Start As a Lord In a Viscount

Chapter 382 I have never fought such a wealthy battle in my life

Because of the extra twenty people, it was not as smooth for Claire to go back alone. He had to hire a group of carriages to carry the mages' luggage, as well as some strange little pets and magic equipment.

There is no need to hire mercenaries to escort them all the way back. With Claire's current strength, basically how many robbers come, so how many robbers have to be explained here.

What? You are stronger than a wizard. Then you are still a ghost robber, and someone will come to give you money when you lie down.

Because of the overland route, the speed of returning to Nafu City was much slower. At this speed, it would take at least three or four days to return to Nafu City. However, Claire was not in a hurry, on the contrary, she enjoyed the feeling of slowing down, lying on top of the magical beast transporting goods, looking at the blue sky in the sky.

The surrounding mages looked at Claire with awe in their eyes. After seeing Claire's performance at the recruitment site, they went to various sources that night to find out about Claire's identity, and only then did they know who they were on the list. Such a noble.

But what they didn't understand was why this Lord Claire didn't stay in the capital, but wanted to bring them back to his own territory.

After those local nobles gained power, they desperately squeezed into the capital, even if they broke their heads. The infrastructure and other aspects of Wangdu are the most developed and resource-rich places in the country. It is like a richest man who does not stay in BJ and Shanghai, but has to return to his hometown of the third and fourth tiers.

It really made these mages wonder, but they didn't dare to ask if they didn't understand. They could only keep silent and move forward with certain expectations.


After entering the southern part of the kingdom, the surrounding things became desolate and backward, giving those mages a feeling of going to the countryside from the city.

However, this feeling changed after entering the Earl of Griffin. The endless flow of traders here made them feel a hint of prosperity. The closer they got to Nafu City, the clearer the feeling. There are also more tourists and traders in Fucheng, and you can also see the adventurers carrying the corpses of monsters to Nafu City. Their mental state is completely different from those in other cities where they stayed.

People here feel more real and happier.

When they saw the city gate, Claire also jumped up from the back of the beast and landed on the ground lightly.

The people of Nafu City at the city gate also said hello after seeing Claire.

"Lord Viscount!"

"Master Viscount, you are back."

Seeing those people constantly waving and smiling at Claire, the mages were a little stunned. When had they seen such a scene.

Claire smiled and nodded at the people. The residents of Nafu City were also very sensible. They did not stop Claire, but stopped to make way for a passage for Claire and his team to enter first.

After the mages were stunned, they quickly followed the convoy and walked in. The first thing they saw when they entered was the statue of the mermaid. However, the mages' perspective is always a bit different from that of ordinary people. Most of the first thoughts they saw were , Damn, how did this thing come out, and then I started to think about the principle to see if I could reproduce such a dynamic statue.



Claire first took the mages outside the Academy of Sciences in the North District, and then shouted loudly.

"Come out, I'll send someone to you."

After a while, Isaac flew out of it and landed in front of Claire.

Looking at the mages behind Claire was a little stunned, especially when he saw Walker, he was even more shocked.


"Senior Isaac? Why are you here." Walker was also shocked. Isaac was in school for several years because of his previous graduation project. Walker was often helped by Isaac when learning inscriptions and enchanting. .

"I graduated and came here," Isaac replied.

"Since you know each other, you don't need to introduce too much." Claire smiled.

"What's going on?" Isaac asked.

"During the graduation season of the Wangdu Academy of Magic, I recruited some graduates, some of which are for you."

Isaac looked at the twenty wizards behind Claire, everyone was stupid, aren't you a viscount? How can you fool so many graduates?

Then Claire pointed to the mages he had specially picked for Isaac, and shouted, "You are all research mages, so you can work under Isaac in the future."

Isaac was overjoyed, these are the ones that can really be attacked! He couldn't bear those old magic apprentices and low-level old mages before, and he sometimes said some things that others couldn't understand. Now that these high-level mages come, then his experiments can have new progress!

The mages pointed to by Claire also carried their luggage and walked behind Claire from the team.

Isaac rubbed his hands a little embarrassedly and said: "What, suddenly adding so many mages, should I mention the research funding again?"

"When I was alone, I was alone, and it didn't matter if I had less money, but now there are so many people, and I can't make good things without money."

Saying that, Isaac leaned over to Claire and whispered, "I tell you, I'm researching a new material recently, and it will definitely be of great use if it is researched."

Those mages who walked behind Isaac also rubbed their hands together excitedly. What these research mages look forward to most is research funding, the more money the better.

They had just joined in, and now they can only hope that Isaac can help them get some more money.

Ignoring the sentence behind the other party, Claire responded: "Yes, how much do you plan to ask for?"

The things Isaac researched really worked. The magic bullets he made before helped Claire kill an archmage, and the magic artillery that attacked in a large area was very useful, but the only drawback is that it costs money . But now that Claire is rich, that's not a disadvantage.

Isaac showed a rare embarrassed smile, "Isn't it about 100,000 per month before? There are so many people here, double it?"

Those mages all looked at Isaac in amazement. One hundred thousand a month? What kind of life do you have? Asking an archmage to sell one life is about 100,000 yuan. You are 100,000 yuan per month?

Victor and the others were also dumbfounded. Their genius-level graduates asked those noble families for 50,000 a year, and Isaac was 100,000 a month by himself? No more than one million in that year!

Isaac smiled at Isaac who was looking forward to it, and finally nodded, "Okay, I'll give you 250,000 a month, but something has to come out, so don't let my money go to waste."

Claire's throwing money into it is not a waste of money, but there must be practical progress, and new things will come out to get higher returns. As long as something comes out, it will definitely cost money in the early stage, and it will cost a lot, so Claire is not very distressed.

"That's for sure!" Isaac said to himself.

He already has a genius idea, and when it is developed, it will definitely shock Claire.

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