Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 107 Ye Chuan is interested (please order first!)

They adjusted their wrist strength and Charmander took action again.

Wrist's palm glowed faintly and he slashed towards Charmander's neck.

Fighting skills - hand knife!


Charmander blocked it with one claw, and then turned the other claw into a fist, burning with flames and blasting out at an extremely fast speed!

The flames exploded, and his charred wrists flew backwards, and then he stood up unsteadily on the ground.

"Very good!" Yan Chongwu's eyes were full of fighting spirit at this time.

As if in sync with each other, he and Wanli made a fist-smashing motion together, and the next second, Wanli rushed over.



Its hands and Charmander's claws grabbed each other, and the two elves stood there and began to stalemate.

But with the strength of his wrist, his forehead quickly glowed with light, and he hit Charmander directly on the head.


There was a sound like stones hitting each other, and Wanli suddenly realized that Charmander's head was actually harder than its own!

Not only that, but due to the reaction force, none of them could stand firm and began to fall backwards.

Seeing that his wrist staggered, Charmander naturally would not give up the opportunity. Its fist ignited with flames again and punched out!

Fire fist!

"Boom!" Flames erupted, and Wan Li's body rolled on the ground for a long distance, losing his ability to fight.

"Um..." After An Shiyu saw this scene, she didn't know whether to announce the result for a moment, but when she saw Ye Chuan nodded, she smiled and said: "Strength of the wrist means losing the ability to fight."

After seeing Ye Chuan win, the happy expression was written all over his face.

"Thank you for your hard work." Yan Chongwu came to Zhili and picked him up.

"Hi ha."

After putting it into the elf ball, Yan Chongwu walked up to Ye Chuan and seemed to be very happy:

"Sure enough, that elf egg belongs to you. I am convinced that I lost."

Charmander was obviously not an elf who was good at melee combat, but his strength was defeated in the field he was good at. Yan Chongwu was really convinced, and he was not unhappy at all after being defeated.

Instead, he wanted to have another fight with Ye Chuan.

"No, the first place is indeed yours." As soon as Ye Chuan finished speaking, Yan Chongwu patted him on the back:

"You are so humble, hahaha."

Ye Chuan, who was so powerful, felt like he was about to fall apart.

"Ah, Ah Ye..." An Shiyu nervously scratched the air with his two small hands on the side, as if worried that this stupid guy would vomit blood from his Ah Ye.

"My martial arts gym is nearby. Do you have time now?" Yan Chongwu said with a smile.

"Then let's go now." After all, Ye Chuan nodded.

After recovering the Elf's injuries with Yan Chongwu at a nearby medical device, under his leadership, Ye Chuan arrived in front of a martial arts gym.

The martial arts gym is not small, and there are many people entering and exiting wearing martial arts uniforms.

Some people who see Yan Chongwu will say hello and say hello to Senior Brother.

"So you are the senior brother." Ye Chuan smiled slightly.

"I'm just a senior brother of my generation." Yan Chongwu shook his head, as if he didn't care. In a martial arts school where martial arts is the most respected, only fists can make others respect you.

After following Yan Chongwu to a room, he soon came out with a jar of glass equipment.

The bottle is not big, about a fist in diameter, and inside there is an egg slightly smaller than a fist. The glass device is filled with culture fluid. Not only that, there is a special soft spring metal on the outside of the glass bottle, which can reduce impact. The glass is also special glass. It is not only not easy to break if dropped, but also has certain earthquake resistance.

Ye Chuan began to observe the elf egg. Judging from its appearance, it was most likely a bird elf. Moreover, the pattern of the egg was blue and yellow, so it was unlikely that a second generation wooden ball would appear.

When Ye Chuan was holding the egg, an unhappy voice suddenly came from beside him: "Chongwu, what are you doing?!"

Everyone turned around and saw a man in his twenties, wearing martial arts uniforms and a serious look on his face.

"Brother." Yan Chongwu shouted immediately after seeing the man.

It turned out to be Yan Chongwu's brother.

"This is my brother, Yan Chongwen." Yan Chongwu introduced.

Then he introduced Ye Chuan and An Shiyu to his brother:

"This is my friend Ye Chuan, who I met at the Campus Cup, and his wife. I plan to give the elf egg to them."

Hearing the word wife, An Shiyu was stunned for a moment, then took a peek at Ye Chuan beside him, with a blush on his pretty face.

Her opinion of Yan Chongwu, a big fool, also improved a bit.

Yan Chongwu was not in high school, so he had no idea about male and female friends, so he was accustomed to talking about his wife.

For him, his girlfriend is going to become his wife in the end anyway, so it would be easier to call them names at the beginning.

Yan Chongwen looked at Ye Chuan, and then said to his brother: "Why don't you sell the rare elf eggs for money, and the money you get in exchange can support the martial arts gym?!"

"Are you going to give it to your friend for free?"

After Yan Chongwu heard this, he immediately shook his head: "Grandpa said that the elf egg belongs to me and I can do whatever I want with it, and Ye Chuan is the real number one!"

"You really have strong wings." After Yan Chongwen scolded his younger brother, he looked at Ye Chuan again:

"I don't agree with you taking this elf egg."

"If you come to the martial arts gym as a guest or to learn something, we welcome you, but I cannot tolerate my brother's naive behavior."

"Doesn't learning martial arts take martial ethics very seriously?" Ye Chuan suddenly smiled and then stared at this man:

"If I can't take away this egg today, it will be equivalent to your brother breaking his promise. Since the martial arts gym is run by your family, it will also lose credibility. Are you sure you want to force him to do such a useless thing?" Morality matters?"

This sentence made Yan Chongwen's face change slightly, because people who learn martial arts do take credibility and the like very seriously. Ye Chuan's words made it very difficult for Yan Chongwen.

After thinking for a while, Yan Chongwen glanced at Ye Chuan: "You are an elf trainer, right?"

"Yeah." Ye Chuan nodded.

"In that case, let's talk like a trainer. If you can defeat me, I will not object to my brother giving the elf eggs to you." Yan Chongwen took out an elf ball and said:

"If you can't beat me, just have a cup of tea and leave."

"Ye Chuan, don't agree. My brother's strength is close to that of an elite trainer. He is very strong." Yan Chongwu quickly grabbed Ye Chuan:

"If I really want to give you this egg, he can't stop me."

"Shut up, Chongwu!" Yan Chongwen frowned.

Ye Chuan smiled and took out a Poké Ball: "Although you don't have to agree, I really want to fight you."

He became interested.

Yan Chongwen squinted his eyes and smiled secretly in his heart.

As expected, this guy took the bait. As expected, elf trainers would not easily refuse other people's invitations to fight.

Don’t even think about taking this egg away today.

(〃'▽'〃)Have a meal and continue updating in the afternoon

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