Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 218 So I am no longer a human being! (Third update)

Qianshi Middle School.

Lin Yun walked in a hurry. As the principal of Qianshi Middle School, she was always calm, but it was rare for her to be so flustered.

Pushing open his office, a boy with a chuckle on his face was playing with the Poké Ball in his hand.

"An Ran!" Lin Yun shouted towards the boy.

"Why, you made such a fuss early in the morning and took the wrong medicine?" An Ran raised his head and smiled lightly when he saw Lin Yun's appearance.

"Did you do the last explosion in Yinshan and the withdrawal of the school team members this time?!" Lin Yun asked with a frown.

Because Lin Yun discovered that her school had begun to be investigated overtly and covertly by people from Yinshan Middle School, and some intelligence had been collected. This was not good news.

"Whatever it is, it doesn't matter, you are still the same as before and don't look like a principal at all." An Ran said in a lazy tone.

"What did you say?!" Lin Yun stepped forward quickly, grabbed An Ran's collar and asked:

"Do you know you got into trouble?!"

"Pa." A crisp slap sounded, and Lin Yun fell to the ground, looking at An Ran in disbelief.

"You don't think that I would be stupid enough to do some dirty tricks like you, do you?" An Ran adjusted his collar, and then said calmly:

"Don't confuse me with you."

"An Ran you!"

The sound of the office closing was like a heavy hammer, hitting Lin Yun's heart, making her eyes become moist and blurry.

the other side--

Silver Mountain Middle School.

Ye Chuan found Jiang Xue and asked about his idea of ​​joining the school team. After all, Jiang Xue's strength was very good, which was evident in the last exchange match.

"Ah la..." Jiang Xue smiled, and then asked in a low voice:

"Well, are there any rewards for joining the school team?"

"The most basic ones include the resources provided by the school, and the rewards you can get based on your ranking." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, he found that Jiang Xue was still smiling:

"Not interested."

"Okay." After being rejected, Ye Chuan had no choice but to sigh helplessly.

Just when Ye Chuan turned to leave, he suddenly heard Jiang Xue's voice:

"I just said that I'm not interested in the reward, but I haven't decided whether to join the school team or not."

After hearing what Jiang Xue said, Ye Chuan turned his head in surprise and asked:

"Then do you want to participate?"

"I won't participate." Jiang Xue replied with a smile.

Ye Chuan: "..."

Are you kidding me?

"You're kidding, I'll join." Jiang Xue held out a finger: "There's nothing to do anyway. Participating in the campus league seems very interesting."

Ye Chuan: "..."

As expected, girls are all pink and black.

Now, there are only three people in the school team.

One more to go.

Ye Chuan thought for a while, could he find Senior Liu Xuan? But the other party seemed very busy, so he probably wasn't free.

As for everyone else…

Finally, Ye Chuan chose to return to the classroom.

"What, you actually want me to join the school team?!" In the corner, Gu Qi was shocked when she heard Ye Chuan's words.

"How's it going?" Ye Chuan gave a thumbs up.

"It's not good at all!" Gu Qi said loudly: "I'm such a bad guy, are you asking me to go up there and embarrass you?!"

"So you are self-aware and worthy of encouragement." Ye Chuan applauded.

"I don't need you to praise me like this!" Gu Qi complained vigorously.

"Actually, I've figured it out. Instead of trying to find the last team member, it's better to find you directly. Anyway, to me, there is no difference between you and the second-year students. They are not my opponents anyway." Ye Chuan pointed at himself:

"So I don't want to be a human anymore, Gu Qi!"

"I see, you really don't plan to be a human anymore. What about the substitute?" Gu Qi complained speechlessly, recalling his own father... However, there is a high probability that he will not have a chance to play. Maybe he will be a drinking water. Machine guardian.

If Ye Chuan gets any good results by then, he will also be able to take advantage of it.


It seems pretty good.

The more Gu Qi thought about it, the better she seemed to feel.

That’s totally fine!

I am just following along!

"Take me, boss!" Gu Qi hugged Ye Chuan's arm directly.

"Eh?" Seeing Gu Qi's 360-degree change in attitude, Ye Chuan was stunned for a moment, then smiled:

"Very good, then the school team is back together again."

Although they are all acquaintances.

Essentially, Ye Chuan's purpose in participating in the competition was to test his elf's training results against his opponents, and he didn't really care about the ranking.

What he is thinking about now is the National Elf League a year from now, that place is hell.

This is the real battlefield.

"Ye Chuan, who is the leading teacher of our school team?" Gu Qi suddenly asked.

"Teacher leading the team?" Ye Chuan was stunned for a moment, then showed a confused face.

"No way, the college league is about to start, and you don't know who the teacher is?" Gu Qi also looked surprised.

"Mainly because I haven't participated in a few training sessions for the school team, so I really don't know." Ye Chuan touched his chin.

"The newly selected school team teacher is me!" A familiar voice sounded. Ye Chuan and Gu Qi turned their heads and found that it was Teacher Jiang.

Next to Teacher Jiang was a girl with a mushroom head in glasses.

"The standard school team is better in groups of five." Teacher Jiang said, patting the mushroom-headed girl beside her:

"She seems to want to join in and help you."

"Senior Yazao?" After seeing this familiar mushroom head, Ye Chuan was stunned for a moment, and then asked:

"Why would you want to join the school team?"

"Actually, I have wanted to join the school team for a long time, but I have never had the chance..." Yaozao whispered, and pointed with two fingers and said embarrassedly:

"It just so happened that the spot was freed up this time, so I wanted to give it a try."

"But..." Ye Chuan glanced at the class teacher with a strange expression. If he remembered correctly, Yao Zao's fighting ability was not strong, otherwise he would not have gone to the Yinshan Guild to entrust her to escort her to collect medicine.

"The fifth position is equivalent to a substitute who has no chance to play. As an elf doctor and pharmacist, I am good at adjusting the status of the elf. I can assist you well before you can play." Yaozao seemed to understand Ye Chuan. What it means, he quickly explained.

"Isn't it illegal to use drugs during competition?"

"She is referring to the elf tonic, not the kind of forbidden medicine that improves combat effectiveness." Teacher Jiang crossed his arms and said:

"Drugs that temporarily enhance combat effectiveness will definitely not be used. Don't underestimate the profession of elf doctor."

"Is it."

Ye Chuan looked at the nervous Yazao, smiled slightly, and then stretched out his hand: "Welcome, Senior Yazao."

Yaozao's face instantly showed a sunny smile, he held Ye Chuan's palm with both hands and nodded vigorously:


"Then, there is still a week left before the competition. As the team leader, I will give your team a good training." Teacher Jiang took out a Poke Ball and grinned: "Don't cry tired."

"I always feel an ominous premonition." Gu Qi's body shuddered subconsciously.

"Me too..."

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