Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 248 Jiang Xue’s Hidden Elf

The beginning is heroic, the process is tragic, and the ending is torn apart.

Yes, Gu Qi was beaten violently.

"I'm back after being beaten." Gu Qi held the elf ball and said with a look of disgrace. After seeing this, Yao Zao and the others looked at each other with comforting eyes.

Because Gu Qi had tried her best, everyone could see that although it could not change the fact of being beaten, Gu Qi's efforts could not be denied.

"Thank you for your hard work." After seeing Gu Qi's appearance, Teacher Jiang pointed to the medical device in the distance and asked him to recover the injuries of the Vine Snake first.

Soon, the second battle began.

"Xiaoxue, please." Teacher Jiang looked at his daughter and said. For some reason, he found that his daughter was in a much better state today, and she didn't look as distracted as yesterday.

It seems that I have recovered a lot after resting for a night.

What Jiang Xue is good at is naturally delaying the hunting of swallowtail butterflies. Using those control poison powders, he can effectively restrain his opponents.

"Leave it to me." Jiang Xue said with a smile.

"Yinshan Middle School, Jiang Xue!"

"Douyi Middle School, Lin Ming!"

Afterwards, both sides sent out their own team members, and Jiang Xue walked up, holding the elf ball in his hand.

"Hunting swallowtail butterflies?" Lin Ming was obviously very aware of Jiang Xue's possession of elves, so he took out an elf ball and flashed a white light:

"Duck-billed Charmander!"

A red duck-shaped elf appeared. It was a fire elf, a duck-billed fire dragon, and the fire elf could target Jiang Xue very well.


After Jiang Xue saw the other party's duck-billed fire dragon, she smiled and said:

"I didn't expect that in so many games, most of the people I encountered were fire elves."

"Maybe it's because you didn't prepare more elves and were targeted by your attributes." Lin Ming shrugged and said with a smile.

"Really?" Jiang Xue had already thrown the elf ball in his hand.

A flash of white light——

A turtle-shaped elf appeared, with an appearance wrapped in rocks and a set of ferocious teeth.

Devouring Turtle!

The spirit of water and rock!

"This..." The trainer of the duck-billed fire dragon opposite was immediately stunned. Water plus rock type?

Isn't this four times more powerful than the fire elves? !

No, isn't Jiang Xue's opponent only able to use Hunting Swallowtail? According to the collected information, she has never used the second elf.

This guy actually hid something?

Seeing that Jiang Xue actually hid in the finals, many of the eliminated teams watching the game looked at each other, wondering if this guy was too tolerant and actually kept his killer move in the finals.

Generally speaking, when dealing with insect elves, common fire and flying elves will be chosen.

If a trainer uses one elf for a fixed period of time, there is a high probability that that elf is her initial elf, and the other elves are either too weak or have not yet conquered new ones.

Jiang Xue has been using Hunting Papilio Butterfly, which has indeed caused great confusion to her opponents. Generally, once she uses fire elves or flying elves to target Hunting Papilio Butterflies, Jiang Xue instead sends the Devouring Turtle, which is simply Just kill them.

The flying and fire elements are tightly restrained by the water and rock elements.

Especially the fire element, which is pitifully restrained by both water and rock.

"I never said that I only have one elf." Jiang Xue said with a smile: "Are you sure you will use your duck-billed fire dragon to target me?"

"Damn it." Seeing this, Lin Ming immediately ordered: "Duck-billed Fire Dragon, use the broken rock!"

Breaking Rock is a fighting skill, and its attributes are used to restrain the Devouring Turtle...


The duck-billed fire dragon rushed towards the Devouring Turtle, its claws emitting a faint light, which was the light of the rock-breaking skill.

"Rock blockade." Jiang Xue said.

The Devouring Turtle roared low, and rocks fell down one after another. However, it did not block the duck-billed fire dragon, but blocked itself.

Finally, a rock barrier was built. Upon seeing this, the duck-billed fire dragon directly smashed the rock. When he saw the voracious turtle inside revealing his head, he took a photo directly.


The broken rock was bitten out by the Devouring Turtle with its bloody mouth open.

"Crack!" A sound similar to the cracking of bones. The bite force of an adult Devouring Turtle is as high as 450 kilograms. This time, the eyes of the duck-billed fire dragon turned white.

"Throw it out."

With a flick of the Devouring Turtle's head, the Duck-billed Fire Dragon flew backwards and hit the ground directly behind it.

After being hit hard, the duck-billed fire dragon screamed, and then angrily sprayed flames at the violent turtle. The blazing flames that seemed to burn the air had no effect at all after touching the violent turtle.

"No effect?!" Lin Ming's expression trembled after seeing this.

"It's not that it's ineffective, it's just too low."

The Devouring Turtle's rock and water attributes were almost completely compromised when it came to fire-based skills, making the Duck-billed Fire Dragon's skills completely incapable of exerting the power they should have.

The flames burned for more than ten seconds, making the duck-billed fire dragon feel tired. It stopped spraying flames, only to find that the Devouring Turtle stood there motionless, with only a little bit of water vapor on its body, which had almost no effect at all.

The Devouring Turtle opened its mouth and looked at the Duck-billed Fire Dragon with a mocking expression. Then he walked towards it with his short legs. Every step brought a sense of oppression, which made the Duck-billed Fire Dragon subconsciously start to retreat. .

Finally, the duck-billed fire dragon couldn't stand his own behavior of escaping, and chose to rush over directly, with flames igniting on his fists.

Fire fist!

The Devouring Turtle stood there and continued to show a mocking expression. It did not release its skills and allowed the duck-billed fire dragon to strike down with a flaming punch.

Sparks flew everywhere, leaving almost no traces on the turtle shell. After seeing this, the duck-billed fire dragon fell to the ground.

"Water gun." Jiang Xue ordered.

The Devouring Turtle opened its tooth-shaped mouth, and the water gun spurted out directly, hitting the duck-billed fire dragon's lower abdomen heavily, and flying it backwards with it.

"My dear, Jiang Xue's fighting power is so fierce." Gu Qi couldn't help but muttered after seeing this scene. After all, in his impression, Jiang Xue had always been the one who controlled, but he had never seen anyone violent. Elves like Turtle Eater are high in physical damage.

"That's not her strongest elf." Teacher Jiang said from the side.

Gu Qi looked confused.

Ah this.

"But now Jiang Xue's purpose is to delay time. Have you noticed that every attack of the Devouring Turtle is not fatal, and it also deliberately moves slowly to release melee attacks."

"After all, we have to wait for Ye Chuan to come back. Jiang Xue probably considered this reason for letting the Devouring Turtle come on stage."

Because when hunting swallowtail butterflies when faced with fire elves, it is easier to die suddenly if you are not careful, but the situation is different with the gluttonous turtle. Its skin is so durable that the duck-billed fire dragon almost cried when facing it.

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