Start a Subspace

Chapter 194 Returning to the Yang Galaxy

In this way, one day later, this sudden alien war came to an end, almost ending with a complete victory for human beings!

The damage to the Dongfang Panshi was not too great. Part of the metal was annihilated by the four protective covers, and two million tons of air escaped. Some transportation facilities also suffered minor damage.

Fortunately, these are not too expensive things, and it is not difficult to repair...

The green star people really regarded this big ship as their own trophy, so the losses they brought were limited.

In comparison, on the contrary, humans have obtained more things, a total of 620,000 robots, a considerable part of small war robots, and some are computers, life-support devices and other equipment, and some High-end production line.

By the way, there are still 6,000 Green Star fact, they can't be regarded as real soldiers. In fact, there are experts from all walks of life.

These guys have really packed up their fortunes... They really want to grab a spaceship and rise again in the starry sky.

Not to mention, if it weren't for the creation ability of the subspace, these green star people would really be able to successfully implement their own strategies.

The most important thing is the four-protection cover, which is the biggest trophy on the human side!

The spherical special device looks very strange. There is a big ball in the middle, and there are more than a dozen smaller balls around it, moving around the big ball...

There are still a few buttons on the chassis device under the ball. No matter how the human scientists toss, this strange device has no response.

So curious! Really curious!

This is the first time that human beings have obtained such a high-level technology, which is unimaginably high-level!

What kind of civilization can invent this four-dimensional shield? I can't even imagine it.

Meanwhile, the interrogation of the alien captives continues. For example, their origins, why they stayed on the edge of the black hole, their technological level, how to use the protective shield, why they robbed human spaceships, etc...

Some questions have been effectively answered, and some questions have not been perfectly answered.

"Is it a four-guard cover? Of course I bought it from a high-level civilization. Didn't you buy your curvature spaceship, and the ability to create objects in the void? Did you pick it up? Ga!"

"What kind of advanced civilization...According to our definition, the civilization that has entered the era of singularity is the real advanced civilization."

"Because the intelligence of both sides is no longer at the same level."

"We Green Stars once wanted to buy the manufacturing method of the curvature engine. The other party thought that the current intelligence of our Green Stars could not understand the curvature technology. Because the object-oriented that needs to be dealt with is highly complex and abstract, and the intelligence evolved naturally cannot be understood under normal circumstances. understand this abstract discipline."

"However, the other party does not deny that we Green Stars can also enter the era of singularity through continuous technological progress."

"We Green Stars are a civilization with great potential! This is certified by a high-level civilization! Ga!"

"Oh...the so-called era of singularity is the strong artificial intelligence of individual civilizations. At that time, everything will change drastically. You know, the wisdom evolved by nature is always quite limited, even if the scale of the entire universe , There is also a real upper limit. This naturally existing upper limit is still not enough for the era of singularity."

During the interrogation, the captain of the Green Stars, Karta, proudly declared: "The four-dimensional shield is highly bound to his life and cannot be changed in a short period of time. Unless the people of the Green Star Civilization are completely safe, he will I will be loyal to mankind and remove the security authority of the four-protection cover."

This statement made Zhang Ran a little puzzled. What's the matter with this guy? He actually made all kinds of demands? Is he a captive, or are humans captives?

Isn't he afraid that human beings will use some criminal law on him? Either inject him with some chemicals and let him know what it means to be drunk!

But thinking about it carefully, Zhang Ran still suppressed these inhuman dark thoughts.

He thought about it for a while, and said: "These aliens are constantly bragging. They probably want a chance to survive. Their population is not large, only 6,000 people..."

"If they can prove the value of their own existence... temporarily send some scientists to communicate with them to confirm the value of these green star people."

Hearing that human scientists are going to be sent to communicate with aliens, the meeting room is so noisy that almost everyone wants to sign up! everyone!

Zhang Ran had no choice but to directly assign Lin Qiuyue to choose the manpower...

There are also those reporters who are also crazy with excitement. They have won a big victory, so there is no reason not to report.

But what should be said about the attitude of human beings towards the Green Stars...

It is not only related to the Green Star people, but also the future social trend of thought.

Anarchism, communism, populism, communism, can't have both, the construction of social thoughts must be consistent with the spirit of the regime and the pace of civilization development.

