Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 239 Aye bullies people


Everyone in Yinshan Middle School was sitting on the chairs, their eyes focused on the screen above, which was playing their respective battles. The main reason was that the battle on Ye Chuan's side ended too quickly, so Group A was the fastest. The group that ends the battle.

Commonly known as the group that dies at the speed of light.

After all, one instant kill after another, which one can withstand it?

But even so, other groups have also come to the end of the competition. As long as the four groups decide the quota, then the rest is the quarter-finals, that is, the semi-finals. Then there will be two more games to decide. The final city champion.

Soon, the quota was born——

Group A: Yinshan Middle School.

Group B: Hengqin Middle School.

Group C: Douyi Middle School.

Group D: City No. 3 Middle School.

"It's about as expected. These schools are all relatively easy to qualify." At this time, Teacher Jiang nodded after seeing the schools that qualified in this group. It seemed that it was similar to what he expected.

"Which group is Group A playing against?" Gu Qi asked curiously from the side.

"Group B." Ye Chuan said, then pointed to the tree diagram next to him:

"Group C will play against Group D, and the winner will be the finals."

"Does it mean that as long as we win the championship, we can advance to the provincial league?" In fact, Gu Qi is still a little excited, because he is here to hug his thighs. If he enters the provincial league, or even the national college league, then he can Blow for three years.

Even after entering college, I can still boast!

Lao Zhi was also a man who entered the national college league.

But the fantasy is beautiful, because it is not easy to qualify in the provincial league, because there are so many opponents in the province, and weak opponents have been screened out at the municipal level.

Schools that can enter the provincial level must eliminate countless teams before they can enter the league.

As a result, although Yinshan is very strong, it has not actually entered the national college league several times. It basically competes for rankings in the provincial league.

"Don't think about the National League. It's still very difficult." Teacher Jiang reached out and knocked Gu Qi on the head, directly interrupting his sweet dream. The latter muttered, and then whispered: "I just want to Think about it."

"The goal now is to defeat the opponents in Group B first." Yaozao pushed up his glasses:

"Hengqin Middle School is a new middle school. To put it simply, it was a school that was built last year. This year is the first time that the school's sophomores will represent the school in a competition."

"The school made it to the semi-finals for the first time, which is actually pretty good." Ye Chuan said with a smile.

"Well, the momentum is still quite strong, but don't worry too much." Teacher Jiang said from the side:

"Because the strength of their students is very average, they have no shortcomings."

"Isn't that very strong?!" Gu Qi said immediately after hearing that there were no shortcomings.

"There are no shortcomings and no advantages. To put it simply, the excellent are a bit mediocre." Teacher Jiang explained:

"The overall level is above average among all students. Because it is too average, it is stronger in team competitions and weaker in singles."

If a team has no shortcomings, then it will indeed be very powerful in the team competition, but in singles, if there is no advantage point, it will be easily checked by others. For example, if a trainer's elf is good at attack but not good at speed, then it can be To deal with the elves who are also not fast and have weak defense capabilities.

But if there are no advantages or disadvantages, it will be just like the general system, mediocre, without any need for tactical restraint and will not be restrained by tactics.

"Work hard in the semi-finals, I'm optimistic about you." Teacher Jiang patted Ye Chuan on the shoulder and said with a smile:

"The semi-finals start in the afternoon, and now everyone can take a lunch break."

After hearing about the lunch break, everyone finally spread out to find a place to take a good rest, and Ye Chuan was no exception. When he walked out of the lounge, the girl behind him clung to him like a follower:


"Let's go eat." Ye Chuan said with a smile. After all, An Shiyu didn't seem to make anything to eat. Although he could use the hotel kitchen to make breakfast, it was too late to make lunch now.

"Then let's have a casual meal." An Shiyu also said sweetly. In fact, she had thought about cooking lunch together in the hotel kitchen, but she faced a problem, that is, heating the food.

When I was in Ginzan before, there was a free microwave oven in the canteen, but here is a sports center, and there is no place to heat it for you. And many of the meals are not delicious if they are not heated. Plus, people who are competing now At that time, An Shiyu didn't want Ye Chuan to eat cold food.

"That's right, let's have a meal in the sports center."

There are many small restaurants around the sports center. Although Ye Chuan and An Shiyu are considered rich second generations, they are not the kind of people who don't know how to eat in small restaurants. For them, as long as the hygiene is passable, it is actually fine.

The two wandered around and finally found a Shaxian snack shop and found that there were many people sitting inside.

"What would you like to eat?" The boss came over and asked enthusiastically.

"Shiyu, what do you want to eat?" Ye Chuan handed the menu to the girl next to him and asked.

"Yeah." An Shiyu looked at it and then said to the boss:

"Boss, can I borrow your kitchen..."

Before the girl could speak, Ye Chuan pinched her cheeks, turning An Shiyu's cute little face into a goldfish shape, and then said to the boss:

"One steamed dumpling, one fried wonton, and one mixed noodles."

After saying that, the boss went down. An Shiyu blinked at Ye Chuan with jewel-like eyes and asked:

"What are you doing, Aye?"

"You really want to borrow the kitchen everywhere. Now it's a meal. You will trouble the boss." Ye Chuan stretched out his hand and tapped the girl's nose.

An Shiyu's nose shrugged cutely: "Then I'll give you more money."

"No." Ye Chuan immediately refused, then pinched her soft face and pulled it to both sides, and emphasized again:


An Shiyu made a whining sound, grabbed the air in front of him with his two small hands and said:

"Oh, it hurts so much, Ah Ye..."

After sending his hand away, Ye Chuan touched her face and said with a smile, "Do you understand?"

"I don't understand, Aye is bullying people." An Shiyu stuck out her tongue, then turned her head away pretending to be angry.

But the next second, An Shiyu felt her ears itching, as if Ye Chuan was blowing into them. Her face turned slightly red, and then she turned her head: "Aye bullied again..."

Before she could finish speaking, she found that after turning her head, her lips happened to touch Ye Chuan's lips.

Feeling the softness from his lips, Ye Chuan asked with a smile:

"Are you still angry?"

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