Start a Dungeon

Chapter 434 Efficient Trade Alliance

Lott really arranged the layout of the entire venue according to the arrangement at the United Nations.

Curtis attended the meeting on behalf of the forces of Elinor. The diplomatic policymakers sitting behind him were all representatives sent by the lords of the cities on the continent of Elinor. After all, they were all from the same land, so they naturally had to show their respect. Down.

The one closest to Curtis is the birdman messenger - still with a handsome young face - all the forces present here are present in human appearance.

There are 21 representatives from all parties sitting in the surrounding circle, representing 21 countries and regional forces.

It doesn't mean that you have to be the overlord of the continent to sit here. Regardless of the size of the country, all forces in the trade alliance are eligible to participate.

Of course, joining a trade alliance is not a simple matter. You must pass a certification review. The basis for determination is:

Are the region's policies liberal?

The rule of law, civilization, and the spirit of contract are all important considerations for joining the alliance.

Only these can make trade feel safe.


Lott crossed his arms and crossed his legs, sitting on the sofa and looking at the big screen in front of him. He tilted his head and asked, "What is today's theme? Can these people here represent the will of their regional lords?"

"Please rest assured, sir, our technological products are sold in all areas that have trade relations with us, including remote communication equipment - their lords can see the live broadcast here." Goblin replied.

"Is it."

Obviously, the technological products of the underground city have been widely sold at home and abroad, and are very popular among people of all ethnic groups. Therefore, they will directly have a severe impact on the local industries in the region.

Only trade protection and adding tariff barriers can prevent it.

However, according to the regulations of the alliance, trade protection is not allowed. Therefore, if you want to join the alliance and make a lot of money, you must make domestic industrial rectification in advance to cope with the impact of opening up.

Regarding this point, some leaders fully accepted the culture and knowledge of the underground city, and even sent people to come here to study, and then brought everything here, including the system, back to teach people and let them get used to it.

Therefore, even if that force joins the alliance and opens the border, it will not have any impact on their industry. After all, the merchants have already done it.

But others are different. On the one hand, they stick to their own small farmer economy, and on the other hand, they seek to enter with high trade barriers.

"Only a fool would let them join. We are all businessmen, not philanthropists - let Curtis pay attention. Political correctness is not allowed. Everything should be done according to rules and order."

"Okay sir."

meeting starts

The trade representatives were polite at first, but after Curtis made a round of remarks, other parties began to yell.

The trade alliance is not a political institution like the United Nations, but a trade network like the WTO, but it still has some politics involved.

It can be regarded as the product of the combination of UN+WTO.

But the operational efficiency is much better than that trash of the United Nations.

At least when a quasi-trading country is invaded and then asks for help.

In the belief that the usurper might not be as enlightened as the person involved, the Alliance Metropolis agreed to send troops to rescue him.

Lott will basically not participate in small-scale battles. After all, member states must use the equipment they purchased in the past.

Only when encountering an invasion by a large evil force such as a sheep-headed monster, Lot would not hesitate to intervene militarily.

If you can't even protect your allies, then what qualifications do you have to be the leader of the alliance?

"The following is about the introduction of movies. Because the distance is too far, you can't place the elf center there, so you can only build supporting facilities such as movie theaters by yourself. We will send special personnel to guide you on the specific operations."

Curtis sat there and watched everyone talk.

Seeing that there was not much left to listen to in the assembly, Lott stood up and gave instructions to the goblins before disappearing.

At this time, in the meeting scene, the affairs officer behind the birdman messenger sitting next to Curtis communicated with him, and then the birdman hurriedly pulled Curtis who was spitting.

"What's wrong?" Fatty asked in a low voice.

"The Speaker's little daughter is missing"

"Fiona! Pull up your cloak a little higher. You are a vampire and are afraid of light. Cover your cheeks from me!"

"Eh? Is that so?"

On the prairie, Teresa was sitting on a bench and leisurely directing the photography work in front of her. Next to her, Emily and Liz stood on both sides holding big fans, acting like palace maids on call.

A group of film and television staff were running around following her instructions.

In front of them, Fiona was standing in front of a sidekick in her shameful mid-level vampire suit, looking like she was about to reveal her stinky and long name.

This is what Lot saw.

"Why are you sitting in this position? Where is the director?" Lott looked at Theresa and asked. He was about to signal Emily, who was standing behind her, to remove the fan, but his eyes were quickly caught in Theresa's arms. The dove is attractive.

This is a pigeon wearing a dress

It feels like Zootopia.

"What is this?" Lott couldn't help but ask.

"Props." Teresa said casually, grabbing the little pigeon whose head was spinning in her arms.

"Props? Did you put this skirt on?" Lott asked as he squatted down and looked at the pigeon tightly held in Loli's hand, and reached out to rub the clothes on it.

Something's wrong, this material is high-quality fabric!

When Theresa saw it, she quickly raised her hand and asked with a vigilant look:

"What do you want to do? Don't try to trick me! This is a precious prop used in making movies!"

"Wait a minute! Don't use so much force!"

Lott subconsciously stretched out his arm, fearing that she would lose it if she lost her balance.

Because he vaguely noticed that this little bird in a skirt was a little unusual. Its eyes were wide open and its head shrank for a long time, making it look like it was scared.

Jonas? !

After spending time with the birdmen, Lott gradually became able to understand the meaning of each of their movements.

And the emotion shown by the little pigeon in front of me is fear!

This Jonas birdman doesn't seem to be able to speak Common Language and should still be in the stage of a young girl.

Oh my god

If anything goes wrong, it will be an international dispute!

Thinking of this, Lott squatted next to Loli, staring at the pigeon she placed on her body and said:

"Theresa, listen to me, how much does your pigeon cost? I want it!"

"Don't think you're going to get rid of me just because you have some bad money. Let me tell you, these are precious props that will be used later. This is art, you know!" Loli looked at Lott with a look of disdain and said, Treat money like dirt.

"50,000!" Lott offered.


"make a deal!"

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