Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 233 Nutritional Potions

After Ye Chuan's side wins, they still need to compete with other schools in Group A.

After Yinshan Middle School wins, what remains is the competition between the two schools A1 and A2. The winner between them will compete with Yinshan to determine the final winner of Group A.

The groups of Yinshan Middle School and City No. 1 Middle School are A3 and A4 respectively, so after the failure of City No. 1 Middle School, Yinshan only needs to wait patiently.

At this time, the participating teams A1 and A2 were fighting fiercely. Unlike the battle between No. 1 Middle School and Yinshan, which was an instant kill of each other, the competition between A1 and A2 was about chasing each other, and every time Each game was very intense, with occasional reversals.

"The A1 team is called Tian Jiabing Middle School, which is a relatively old middle school in the city, but its opponents are not simple either. Although it is not as good as the City No. 1 Middle School, the A2 team is from the City No. 2 Middle School, which is also a relatively powerful key middle school."

"In other words, our opponents in Group A will be decided between Tian Jiabing Middle School and No. 2 Middle School, right?" Ye Chuan asked.

"That's right, but now it's time to rest. Let's go backstage to have a good rest. By the way, we can restore the elves' strength and adjust their condition." After Teacher Jiang finished speaking, he took everyone down.

At this time in the lounge, Ye Chuan happened to bump into a few people from the No. 1 Middle School. After seeing Ye Chuan and the others, several team members from the No. 1 Middle School lowered their heads and left dejectedly, with original smiles on their faces. And calmness no longer exists.

"It seems that he was hit hard." Ye Chuan said after seeing this.

"Well, who told them to look down on us? Our Ye Chuan is the real one!" Gu Qi directly hugged Ye Chuan's thigh and turned it into a pendant for the boss.

"Gu Qi, please let me go..."

In the lounge, everyone began to prepare the elves, and at this time, Yaozao took out several medicine bottles:

"This is a nutritional supplement that speeds up healing. Does anyone want the elf to taste it?"

After seeing the pink medicinal solution, Gu Qi and the others were stunned for a moment, and then asked: "The color of your medicinal solution is a bit pink. What is it made of?"

"Peach juice can not only speed up the healing of elves' wounds, but it also tastes very delicious, just like drinking juice." Yaozao pushed up his thick glasses and said:

"As an elf doctor, my potion can at least increase the elf's recovery ability by 20%."

"It is also non-toxic, harmless and natural, and can pass official tests and is an edible competition agent."

"But doesn't Taotao juice only have the effect of restoring physical strength?" An Shiyu also often comes into contact with tree fruits. After seeing this bottle of pink potion, she smelled it and found that the fruity fragrance was overflowing.

"Because it contains the powder of dried vitality grass, it is completely different from ordinary tree juice." Yaozao hummed with a proud expression, and then picked up one of the bottles:

"Not only that, humans can drink it too."

After saying that, she opened a bottle, took two sips, and then said with a smile.

"Can I have a taste?" Ye Chuan asked.

"Here." Yaozao handed the medicine bottle in his hand to Ye Chuan. After smelling it, Ye Chuan switched the mouth of the bottle and took a sip. He found that it was as sweet as drinking juice. It has an amazing herbal scent.

"Let's try it on the elves, Senior Yazao, do you have any other potions?" Ye Chuan asked curiously, because he found that he had not touched the nutritional supplements Yazao had taken out.

Generally speaking, medicines are divided into medicines for restoring physical strength and medicines for relieving abnormal conditions. These two are the most popular medicines in the market. As for the so-called nutritional supplements, they are relatively unpopular.

It is somewhat similar to health care products in the human world. In the eyes of many trainers, nutritional supplements are an IQ tax.

However, the role of nutritional supplements exists. Nutritional supplements like Yaozao that can temporarily produce auxiliary effects without side effects are actually very popular, but the cost of this type is relatively expensive.

But why did Yaozao come out with so much?

There is no other reason.

Mainly because of the money.

"In addition to the potion that accelerates recovery, I have another one." Yaozao took out a bottle of water-like potion and said, "This is an analgesic nutrient..."

"If you take it for a long time, it can make the elf's skin more elastic and shiny, and when you first drink it, it can slightly improve the elf's reaction ability in a short period of time."

"Can it really make the elf's skin smoother?" At this time, An Shiyu, who was beside him, heard what Yaozao said and asked happily.

"Well, it is indeed possible. My elf tested it myself." Yaozao said, taking out the elf ball, a white light flashed, and the chrysanthemum grass leaf appeared.

Yaozao picked up Chrysanthemum Grass Leaf and poked its face, which was as elastic and textured as jelly.


After An Shiyu saw this, he suddenly became very interested in the profession of elf doctor.

"Well, actually preparing potions is more of a pharmacist's skill. Doctor Elf just said it was like a kind of technical support." After Yaozao finished speaking, he pushed up his glasses with thick bottoms and explained to An Shiyu.

"I see!"

At this time, Ye Chuan also gave the medicine to the Flying Mantis to drink. Then he thought about it and asked the medicine:

"Senior Yaohao, can ghost elves drink it?"

"Okay." Yaozao nodded:

"After all, ghost elves can take tree fruits. My nutritional supplement is essentially a mixture of tree fruits and herbs. There is no problem at all. Ghost elves can also take it."

"That's good."

Everyone rested in the lounge and adjusted the state of the elves. Time passed slowly, and soon, the results of the competition between City No. 2 Middle School and Tian Jiabing Middle School came out.

4:3, City No. 2 Middle School won.

"How come there are 7 points?" Ye Chuan asked curiously after seeing the total.

"City No. 2 Middle School won all the singles matches, but lost to Tian Jiabing in the team match." Teacher Jiang crossed his arms and said:

"Then there was a singles playoff, but Tian Jiabing lost, which was a pity."

"After beating City No. 1 Middle School, come to City No. 2 Middle School." Gu Qi shrugged. In this way, Group A is really a death group, with all the strong teams piled here.

"Although the strength of City No. 2 Middle School is not as strong as City No. 1 Middle School, you still have to be careful." Teacher Jiang glanced at the evaluation form and then handed it to Ye Chuan: "Especially this person."

"This person?" Ye Chuan's result evaluation form found that it recorded some opponent's data. Among them, Teacher Jiang showed him a boy named Lin'an.

His elf is a ghost cicada - a ninja who escapes his shell.

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