Land Temple.

Lei Xiu suddenly laughed, but a trace of despair flashed in his eyes.

Yes, Lin Ye also distrusts herself, and can even be said to have no good feelings at all, how can he come and save her? Maybe she wished she would die?

At this moment, Lei Gang slapped out, and the huge force directly flew Lei Xiu out several meters away, smashed heavily on the ground, and spewed out a large mouthful of blood.

Then Lei Gang rushed over without mercy, grabbed her by the collar and threw her out again, shouting angrily: “Say? Why don’t you say? I raised you so big, you actually lied to me, do you think that I am blind and easy to deceive? Bastard, say ah! ”

Looking at Lei Gang, who looked like a crazy demon, Lei Xiu slowly closed her eyes, she no longer wanted to argue anything, or in other words, with such a father, she had already accepted her fate.

As if feeling Lei Xiu’s despair and desire for death, Lei Gang completely exploded and kicked Lei Xiu’s body: “You want to die?” All right? Then I will fulfill you, just when I didn’t pick you up, give me death!” ”


A dull crash sounded, followed by Lei Xiu, he heard Lei Gang’s scream, opened his eyes in confusion, and saw that I don’t know when, the figure in his mind was standing tall in front of her, and the hands and high head he was carrying made him look like a fairy.

“Who are you?” Lei Gang rolled over and got up from the ground, looking in Lin Ye’s direction with a gloomy face.

Lin Ye walked to Lei Xiu unhurriedly, and then said lightly: “Uncle Shi, you can also get your own daughter, and you really deserve the name of ruthlessness, but you are Uncle Shi, I won’t kill you, but Lei Xiu I will take it away, I hope you don’t live too lonely.” ”

“Are you?” Lei Gang’s body was trembling, feeling his numb hands, he was a little unacceptable, why did he lose to Mao Xiaofang before, and now he has to lose to Mao Xiaofang’s apprentice? Why!

He raised his head to the sky and roared, but in the end, he could only let Lin Ye and Lei Xiu leave, but the anger in his heart became heavier and heavier, and the murderous aura in his body was about to condense into substance.

Lin Ye looked back at Lei Gang with a smile, if he could, he really wanted to kill Lei Gang directly, but this would inevitably make Mao Xiaofang think more, after all, no matter what, Lei Gang is Mao Xiaofang’s senior brother, and the two are even brothers who grew up together.

Although Lei Gang went crooked later, Lin Ye was convinced that Mao Xiaofang definitely did not want Lei Gang to die, otherwise Mao Xiaofang would not have trusted Lei Gang so much after seeing Lei Gang ‘reform and return to right’, because that was Mao Xiaofang’s lifelong desire, if it were not for Lei Gang’s final cliff jump, maybe Mao Xiaofang would still give Lei Gang a chance to live.

No way, whether it is Ninth Uncle or Mao Xiaofang, it is too righteous, Lin Ye, as their little fan, has to take care of the feelings of the two of them no matter what.

But this does not mean that he will not kill Lei Gang, but he prepared a big gift for Lei Gang, a death method that is enough to make Mao Xiaofang’s heart completely disappear and let Lei Gang smell for ten thousand years, although this will make Lei Gang live a few more hours, but is there a difference?

Looking at Lei Gang, who was completely furious, Lin Ye squinted and smiled noncommittally, and then looked at Lei Xiu: “Can you still go?” ”

Lei Xiu jerked back to his senses, and then got up from the ground with great effort, gritting his teeth and saying, “Yes!” ”

What she said was quite imposing, if that shaky body could be stabilized, Lin Ye might believe it.

Sighing helplessly, Lin Ye bent down and said, “Forget it, come up.” ”

Lei Xiu’s face turned red, but he still trembled and climbed onto Lin Ye’s back, hugged his neck tightly, and attached his entire head to Lin Ye’s back.

Lin Ye patted the back of Lei Xiu’s hand, then stood up, turned his head again and glanced at Lei Gang: “Uncle Shi, don’t be so angry in the future, the anger hurts your body, if something happens to your body because of anger, then Uncle Shi, won’t you lose a lot?” ”

“Get out! ! Lei Gang burst into drink, but he didn’t have the courage to swing his fist at Lin Ye, so he could only vent his inner anger in this way.

Lin Ye laughed and quickly left the Land Temple.

After confirming that Lin Ye and Lei Xiu’s aura disappeared, Lei Gang gritted his teeth and sat down cross-kneeled: “Bastard, you wait for me, when I recover my strength, I will crush the entire Fuxi Hall to ashes, I am the leader!” ”

Ten minutes later, Lin Ye returned to Fuxi Hall, Lin Ye looked at Lei Xiu, who was still holding his neck tightly, and sighed helplessly: “Okay, are you not going to come down or what?” Hurry, don’t ink! ”

Lei Xiuqiao’s face was slightly red, and she hurriedly let go of her hand and jumped down, but when she landed, she directly sat on the ground unsteadily, and she cried when she landed, it hurt too much.

