accomplices in the city hall. Maybe I can follow the clues and find some clues."

The food detective also made a decision. The two looked at each other and then looked at Duanmu Huai. Facing their gazes, Duanmu Huai shrugged his shoulders.

"I'll take a nap first and then see what happens - after all, it's been a tiring night."


That's right.

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