Start a Subspace

Chapter 119 The Horrible Mining Machine (4000 words please subscribe!)

Zhang Ran swallowed his saliva, and his whole body had already started to break out in a cold sweat.

These inferences... don't know how true or false it is, but it does sound like a strong heart palpitation.

Even if there are 16 small universes collected on the earth, it is not surprising that there are more than a thousand collected in the wave valley area.

Professor Fu's voice became more and more high-pitched: "It also produced a daughter body... This daughter body is now captured by us!"

"Your Highness, gentlemen and girls, don't you think that the appearance of the Void Amoeba is not a coincidence?"

"Don't you think this is a very efficient way of collecting resources?"

"It's a mining machine!"

"If there is an advanced civilization that wants to collect a lot of resources and send out these void amoebas that will reproduce automatically, I estimate that it only takes one or two hundred years to clean up the matter in the Wave Valley area..."

"It finds other life, and it will give priority to the life! If it is a mining machine created by an advanced civilization, it can explain why it has great hostility towards life."

"Life will consume additional resources, so the dark forest theory may be valid to a certain extent. We can even think that most civilizations are low-level civilizations, and it is impossible to resist its attack. If we don't have that meteorite... we can escape It's already pretty good."

"There shouldn't be many civilizations like ours that can summon meteorites, right?"

As Professor Fu was talking, he broke out in a cold sweat, and felt a little lucky that human beings actually obtained a high-speed asteroid ahead of time.

Then, using the teleportation ability of the subspace, it was forcibly beaten to death.

This is completely a miracle that cannot be replicated!

Now there is another void amoeba, and humans may not be able to beat it...

Zhang Ran was silent for a long time, and couldn't help thinking of a question, asking: "But if it is artificial life, why not be smarter? The civilization that created it should make it smarter? If it is smarter, isn't it more intelligent? good?"

The relevant scholars naturally discussed this issue for a long time, and soon, Professor Fu replied: "It may be to reduce the chance of betrayal, and there may be other reasons."

"For example, clearing civilization is not its first priority. It just cleans up some low-level civilizations. When encountering powerful civilizations, forcibly attacking them will cause diplomatic disputes, so they simply don't set too high intelligence."

"It's even possible that this kind of mining machine is completely unpopular. It can only collect a small amount of resources, and it is powerless to face massive stars such as the sun and Jupiter."

"For the civilization that created it, this thing may be countless. Even if it reproduces once every 10 years, it will be able to reproduce a million in hundreds of years. In the case of exponential growth, one more or one less will not matter. It doesn’t matter. At least that’s how I feel, if the creation of civilization is as outrageous as possible, then everything can be explained.”

Everyone in the meeting room fell silent.

If this conjecture is true, then this universe is a little too scary.

Lin Qiuyue raised her eyebrows at the side: "That's right, no wonder its curvature navigation technology seems to have been castrated... Curvature navigation can theoretically exceed the speed of light."

"But it can only move at a speed of five or six hundred kilometers per second. Although it is already fast, it is still too slow compared to true curvature navigation."

"Civilizations that can defeat it are generally stronger, at least at the interstellar civilization level; civilizations that cannot defeat it will be slaughtered in minutes."

"It also has the ability to can self-destruct important parts, the ability to self-destruct that we can't fact, we only got a hull."

At this point in the discussion, everyone was completely speechless. Even Lin Qiuyue was speechless as she talked.

This conjecture is simply terrifying!

Is it actually a mining machine?

When I think of the void amoeba that human beings have exhausted their cards and defeated, it is actually someone else's low-level, and there is no way to have a highly intelligent mining machine!

There is no weapon, no intelligence, only brute force, which is to collect resources conscientiously there, and transform matter into dark matter... These dark matter cannot even be used by itself.

By the way, clean up some low-level civilizations.

The matter in the wave valley area is its food, and other life forms are just flies.

Seeing flies buzzing nearby, wanting to invade his own territory, he killed them casually.

This is like a kind of silent coercion!

We are here! We create! We collect!

Who cares about ants trampled to death on the side of the road?

Who cares about bacteria killed by breathing?

Who cares about the life and death of paramecium civilization?

Unless it is in the laboratory, the very lucky paramecium can live longer.

A wild paramecium is poisoned to death by a little pesticide, and it can't understand how it died...

This conjecture made everyone in the conference room speechless in shock.

This ability to create life cannot be called creation, but "fabrication", fabrication out of thin air!

It is an unimaginable gap in strength and a gap in wisdom level.

Humans cannot even create a single-celled life, let alone such a "life body" that does not require any cell structure.

This kind of shock made everyone present feel small.

Even Ling, who has always been soulless and doesn't speak, stood there in a daze, motionless. Her breathing seemed to have stopped.

A more magnificent world appeared before people's eyes. A Darwinian jungle society that is older and crueler than the Earth's jungle.


The universe is too big, too old...

The observable area alone has reached 13.82 billion years. But its true diameter is obviously larger than this number. According to current research, the universe may be 92 billion light-years long, and more of it is the unobservable universe.

92 billion light years, what a terrifying number.

What's even more frightening is that this is just one universe in a multiverse world.

Among countless civilizations, as long as there is one that starts 100 million years earlier, that is a huge gap of 100 million years.

One hundred million years ago, the earth was still in the age of dinosaurs. Who said that the age of dinosaurs could not produce intelligent civilization?

Human beings who have just possessed controllable nuclear fusion technology, hurry up and become stronger...


After a long time, Zhang Ran slowly recovered from this shocking state.

No matter how you think about this kind of thing, it's useless. The level difference between the two sides is too great.