Fortunately, at this time, Ren Tingting and Ah Chu Ahai ran over, looking at Lei Xiu, who was sitting there crying, and the three of them were all stunned.

Ren Tingting bent down and pulled Lei Xiu up: “What’s going on?” ”

Lin Ye spread out his hand: “Father and daughter cannibalism, gee, Lei Gang can really get his hands off, okay, she is now injured, you take her back to adjust!” ”

Speaking of this, Lin Ye suddenly thought of something, and then quickly pinched the trick, drew a golden spell in the void, and slapped Lei Xiu’s neck violently.

The next moment, Lei Xiu’s neck burst out a cloud of red blood, but then dissipated without a trace, if it weren’t for the blood that rushed out of the ground now, everyone would have wondered if there was a problem with their eyes just now.

On the contrary, Lei Xiu, at the moment when the blood light burst out, instantly felt that the whole person was much more relaxed, as if the shackles that trapped her had been broken.

A moment later, Ren Tingting came back to her senses and helped Lei Xiu to walk towards the room, Ah Chu saw this, patted Ah Hai’s shoulder, and then turned around to go about her own affairs.

Only Ah Hai looked at Lei Xiu’s gaze a little complicated, and finally he looked at Lin Ye again: “Senior brother, am I really hopeless?” ”

Lin Ye shrugged: “I told you a long time ago that Lei Xiu is not your dish, it is you who are going to bump into it, don’t tell the black when the uncle comes back.” ”

“Huh?” Ah Hai was stunned, then happy, and said with relief: “Senior brother is right, it’s my own wishful thinking, okay, I’ll go to my own business first.” ”

Watching Ah Hai leave, Lin Ye shook his head and smiled, sure enough, whether it was Ninth Uncle’s disciple Wencai Qiusheng A Xing, or Mao Xiaofang’s apprentice A Chu Ah Hai, they were all the kind of guys who were grinning, and if they fancy a certain girl, they would get together when they had the opportunity, and they would not be too sad if they didn’t have the opportunity.

But sometimes what people lack is not their mentality?

After lunch, Ren Tingting continued to help Lei Xiu heal the rubbing, and Lin Ye stopped Ah Chu Ahai and said, “You two don’t do anything this afternoon, go to Zilong, and then count all the sheep farmers in the town, and tell me the largest few.” ”

“Yes!” Although he had doubts, Ah Chu Ahai still decisively led the order to leave, and during Lin Ye’s time in Gantian Town, these two goods had almost become his doglegs.


Late at night, at the Land Temple, Lei Gang sat cross-kneeled, looking in the direction of Gantian Town in a gloomy tone: “Fuxitang, it’s fast, I only need to suck the blood of thirty more sheep to recover my strength, wait, wait for me to crush your bones, hahaha!” ”


The laughter continued, but his head slammed away from his body and flew towards the outside, looking at the target, which was Gantianzhen.

At the same time, the Mo family, a big sheep farmer in the town, Lin Ye also walked in, after the previous snake demon and Cixi tomb incident, Lin Ye’s reputation can be regarded as stable in Gantian Town, coupled with the matter of feng shui village, although now the people of Gantian Town still trust Mao Xiaofang more, but they also have enough respect for Lin Ye.

Lin Ye’s arrival made the Mo family couple very happy, when they were ready to kill chickens and slaughter sheep to serve Lin Ye, but Lin Ye refused, after all, he had already eaten dinner before coming, and he ate a lot, and now killing chickens and slaughtering sheep is too wasteful.

“Master Lin, are you coming here so late?” Old Man Mo welcomed Lin Ye into the room and asked suspiciously.

Suddenly, he thought of something, and couldn’t help but snort, “Master Lin, shouldn’t it be that I have something unclean here?” ”

Lin Yele looked at him he: “There are indeed unclean things, but you don’t have to worry, I’m here, no evil can make a second!” ”

“Really?” The Mo family couple were directly taken aback, but when they looked at Lin Ye’s confident expression, they all breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at each other, and knelt down in front of Lin Ye.

Lin Ye was also startled by the two of them at this time, nonsense, two people who are almost sixty kowtow to him, he doesn’t have such a big face, if he really takes it, he will lose his life.

So he instantly moved his body and was about to speak, but suddenly stopped in place, shushed the Mo family, and then quickly rushed in the direction where the breath came.

The Mo family couple glanced at each other again, and then quickly followed, after all, there is absolutely no safer place than Lin Ye’s side now.

When Lin Ye rushed to the side of the sheepfold, he happened to see Lei Gang’s head skimming over the courtyard wall, and directly pounced on the goats in the sheepfold and opened their mouths and bit it.

Looking at the Mo family couple who had already run over, Lin Ye immediately shouted: “Bold demon, give me death!” ”

Lei Gang’s head shook violently, slammed away from the sheep’s body, and was about to escape, but before he could make any moves, a long sword directly pierced his forehead and nailed him directly to the wall…

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