Start a Subspace

Chapter 123 Imitating Humans (4400 words)

In the dull and cold atmosphere, Professor Huo coughed, and said helplessly: "The big tear of the universe is not as simple as it is now, the whole universe will fall apart and return to the final nothingness..."

"This nothingness is not a simple vacuum, but nothingness in the true sense. Our galaxy should disappear soon. As for how long the entire universe can last, I don't know. After all, our universe is too big."

This news is simply appalling!

Humans haven't collected the material in the wave valley area yet, the entire galaxy is about to collapse...

Zhang Ran secretly groaned in his heart, and touched the 4,000 yuan in his pocket... The 200 points of creation energy he just allocated have not been exhausted yet.

He glanced at the people in the conference room again.

In fact, everyone is at a loss. Human civilization is like a flat boat in a tsunami. Rolling lightning and rolling waves may capsize at any time...

In the current situation, it is impossible to use the creation energy to speed up the construction of the spacecraft.

His creation ability is very strong, but there is no way to directly complete various details...

In addition, the Eastern Rock is located in the real universe, not the subspace, and he has to create matter from the subspace, and then let the workers transport it out for construction.

This speed is very limited.

Even if he spent a lot of creation energy to move the Eastern Rock to the subspace... just the cost of opening the door would cost 145 creation energy points.

Once back and forth, it is 290 points!

This consumption is too great, Zhang Ran is really reluctant... Supplementing the energy of creation is very difficult.

"Is there any way to save us?" Councilor Zhou Chengfeng asked in a hoarse voice.

"The first way is curvature navigation, entering the high-dimensional universe. It is very lucky, we actually have curvature technology in advance."

Professor Huo said: "There are still three months left, so it should be in time."

"We can use curvature bubbles to protect the three-dimensional space, so as to avoid the disintegration of normal matter in high-dimensional space-time. Then we can find a way to explore what high-dimensional space is... Maybe we can go to other resource-rich places with good luck, Like a void amoeba."

"So, civilizations that master curvature technology have a high probability of surviving."

"The second is... the small universe. Civilizations with underdeveloped technology can save their lives through the small universe."

"The microcosm can also protect the integrity of three-dimensional matter."

"But the small universe has no motivation. After falling into the high-dimensional world, it is up to fate where it falls. Maybe it will be lucky to jump to a certain resource-rich area, or it may be swallowed by something, or it may be because of resources. Scarcity, slow death, these are all possible.”

Zhang Ran didn't know whether to rejoice or sigh.

Fortunately, mankind has mastered curvature technology...

Really fortunate to reach the extreme, a void amoeba came and delivered it to the door.

But obviously, human beings don't know anything about the theory of curvature technology, such as small universe topological linkage, gravitational linkage, etc., which can be regarded as the most hip-hopping three-legged cat technology.

Since the hips are stretched, it means that it is not safe.

Humans don't know what the high-dimensional universe is, in case the ship capsizes...

But no matter what, it is much better than a civilization with only one small universe and difficult escape...

"Everyone." It was another doctor who spoke, "We can place another small universe in the Eastern Rock. In this way, we have double insurance. Even if the Eastern Rock blows up, we can still communicate with the outside world through the small universe." communicate."

Zhang Ran pondered for a moment, then nodded and said, "Then, it is basically certain that Simonsen's perception of danger is caused by the possible destruction of the galaxy, right?"

"It is highly probable, but the first two reasons cannot be ruled out...Anyway, I don't think so, what kind of alien life cubs, don't think too much about such low-probability events."

"Hurry up and fix the curvature navigation, the theory is not important, the most important thing is the usability."

Everyone chatted and discussed for more than an hour, and left with their concerns.

Goal... Repair the curvature generating device as quickly as possible, and complete the curvature navigation!


It is impossible to really understand the principle of curvature navigation in the short term.

This is like the ancient people got a mobile phone, and they can learn to play with it in a short time, but it is an impossible task to make a mobile phone or understand the principle of a mobile phone!

The same is true for curvature technology, which can only be imitated and used, but cannot be deeply understood.

Fortunately, people have a good imitation object - alien life cubs.