There are too many unsolved mysteries in the world. For the current human beings, a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, and there seems to be no big difference between one more trouble and one less trouble.

One more powerful alien enemy, and that's it.

He felt the tense atmosphere in the air, laughed dryly, and said, "The probability of the other party chasing and killing a paramecium shouldn't be very high, right?"

"You don't have to be so nervous. Maybe the other party gave us this mining machine."

"Your Highness, we can't use our thinking to speculate on such a civilization. The probability of the other party chasing and killing paramecium is indeed not very high."

Guo Weiqiang from the military had an ugly face: "But you must know that there is a large amount of matter in our wave valley area... 2.3 earth masses of matter, most of which are gases, anyway, there are not many."

"A large amount of material is equivalent to rich food."

"It is possible that another void amoeba will come out and compete directly with us, and it may even be a more powerful type."

"Even if we have this ship... we can't compete with it."

Zhang Ran sighed: "It's really impossible to beat it now. But after ten years of development, it will be possible."

Lin Qiuyue shook her head: "But where did the ten years come? It appeared in the second year after the sun disappeared."

A professor in charge of military security suddenly sighed: "On the other hand, we cannot rule out that the void amoeba sent out some special signals to call its companions at the moment of death."

"This signal may not be an electromagnetic wave signal, or it may be a dark matter signal, a gravitational wave signal, or other signals. Anyway, it is a special signal that we cannot detect at all."

"These situations are all possible. In case there is a real signal, we..."

This guess was extremely bad. Zhang Ran rubbed his temples, took a sip of water from the cup on the table, and fell into a state of contemplation.

Human beings' understanding of dark matter is still very shallow.

In the universe, dark matter accounts for 85% of the total mass of all matter and 26.8% of the total mass-energy of the universe; and dark energy accounts for about 68.3% of the mass-energy of the universe.

Normal substances actually only account for 4.9%, which is pitifully small.

What about dark matter and dark energy?

Currently unexplained.

One conjecture holds that dark matter is composed of particles with mass that exist in higher dimensions and have weak interactions.

Why are void amoebas so light?

Because it transforms normal matter into dark matter through certain reactions in the small universe!

In other words, certain dark matter minerals are more precious minerals in the eyes of advanced civilizations.

Ordinary substances, they don't need it at all!

But only the detection of dark matter has always been a mystery.

Even if a piece of material composed of dark matter is placed in front of our eyes, it is invisible and intangible, and human beings do not know its existence at all.

Because they have no electromagnetic interaction.

However, human observation methods are limited to electromagnetic force. Photons are the medium for transmitting electromagnetic force. Electromagnetic force plays a decisive role in determining the internal properties of substances encountered in daily life.

"If this conjecture is true, should we just flee here and go further afield?"

Zhang Ran tapped the table lightly with his fingers, and said with a serious expression: "First of all, the first point: Is it still sending out dark matter signals? We have to figure it out. If it is still sending out signals from far away, we don't care. Wherever you go, you will be chased."

"Or, just abandon this big spaceship?"

Of course, abandoning this large spaceship is equivalent to abandoning a large amount of resources.

The meteorite fell here, and humans have invested a lot. This decision is basically asking for a dead end.

The military expert immediately explained: "No, there is no need to abandon this spaceship."

"The various materials in the void amoeba's body, except for the more than a thousand small universes that we cannot understand, the rest of the body tissue and various chemical materials, although novel in structure and unique in performance, are mostly in the category of theoretical understanding , we have checked various areas within the wreckage, and there should be no signal transmitters."

"A dark matter signal transmitter across space cannot be constructed too simply."

"It is very difficult, even almost impossible, for a single small universe to form a signal transmitter."

"In addition, our high-dimensional perceiver, Lord Erwin, can see some 'extra' things."

"He has scanned the spaceship many times, but found nothing."

"So the only thing we can count on is Erwin..." Zhang Ran smiled wryly in his heart, "Okay, it's better than nothing."

Lin Qiuyue, who was sitting next to her, was also resting her head in her hands, she didn't know what she was thinking, maybe she lamented the weakness of human beings, the change brought about by a nuclear fusion is still too small and too small.

"...Finally, any movement of the Void Amoeba requires a lot of energy support, and it no longer has any energy sources in its body. All the energy sources currently are provided by us humans. Although this life form is advanced, its energy something, it is still needed.”

"So, based on those three points, we think the ship is safe."

Zhang Ran thought for a while, then nodded.

"That is to say, there is no signal now; but we can't rule out that it sent a distress signal at the moment of death and when its internal organs self-destructed, right?"

"That's right."

The expert said: "There are two ways to solve the danger. The first is to repair the curvature engine and run farther, at least a few light-years away, but it is not realistic for us. Even if we repair it Without the curvature engine, at a speed of 500 kilometers per second, it takes 600 years to travel 1 light-year."

"The second is to repair the curvature engine, and go to other places through the high-dimensional universe and through the leap."

"Theoretically, curvature navigation is able to travel through the high-dimensional universe, which can also explain why void amoebas appear here."

"Is it a high-dimensional transition...why does it feel unreliable?" Major Guo Weiqiang shook his head.

"'s not very reliable. We don't know what the high-dimensional universe is." Even Professor Huo Dong, who has always been bold, did not directly support the high-dimensional transition plan.

No matter what, Zhang Ran still felt a strong sense of urgency.

He decided to invest a sum of creation energy to speed up the construction of the mothership.

At least the curvature engine should be repaired as soon as possible, so that this spaceship... can move!

He is determined, krypton gold... 200 points!


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