Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 236 Gu Qi stood up!

"So you don't know?" Ye Chuan asked.

In this way, it seems that everyone does not know that An Shiyu is his fiancée. After all, the engagement was done in the next city, and there is no news here, so it is normal that everyone does not know.

A high school student would get engaged directly. I'm afraid not many would do this.

The main reason is that Ye Chuan and An Shiyu can't live without each other, so even though they are not very old, they still get engaged easily. At least it is much better than those couples who swear to each other at the beginning but then fall in love with each other in the middle.

The relationship between Ye Chuan and An Shiyu has slowly accumulated bit by bit over time, and has a solid foundation.

An Shiyu saw everyone looking surprised, and hid behind Ye Chuan with a flushed face. After all, she was shy by nature, and when she saw everyone looking at her, she didn't dare to speak.

"It's okay, it's not something shameful." Ye Chuan smiled and held An Shiyu's hand.

At this time, the referee came down and asked the names of the players participating in the second game. After Ye Chuan thought for a while, he looked at Jiang Xue and said:

"Jiang Xue, come on for the second game."

After Jiang Xue heard this, she nodded with a smile:

"Then I'm going."

Jiang Xue had basically never used other elves except for hunting swallowtail butterflies, and the other party happened to send an elf whose attributes restrained hunting swallowtail butterflies - Fire Rock Rat.

This is one of the fire elf recommended in the elf center - the evolved form of the fireball rat. It looks like a long rat elf with the ability to release flames from its neck. The fiery rat that this elf finally evolved into is definitely a The only underrated fire elf.

But let’s not mention it for the moment, after the appearance of the fire rock rat, it has an absolute advantage when it comes to hunting swallowtail butterflies.

"Ara ala..." After seeing that his attributes were unfortunately restrained, Jiang Xue held her face and smiled helplessly.

Hunting Papilio Butterfly still has a chance to make a comeback against other fire elves, but not against Fire Rat, because——

"The battle begins!"

As soon as the game started, the opponent's trainer immediately gave the order:

"Fire Rock Rat, use the Fire Wheel!"

The fire rat screamed, curled up into a ball, and then released flames all over its body, like a large flame ball hitting the hunting swallowtail butterfly.

"Fly up, silver whirlwind!"

Upon seeing this, Jiang Xue immediately gave the order, because she could no longer use various poisonous powder tactics. Here was the Fire Rock Rat's most restrained point in hunting swallowtail butterflies - the flame wheel.

As long as the Fire Rock Rat keeps releasing this skill, the poisonous powder will be burned out by the flames of the flame wheel with almost no dead ends, leaving no possibility of getting close to the opponent. Therefore, Jiang Xue also had a look on his face when he saw that it was actually the Fire Rock Rat. have no choice.

Because there is still a chance against other fire elves, there is almost no chance to make a comeback against the Fire Rat.

The silver whirlwind carried silver scale powder and blew towards the Fire Rock Rat. However, in the face of the insect elf's moves, it had no effect on the Fire Rock Rat. It dragged the flames and slammed into the hunting phoenix. On the butterfly.

The fire type has an excellent effect on the insect type.

The hunting swallowtail butterfly fell to the ground and quickly flew up again. This shows that its endurance is quite good, but——

The Fire Rock Rat released the flame wheel again and continued to hit him menacingly.

Faced with this completely reckless melee skill, Hunting Papilio was unable to control or defend against it. There was almost no way around it. In the end, Jiang Xue took out the elf ball with a smile and directly took Hunting Papilio back:

"Well, I give up."

Jiang Xue actually admitted defeat. This scene shocked everyone. After all, this was Yinshan Middle School. Everyone still thought that Yinshan Middle School was better at creating miracles, but in the end, she just gave up.


After stepping off the stage, Jiang Xue looked at Ye Chuan and said, in fact, she didn't want to admit defeat, but as a trainer, Jiang Xue knew very well her elf's upper limit and what the elf was good at and what it was not good at, so after seeing the Fire Rock Rat, After realizing that she had absolutely no way to defeat her opponent, Jiang Xue surrendered directly in order to save Hunting Swallowtail from getting hurt.

"It's okay." Ye Chuan shook his head. He did not expect that Jiang Xue's opponent would be a trainer with a fire rock rat. Now that the score was 1 to 1, he looked at Gu Qi:

"Gu Qi, come on for the third game."

As soon as he finished speaking, Gu Qi's eyes suddenly widened, and then she said, "Ye Chuan, didn't you say you wouldn't let me go up?"

"Now it's your turn to go up and embarrass yourself." Ye Chuan said with a smile:

"Anyway, after each gets 1 point, the third game doesn't matter. The winner is determined by the team competition, so you go ahead."

After hearing this, Gu Qi seemed to agree with this. It seemed that Ye Chuan wanted him to appear more and practice more... What a ghost!

Isn’t it because he doesn’t want to show off Gu Youling’s strength too much? Gu Qi muttered. At this time, Yao Zao beside him whispered:

"Go ahead, come on."

When Gu Qi heard that Yaozao was cheering for him, his heart suddenly felt like a drum was beating inside. He immediately patted his chest: "Then leave it to me!"

Seeing Gu Qi swaggering up, people who didn't know better thought he had full confidence. In fact, he was just inspired by the beauty and gained the courage to die generously.

"Yinshan Middle School, Gu Qi."

"City No. 2 Middle School, Jiang Jiang."

After hearing that the third person in City No. 2 Middle School was not Lin'an, the trainer with the peculiar shell-shedding ninja, Ye Chuan was slightly startled, and then said with a faint smile:

"It's not Lin'an. It seems that the other party has exactly the same idea as us."

After An Shiyu heard what Aye said, she asked in a low voice:

"The other party is also planning to preserve its strength and compete in the team competition?"


Ye Chuan nodded, because when the score of both sides is 1, the outcome of the third game does not matter much, because the team competition has 3 points. Assuming that after you win all the singles, if you lose the team competition, you still have 3 points. A life-saving chance for a playoff.

So, if you only need to score 1 point in the singles match, then just prepare well for the team match.

This is also the reason why Ye Chuan was so calm during the battle with No. 1 Middle School.

However, something strange happened.

After Gu Qi went up, she actually fought back and forth with her opponent.

Because his opponent was actually a Guoran Weng!

"Ah this..." After seeing his opponent being so aggressive, Ye Chuan suddenly didn't know what to say.

To put it simply, an elf like Guo Ran Weng is a pure beating type elf. Ye Chuan has fought against it before. As long as Guo Ran Weng has not learned the skill of sharing life, then it is a very weak elf and there is no need to be afraid.

Gu Qi thought so too, so she took the parasitic seeds and consumed them slowly.

Ten minutes later, he collapsed.

Gu Qi, stand up!

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