It has only 4 tentacles, and can complete the curvature movement through the small tentacles, so it has become the best object of observation and imitation.

After the meeting, Zhang Ran came to this heavily guarded laboratory, and it was the first time he saw a veritable "alien".

In fact, he was quite curious about the existence of this guy. It is not easy for so many scientists to keep its life safe.

The little colored ball can be regarded as a very suspicious source of crisis, but it is also a living extraterrestrial with great research value...

"This small jelly-like colored ball is usually very quiet, except for absorbing heat, there is no other movement."

"He likes to be boiled, especially boiling water, which makes him very comfortable. We don't usually do that though."

Zhang Ran looked at these photos, and it was a strange experience to boil aliens in warm water.

The corresponding person in charge of the laboratory is a well-known biomaterials scientist, Professor Scott: "This small colored ball can survive in a vacuum as well as in an atmosphere. problem. The ability to withstand harsh environments is exceptional.”

"The temperature at which it can survive is minus two hundred and ten to three thousand one hundred degrees Celsius. If it exceeds this temperature range, it will become restless and actively look for a suitable place."

"It's a veritable super alien..."

The strongest species on Earth should be the famous tardigrades, which can be found in mountains above 6,000 meters or in the deep sea of ​​4,000 meters. Radiation with an intensity of 5,700 gray, the radiation of an atomic bomb cannot kill it; a pressure of 600 MPa, six times the water pressure of the deepest Mariana Trench, cannot crush it.

In addition, humans have also discovered that water bears can survive in a vacuum.

This little colored ball has more vitality than tardigrades.

Scott added: "Its curvature movement method is to mobilize the topological linkage reaction of the small universe itself through the swimming of the tentacles. In fact, there is more than one small universe in its body, and there may be multiple, and part of its biological structure may be in the small universe. internal."

As he spoke, Professor Scott pressed a remote control button, and the heat source in the glass box moved a certain distance.

The little colored ball found that the heat source under its feet had moved, and rolled lazily for a while, and then the four tentacles on its body squirmed a few times, floated out of thin air, and lay on the heat source again.

It is these few "tentacle creeps" that have become a way of curvature navigation.

"Professor Scott, do you think this guy is in danger?"

"I... don't know." Scott spread his hands, "For now, it appears to be harmless to humans and animals, but no one knows whether it is accumulating energy."

"But no matter what, its ability has an upper limit. It is already its limit to penetrate the glass of our spaceship, and the glass of the spaceship is actually not thick, about 2 centimeters. High-speed machine gun bullets can also hit wear."

"In the face of a one-meter-thick tempered glass, it seems to have no ability to escape."

At this moment, Zero, who was following behind him, patted his wrist lightly: "Your Highness! I found something."

Zhang Ran whispered, "What's wrong?"

In normal tasks, Ling usually does not take the initiative to intervene in Zhang Ran's work. She is just a soulless bodyguard who occasionally works part-time as a secretary and occasionally as a maid...

"It... seems to be imitating me." Zero sensed something, and whispered in Zhang Ran's ear, "It is paying attention to me, I have this intuition, although it has no eyes... but it seems to be paying attention to me."

"What did you say?!" The hairs on Zhang Ran's entire body stood on end in fright.

"Look at its's imitating me." Zero waved his hand, "It's not interested in you, but it's paying attention to me."

The two tentacles of the colored ball also swayed.

Then, her twin ponytails fluttered twice, and the other two tentacles of the colored ball also fluttered twice.

"This is……"

This scene caused a great uproar, and all the experts panicked. This kind of situation had never happened before.

This little colored ball has been lying lazily on top of the heating device, motionless.

But today, it actually began to imitate humans!



The most elementary wisdom is imitation.

Babies who are just born have no intelligence. Babies acquire intelligence by imitating adults and socializing.

Monkeys can imitate humans, so it is often believed that monkeys also have a certain amount of intelligence.

But the void amoeba, isn't it without wisdom?

If it has the potential of wisdom, many previous guesses would be inaccurate.

It's going to be very menacing!

Zhang Ran took a deep breath, with a nervous expression: "It... it doesn't want to eat you, does it?"

