Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 160 The Traveler-Youyou

Not suitable for combat.

This sentence seemed to give Ye Chuan a heavy blow. He originally wanted to make the baby tit grow taller, but when fighting, it was like a giant beast, and the opponent couldn't even parry.

It turned out that this chick had an extremely useless physique and was completely unsuitable for fighting.

"What are you going to do with this chick?" Grandpa Ye asked with a smile.

"How to deal with it..." Ye Chuan said nothing.

With his resources, it would be a simple matter to give up this chick and buy another chick.


"No matter how unqualified he is, he is still my elf, so he should continue training." Ye Chuan smiled.

Grandpa Ye said nothing and touched his beard.

Ye Chuan returned to the chickadee, which was already flapping its wings and shouting happily: "Chirp!"

He looked like he wanted to train.

"Let's go, let's go train!" Ye Chuan said, patting the chick's head.


The winter vacation is over in the blink of an eye.

Ye Chuan is reaping the fruits——

The fire dinosaur followed his grandfather's fire-breathing dragon training, and his strength improved extremely rapidly. Coupled with the evolution, his strength has reached the peak of the elite level.

As for the Flying Mantis, because it takes a different route from ordinary elves, its scythe is so terrifying that even the Fire Dinosaurs dare not take it on, so Ye Chuan can only rate it at the same elite level as the Fire Dinosaurs.

As for Youyou, this salty fish, her strength has not increased much. Instead, she has gained 200,000 more fans on Bizhan during the winter vacation. Her strength is probably only at the early stage of elite level, but she can release the shadow ball with the full strength of a master level elf.

Finally, juvenile tits.

The whole winter vacation of training consumed a lot of resources, but the strength...

It's just in its infancy.

The strength of the elves is divided by young - ordinary - elite - master...

The juvenile titmouse is still in the lowest stage of infancy.

But what makes Ye Chuan happy is that the young tit trains very hard. This is one of the few good news for this little guy.

The winter vacation was over, and Ye Chuan and An Shiyu also went home.

"I haven't come back from the winter vacation, but there is so much dust." After Ye Chuan opened the door, he looked at the dust on the table and couldn't help but shake his head.

"Then, let's start cleaning today." An Shiyu smiled beside her.

"I would rather sleep and talk tomorrow." Ye Chuan said.

"No, Aye is lazy." An Shiyu's nose twitched, with disallowance written all over her cute little face.

"how about this?"

Ye Chuan chuckled, lowered his head and kissed her.

"Aye is causing trouble..." An Shiyu's pretty face turned red, she stirred her fingers and whispered:

"If you kiss me again, I won't agree to it."

The next second, her soft lips were captured.

After being kissed until she was out of breath, An Shiyu still held Ye Chuan's arm tightly, her little face bulging: "No, clean it!"

Seeing how persistent this girl was, Ye Chuan had no choice but to say:

"All right."

After releasing all the elves, Ye Chuan equipped each elf with a dust cap and cleaning tools such as brooms:

"Today's training is cleaning. Whoever cleans cleaner will get a copy of Shiyu's secret elf meal for dinner today!"

The elves became excited instantly.

"Aye..." An Shiyu on the side saw Ye Chuan making decisions without authorization, and she grabbed his soft flesh with small pliers and twisted it.

"Isn't the secret set meal very simple?" Ye Chuan said with a smile.

"That's not okay. If you eat other things, it will disrupt the nutritional intake I designed for them." An Shiyu was particularly strict in this regard, with an expression that said there was no room for negotiation.

"Please, Shiyu..." Ye Chuan hugged An Shiyu's slim waist and rubbed her soft cheek.

Ye Chuan's rare act of coquettishness made An Shiyu's heart beat fiercely. She blushed for a while before stammering:

"Only, only this time."

"Thank you." Ye Chuan pinched her cheek.

An Shiyu was eaten to death, but An Shiyu was not unhappy at all, she just shyly pulled the corner of his clothes like a little daughter-in-law.

Encouraged by An Shiyu's secret meal, the elves became full of fighting power, and with the help of Ye Chuan and the others, the two houses were soon cleaned up, as if they were spotless.

The final winner, of course, was that everyone and every elf got a secret meal as a reward for today's hard work.

After a hearty meal, night comes quietly.

Ye Chuan climbed into bed early, and the elves naturally slept on the clean blankets nearby. Except for the flying mantis who chose to sleep against the wall for fear of accidentally cutting his scythe, the fire dinosaur hugged the baby tit and slept with Youyou. Together.

Although the Poké Ball is comfortable inside, it seems that sleeping together will be sweeter for everyone.

Ye Chuan looked at the moonlight outside the window and couldn't help but shake his head. Time really flies by. In a while, the Spring Festival will be here.

But by that time, my parents will probably be back, right?

After all, it was a day of reunion. Although he lived almost alone, with An Shiyu's company, he hardly felt lonely.

With so many more friends this year, it will definitely be a lively Spring Festival.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared at the corner of Ye Chuan's mouth unconsciously. He looked at the sleeping elves beside him and felt sleepy, so Ye Chuan closed his eyes.

Good night.

Late at night, in the dark room, only the moonlight from the window slowly shone in. At this time, Youyou, who was rolled into a purple ball, suddenly had a reaction.

A burst of electricity penetrated its memory like a needle, causing a sharp pain.


Unable to maintain her ghostly appearance, Youyou returned to her girlish appearance.

Holding her head, Youyou opened her blood-red eyes, and then floated in mid-air.

Looking at his pale hands, his eyes were lowered.

Changed back again.

Since its strength has gradually increased, Youyou can maintain its original appearance for a long time. In other words, it can transform into a ghost for four hours a day. Yes, for Youyou, this appearance of a girl in uniform is considered its own. ontology.

The appearance of the round ghost can only be its appearance after transformation.

In terms of liking, Youyou definitely prefers the appearance of his ghost. Even if he looks more like a human, Youyou's aesthetics still belong to the ghost's side.

However, tonight, it felt a little wrong.

Headaches are no longer something that only lasts a day or two.

From time to time, some strange fragments will appear in your mind.

Ye Chuan naturally knew about this. According to his guess, it was because elves like Guisi were gas-type elves composed of a small amount of human soul fragments and poisonous gas.

The reason why the girl looks like the real body is because Youyou has more human soul fragments, and there may be some memories mixed in the soul fragments.

This is the strange fragment that Youyou often refers to.

But just now.

Youyou, remembered a lot of things, including...

It's about being a time traveler.

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