Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 113 Virtuous Wife

Originally, he just planned to let Ye Chuan subdue the flying mantis so that he could treat it more conveniently. However, he ended up subduing the flying mantis directly.

However, in Yaozao's eyes, Ye Chuan was so extraordinary that it shouldn't be a bad thing for the Flying Mantis to be subdued.

Moreover, Ye Chuan didn’t know what he did just now, but Flying Mantis actually agreed.

Yaozao just pushed up his glasses——


"Ye Chuan, Youyou was just awesome." Youyou next to you patted your chest to take credit.

"We also need to hone skills such as resentment." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, he glanced at Yaozao beside him:

"Shall we go back?"

Yao Zao thought about it, and it seemed that the matter was resolved a bit quickly, so she tentatively asked: "Can you accompany me to pick herbs?"

After all, they agreed to give all the points to each other, and Yaozao also felt that Ye Chuan was not short of money or anything like that:

"I'll make a few bottles of potion for you then."

"It's okay before dinner." Ye Chuan stretched out his hand and took out a mobile phone from under Youyou's skirt. Then he looked at the time and found that it was quite early, and then said:

"Someone is waiting for me at home to eat."

Yao Zao thought of the long-haired girl and showed a clear expression:


The time came to half past six, and An Shiyu had already prepared dinner, then sat on a chair and waited for Mouchuan to come home.

But she was sitting on the balcony right now, and her beautiful eyes were looking outside, as if looking for a familiar figure.

"Care for the empty nester." La Lulas was lying on the sofa playing a game, and then glanced at Mu Mu Xiao next to her:

"Hey, let me tell you, don't lean against me, hot."

Mumuxiao had no choice but to make a noise, step aside, and then continued to watch La Lulasi playing the game with his big eyes.

It's a pity that its wings are short and its claws are difficult to use with mobile phones.

At this time, An Shiyu, who was sitting on the balcony, suddenly lit up, and then trotted excitedly to the door. She straightened her clothes, took out the front camera of her phone and fiddled with her bangs, then stood obediently. .

After a while, the doorbell rang.

An Shiyu opened the door, and when she saw Ye Chuan, she smiled sweetly: "Aye, welcome back."

"I'm back." Ye Chuan reached out and touched her head.

"Are you hungry? The food is ready. Do you want to take a shower first?" An Shiyu blinked and asked.

"Let's take a shower first." After all, after staying in Phoenix Mountain for an afternoon, it is inevitable that there will be dirty things on the body.


Entering the bathroom, Ye Chuan discovered that a change of clothes had been placed on the chair next to him. Even the bathtub was filled with hot water. The white steam rose slightly, as if it had been there for a while.

"This girl." Ye Chuan couldn't help but shook his head. He felt that he was going to be turned into a useless person by An Shiyu, the kind who just lay on the bed and didn't have to do anything, she could move by herself.

After taking a hot bath, Ye Chuan took out a Poke Ball and said, "Just in time, let me introduce you to a new partner."

New partner? !

After hearing what he said, everyone looked at Ye Chuan. Does the new partner mean that there will be an extra elf in the family?

"Aye, have you conquered a new elf outside?" An Shiyu asked curiously. If this is the case, she must be prepared to study the breeding plan.

"Yes." Ye Chuan opened the elf ball in his hand, a white light flashed, and a black flying mantis appeared.

After it appeared, although it was invisible through the glasses, it could still feel the many auras around it, so it jumped back a step and raised its scythe.

"Is it the Flying Praying Mantis, but..." Seeing its vigilant look and the ferocious cross-shaped scar on its face, he asked curiously:

"What's wrong with it?"

"It's the Flying Mantis I mentioned. It was seriously injured and was subdued for some reasons." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, he came to the Flying Mantis: "Relax, we're home."

Hearing Ye Chuan's voice, the Flying Mantis seemed to relax a little, but it was still full of desire to attack.

Ye Chuan put his hand on its shoulder and slowly released the waveguide.


The flying mantis lowered its scythe, and the power of the waveguide could contact the soul. Compared with words, Ye Chuan's approach made it easier to gain its trust.

After seeing this, Ye Chuan turned his head and looked at An Shiyu: "Is there any insect-type food?"

"They have all the attributes." An Shiyu nodded lightly.

She considered that Ye Chuan might conquer elves of various attributes in the future, so she prepared all-attribute elf food. She even prepared some rare ores that rock-type elves liked to eat in the warehouse, and spent a lot of money on it. About hundreds of thousands.

Soon, An Shiyu went back to his warehouse to get a box of insect-type elf food, and also took a few elf tree fruits to prepare energy cubes on the spot.

"Here, the insect elf food is mixed with some energy cubes made from peach and apple fruits. It will not only fill your stomach, but also help recover from injuries." An Shiyu picked up a plate of food and said.

The flying mantis shook its head, as if unwilling to eat the food An Shiyu prepared for it.

It sat there, motionless, like a lonely swordsman.

"Okay, remember to eat when you are hungry. After all, only when you are full can you have the strength to do other things." An Shiyu didn't mind the indifferent attitude of the Flying Mantis towards her, so she put the plate on the ground and returned to the dining table to eat. .

At this time, Flying Mantis's stomach growled.

It can tell by the sound that there is a delicious food in front of it.


It's not so easy to trust others.

But, it smells so good.

The scent of the finished energy cube is quite attractive, and the insect elf food is also very attractive to the flying mantis.

It hasn't eaten in two days.

Trying to stretch out the sickle, he fumbled and inserted a piece of food into it.

Then just try the poison and see if these humans are deceiving themselves.

With this thought in mind, he put the flying mantis into his mouth.

When the energy cube enters the entrance, it turns into sweetness and blends into the mouth, making the flying mantis' body tremble violently!


This is 10,000 times more delicious than the wild fruits and wild insects it eats outside!

The Flying Mantis also lost his composure and finally began to eat. However, because he could not see with his eyes, he was a little embarrassed when eating.

"That's great." When An Shiyu saw this scene from a distance, his eyes curved into cute little crescents.

"Sure enough, I can't resist the temptation of delicious food." Ye Chuan drank the soup, but he was not surprised that the Flying Mantis would behave like this.

It smells so good.

"Aye, can't it see its eyes?" An Shiyu suddenly asked in a low voice. Only now did she realize that the flying mantis was invisible.

"The eyeball is injured." Ye Chuan said, taking out his mobile phone:

"I'll find someone to ask if this can be treated."

(灬°ω°灬) Here is the third update that I owe you yesterday. I will continue to update in the afternoon.

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