Next, while the scientists were discussing in groups, Zhang Ran asked, "What do you think these green star people should do? Kill them, or keep them temporarily?"

The reason why he is so kind is because without this war, people died miraculously!

Since there are no dead people, the hatred between the two sides is not too great, and there is barely room for negotiation.

If many people died, no matter how valuable this group of aliens was, they would have to execute a large number of them to appease the hearts of the people.

Lieutenant Colonel Guo Weiqiang reported the current interrogation status: "The Green Stars are a very strange race, and it is indeed an unprecedented way for human beings. They exist in groups, with the highest leader being the ball leader, the second-level leader being an elder, and the third-level leader being an elder. The first-level leader is Zhichang, and everyone after that is civilians, responsible for various divisions of labor."

"They are a real interstellar civilization. In an extremely wealthy environment, there is almost no class division."

"Ball leader, elder, etc. are just positions, and there is almost no situation of oppressing civilians."

"Green Star people grow fruits through the plant parts on the top of their heads to reproduce the next generation, just like pollen fertilization, they can self-fertilize or hybridize, they have no sexual pleasure, and there is no distinction between males and females. This leads to the culture within their society The structure is not like ours, they don't have family distinctions, instead they have a tribal, communal approach."

"A community composed of a certain genetic memory as its core."

This kind of androgynous intelligent life is so weird to human beings that it can't be weirder.

If the Sibadi civilization is barely understandable, the social model evolved from the Green Star civilization is completely grotesque and somewhat subverts people's imagination.

"These green star people are basking in the sun under the sun lamp. The plants on their heads can carry out photosynthesis. Even without any food, they can survive for a long time. Of course they need water, and they like ammonia."

"Ammonia... isn't it... urinating?" Zhang Ran faintly heard that a few young people behind lowered their voices, discussing something, "Or defecation?"

"...They prefer an environment with 30 degrees Celsius, 1.3 atmospheric pressure, and a slightly higher gravity than the Earth. They are currently isolated in the high-gravity area of ​​the Dongfang Panshi."

The adaptation environment of the green star civilization is similar to that of human beings, which is an easy task.

Because 20-40 degrees Celsius is the temperature at which various organic reactions are relatively easy to occur, and proteins are highly active in this temperature range.

It can be inferred that most of the carbon-based life prefers the temperature in this interval, so it must be true.

Guo Weiqiang continued: "Although they can photosynthesize, they are serious carnivores. They need food to supplement protein. Food can accelerate their growth. If they don't eat, their growth rate is very slow."

"Therefore, it can be inferred that at the ideological level, there is a tendency for the weak to prey on the strong. It is a natural thing to submit to a stronger species."

"As far as the known information is concerned, the Green Stars seem to come from the Shapley supercluster 500 million years ago. The Shapley supercluster is formed by the aggregation of multiple galaxies, with a diameter of about 4 billion light-years, which is larger than our Laney The Akea supercluster is even bigger."

"From 500 million years ago?!" Many people are hearing this number for the first time.

Some people couldn't help but let out a "crack".

"Ga" is the standard mantra of Green Star people, whether it is praise, exclamation, obedience or greeting, this particle can be used.

This modal particle seems to be contagious. After being in contact with the green star people for a while, the human side also began to "crack".

Because this is the only word that both parties can understand without a translator. A "ga" before a conversation is equivalent to greeting "Have you eaten yet?"

Guo Weiqiang swallowed his saliva, and continued: "Because the distance is too far, we know very little about this supercluster of galaxies... They claim to come from the Shapley supercluster of galaxies, and in the Dagui Yang galaxy, a man named Green Star planet, so their name is Green Star Civilization."

"Great Guiyang galaxy... what kind of galaxy is this?" Professor Huo was completely puzzled. As an astronomer, he had never heard of this term, and even the human database did not have this term.

"It's just a transliteration. We haven't studied this inconspicuous and very distant galaxy at all. In addition, they claim to be a third-level civilization in the universe civilization, and they have enough professional knowledge to make our technology progress. Their Everyone is the best of the best, and given time, enough qualified scientists and engineers can be bred."

"Of course, they claim that everyone is an elite." Provides you with the fastest start to a subspace update, Chapter 194 Great Return to the Yang Galaxy Free to read.

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