This is not impossible, the adult void amoeba has great malice towards life!

Even the group of soldiers behind became tense, each holding their guns tightly.

Zero's twin ponytails fluttered, he closed his eyes for a moment, and said, "I seem to be able to sense its bewildered seems to be curiosity, and a little bit of excitement? It probably doesn't want to eat me. "

"are you sure?"

"The glass is too thick. If you open the glass, you may be able to sense it more clearly. It shouldn't be that kind of particularly malicious emotion. I think it's just imitating."

Zero's mental force field ability is amazing, not just as simple as mind force. Her mind is more sensitive, and she can vaguely feel other people's emotional reactions, especially other people's malicious emotions.

This ability allows her to work well as a guard.

Of course, Zero actually has some mental problems...

She can feel malice, that is, negative emotions, but can't feel too many positive emotions, which leads to her poor social skills, and her mental age is relatively young, just like a little girl, she may be a part of protecting herself some way.

Because of this, Zhang Ran won't ask her too much, anyway, just pamper her, let her do some not-so-difficult work, study hard, and make progress every day.

It’s okay to be younger mentally. Isn’t double ponytails pretty good? When the productivity is developed in the future, I will give her a sailor suit, which is simply a top match!

But this time, this psychic ability is actually used on alien life, which is simply surprising.

"'s probably psionic." An expert seemed to have thought of something, and touched his chin: "Is there any difference between psychics at the physical level? It can distinguish psychics from ordinary people... why?"

"Could it be that the universe where this little colored ball is located is a psionic universe?"

"Is there really a psionic universe?"

Scientists have always believed that the emergence of supernatural phenomena is a temporarily unknown physical phenomenon.

They are not supposed to be forever undecipherable.

Humans have only five psykers.

In the past, no psyker had ever appeared in front of this little colored ball.

Today is the first time ever.

It turned out to be mimicking humans, a puzzling discovery.

Zhang Ran turned his head: "Let Sakurai come over and have a try."


Zero retreated to the back.

Sakurai with short hair stepped forward. She didn't have braids, and she could only wave her arms a few times.

This colorful ball also began to imitate Sakurai, looking very energetic.

This scene was stunned. Professor Scott, who was standing on the side, almost popped out his eyes: "What is this? Why? Is it really related to psykers?"

And Zhang Ran showed a thoughtful expression: "Sakurai, call the other psychics over."


About half an hour later...

Facts have proved that the small colored balls will imitate the psykers indiscriminately.

In front of these psykers, it began to become extremely lively, like a dog waking up, jumping and jumping.

However, it doesn't like to imitate Akizuki, Simonsen, and Irwin, but prefers to imitate Zero and Sakurai, especially Zero.

The reason... is unknown.

For ordinary people, it pays no attention at all.

Whether it's a famous professor or a wise and mighty highness, in its eyes, they are all existences like air.


One wave is not flat, and another wave rises again.

The emergence of this special phenomenon left Zhang Ran at a loss for what to say. The Milky Way hadn't exploded yet, and the alien larvae that had no intelligence seemed to have wisdom again.

That's not necessarily a bad thing.

This miraculous discovery quickly brought together many experts who study aliens to further explore these unsolved mysteries... Yes, there are too many unsolved mysteries now, even if there is any breakthrough , can bring great progress to human science and technology.

In the conference room next door, they let their whimsy run wild.

Zhang Ran coughed, motioning for everyone to be quiet, and then said: "Everyone, let's ignore other things, we must discuss the risk of alien life."

"I don't think the Milky Way hasn't collapsed yet, but we humans have played around and been eaten by alien creatures. Will it destroy our human civilization, or is Simonson's prediction caused by its birth wisdom?"

Soon, a scientist expressed his opinion: "Your Highness, I think this is an excellent opportunity, not a crisis! If the education is good, it may become the foundation of our human civilization."

"We humans also raise a lot of animals. Cats and dogs still exist in our world. It should be nothing if there is an extraterrestrial life. Especially, it will not spread any diseases. There are no bacterial viruses on this guy of."

Zhang Ran asked: "Then, is its intelligence higher or lower than that of cats and dogs?"

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