Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 211 Engagement Ceremony

April 15th.

Mr. An’s eightieth birthday.

An extremely luxurious banquet was arranged at the largest hotel in the city, the Imperial Nabo. As the city's most successful real estate developer and wealthy man, Mr. An's birthday naturally attracted celebrities from all walks of life. join.

Everyone regards this banquet as a place to connect with each other and gain connections. If you are lucky enough to be able to climb the high branch of Anjia, you will naturally have smooth sailing in your career and stand directly on the shoulders of giants.


Looking at the food on the table, a certain ball let out an exclamation, and then spread his wings.

There was an elf standing by to remind Mu Mu Xiao to eat less.

Mumu Xiao pouted unhappily, and then pointed to the distance with his wings, like a green and white ragdoll elf, eating a lot.

"Huh?" After seeing that it was Lalu Lasi, the other elves looked confused. When did they come here?

With this appetite and the posture of Kirby's reincarnation, there is no doubt that it is Ye Wangcai.

The Flying Mantis stood quietly not far away, looking at the food in front of it, and turned its head disdainfully.

It's far from what the hostess did.

Pikachu and Blue Jay happily each ate their own food.

A boy in formal attire was holding a glass of apple sparkling water and drinking it slowly.

His dark eyes looked lazily at the people talking.

"Hey, hello." A voice greeted him from beside him. Ye Chuan turned his head and found that it was two boys.

"You look familiar. Which school are you from?" One of the boys asked with a smile, obviously looking familiar. Maybe it was because he was the same age. In addition, Ye Chuan seemed to be attracted by appearing in this special place. Become a local.

"Yinshan Middle School." Ye Chuan replied with a smile.

"Yinshan?" The boy thought for a while and found that in his memory, was there a school in this city?

But Ye Chuan did look familiar, so he started chatting: "How did you get invited here?"

"Did you come here with your parents?"

"No, but I came here with the elders." Ye Chuan replied.

"This party is too big." The boy said, suddenly remembered something, and said cheerfully:

"My name is Mu Zhe, and the one next to me is Li Ling."

The boy named Li Ling was obviously not as enthusiastic as Zilaishu. He just nodded towards Ye Chuan and looked at the rest of the banquet without interest.

"I heard that this time, in addition to Mr. An's birthday, his granddaughter Miss An is actually getting engaged." Mu Zhe sighed:

"I don't know what kind of person the other party is. Is he a young master from a wealthy family?"

"Maybe he's just an ordinary person." Ye Chuan said with a smile.

Ordinary Xiaoye River or something.

"Ordinary people?" Li Ling seemed to be amused at this time, and then said: "Brother, you don't know that Miss An is the only granddaughter of Master An, right? The one who can be worthy of her must be at the level of the chosen one." , Ordinary people can’t even get along with each other, so don’t make such funny jokes next time.”

"That's right." Ye Chuan did not deny that engagement has always been about being well-matched, and Ye Chuan recognized this point of view.

"Oh, let's not think about it anyway." Mu Zhe sighed, then patted Ye Chuan's shoulder familiarly:

"I heard that Miss An is very beautiful. She is so white, rich and beautiful. Just marrying one can lead you directly to the pinnacle of life."

"I don't know anyone who has such good luck. How can I practice it? It makes me so sad."

"I will also marry Bai Fumei from now on!"

Li Ling next to him gave Mu Zhe a roll of his eyes: "The black rich woman has it, why don't you prepare some fun?"

"Well... I'm not so poor that I need to be taken care of by a rich woman, except for the good-looking ones, of course." Mu Zhe shrugged:

"Fu Loli is even better."

As he spoke, at this time, a long-haired girl in a dress slowly walked out. The white dress was a little long, covering her originally slender legs, but it brought a touch of luxury. There were few accessories, but again The beautiful accessories seemed dull under her temperament and appearance.

The girl's face is pink, with a sweet smile on her pretty face. She is not very old, but her temperament and appearance are perfectly integrated, making people sigh after taking one look at her.

so beautiful.

"That's the eldest lady of the An family, let me guess. She's so much prettier than the photos!" Mu Zhe said thousands of words, and finally they came together into two words that I put together.

"Indeed, she is so beautiful." Li Ling also sighed and shook his head. It is estimated that this kind of girl can only be encountered in dreams.

Ye Chuan ate the cake and looked at the pretty face that seemed calm and composed, but was actually a little nervous with a smile.

"Welcome all relatives and friends to come and celebrate my eightieth birthday. Thank you very much." Mr. An stood beside An Shiyu and said with a smile:

"In fact, today, in addition to being my birthday party, it is also the engagement party for my precious granddaughter, An Shiyu. Today, she will get engaged to a very outstanding boy and get married."

People in the audience were whispering. Everyone knew that today was the engagement ceremony. After all, Mr. An had been organizing it a few days ago. But they didn't expect that Mr. An would regard his granddaughter's engagement party as more important than his eightieth birthday. .

An Shiyu naturally stood there extremely shy at this time. After all, she was stared at by so many people. Normally, she would have been hiding behind Ye Chuan.

"Then, without further ado, Shiyu, bring Xiaoye over."

As soon as she finished speaking, An Shiyu also noticed that Ye Chuan was not on the stage. Her Ye Chuan radar searched for a while and found Ye Chuan who was eating cake in the distance in just three seconds.

An Shiyu smiled sweetly and walked off the stage slowly, while the onlookers moved out of the way.

At this time, Mu Zhe and Li Ling saw An Shiyu walking towards them, looked around, and finally found that there was no one around.

It's strange, why is Miss An walking towards me?

Could it be that there is no fiancé, but one is chosen on the spot?

The two of them began to have unrealistic fantasies, and at this time, An Shiyu had already come to their side, then completely ignored the two of them and walked directly in front of Ye Chuan: "Aye..."

Looking at the girl in front of him, Ye Chuan smiled.

"There's cream stuck to the corner of Ye Chuan's mouth." With everyone watching, An Shiyu seemed not to notice. She took out a handkerchief and carefully wiped the milky white cream from the corner of Ye Chuan's mouth. Her gentle appearance was like a virtuous wife.

"Let's go."

After wiping it clean, An Shiyu held Ye Chuan's arm, and the two returned to Mr. An.

"This..." Others, especially Mu Zhe and Li Ling who had just been chatting with Ye Chuan, looked as if they had seen a ghost.

Minato, it turned out that the guy who had been discussing just now was actually standing next to me? !

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