Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 256 Broken Mega Evolution Stone

What do blue jays do best?

That is extremely high endurance, commonly known as being able to take a beating. This is the result of Ye Chuan's training. Although the Blue Jay has no talent in other aspects, it can still be beaten. This does not require any talent.

As long as the nutrition is kept up, there is no problem at all.

The blue crow released its wings to attack. Its dark blue wings glowed white, and it hit the coconut tree directly, like a diving fighter jet. After seeing this, the coconut tree wanted to release its telekinesis to stop it, but in the end It's still a step too late.


The blue jay's huge body hit the coconut tree with one head, and then flapped its wings. The restraint effect of the flight system caused considerable damage to the blue jay's diving inertia.

"Coconut..." The coconut egg tree took a few steps back. At this time, Jiang Xue's hunting swallowtail butterfly flapped its wings, and the silver whirlwind hung up, hitting the coconut egg tree a second time.

After the coconut tree fell to the ground, he immediately lost consciousness and fell into a coma.

After seeing this, Ye Chuan and Jiang Xue looked at each other and then walked towards the bushes.

"Speaking of which, Ye Chuan, why didn't you let the Blue Jay play?" Jiang Xue looked at the Blue Jay and suddenly asked.

This happened to be what the blue jay was interested in. It turned its head to look at Ye Chuan and flapped its wings slightly.

After hearing Jiang Xue's question, Ye Chuan smiled faintly and then said:

"The Blue Jay's strength does not allow it to play for the time being."

Blue Jay's talent is extremely weak. Compared with the other three elves, there is no comparison at all. To be honest, if it weren't for the power of Phoenix King and Lugia in Blue Jay's body, Ye Chuan might not even let Blue Jay. The crow goes this way.

Because there is no talent, the Blue Jays are destined not to go far, and the final result is mediocrity, or even a waste of time.

Mainly because of the time bomb in the blue jay's body, Ye Chuan had to train it to make the blue jay grow up quickly. If it were to participate in a battle and its confidence was hit after fighting with others, it would be a huge headache for Ye Chuan. things.

"Crow!" The blue crow spread his wings, not knowing what he was thinking of.

Seems a little lost.

"I can feel it, Ye Chuan, you love Blue Jay very much." Jiang Xue looked at Blue Jay's performance for a while and said with a smile:

"You must not want the blue jay to get hurt more, so you don't let it play, right?"

Ye Chuan smiled and did not deny this smiling girl.

After the blue jay heard a few words of love from his master, his depressed mood suddenly improved a lot, and he no longer thought about those things.

At this time, the two of them had already arrived in front of the glowing object. Ye Chuan bent down and found that the glowing object was buried in the soil, and he didn't know what it was.

"Dig it out and take a look." Ye Chuan stretched out his hand and pushed away the soil, and finally found that it was a bead.

"Mega stone?!" The stone in his hand is undoubtedly the mega evolution stone. It actually appeared here, which was completely beyond Ye Chuan's expectation.

There is actually an evolutionary stone in a place like Phoenix Mountain? !

Jiang Xue also covered her mouth in disbelief. Although this tree hole was very secretive, she never expected that there was an evolution stone here.

"Huh?" At this time, Ye Chuan realized something was wrong. He found that the evolution stone was actually broken.

Although it is still glowing, it is still much dimmer compared to normal evolutionary stones.

Because Ye Chuan himself also has a mega evolution stone, he understands it very well.

The crack shattered all the way to the core, and the symbols inside dimmed.


After seeing this, Ye Chuan secretly thought it was a pity. After all, something as rare as a mega evolution stone cannot be bought. He played with it for a while and handed it to Jiang Xue:


"Bad?" Jiang Xue seemed to understand something and asked.

"Yes, broken." Ye Chuan nodded, and then he began to look for other things in the tree hole, as if he wanted to find something.

Jiang Xue stroked the evolution stone, and suddenly seemed to notice something, and asked:

"Yechuan, are things like the Mega Evolution Stone so easily broken?"

"Not easily broken..." Ye Chuan really didn't know how to answer this. After all, it can't be as fragile as glass, right?

He then took out his phone and opened the search engine.

After entering the mega evolution stone, relevant information popped up, and finally Ye Chuan opened a certain page——

[In terms of the hardness of the Mega Evolution Stone, is it as hard as glass? 】

[Thank you for the invitation. I just got off the aircraft carrier abroad. I once smashed my own mega evolution stone hard and found that it was very hard. Then I tested it with the elf's skills and found that no matter how I attack, it is difficult to destroy the evolution stone. Therefore, I think the hardness of this evolutionary stone is higher than that of diamond. Not only that, it is also very resistant to high temperatures. 】

After Jiang Xue saw the message on Ye Chuan's phone, she asked:

"Is it reliable?"

"Well." Ye Chuan thought for a while. He didn't know if this was reliable, but things like mega evolution stones would never be as fragile as glass.

But because there are so few people who own this kind of thing, and most of it is in the hands of the Trainer Alliance, these search engines are not very reliable.

Ye Chuan took the mega evolution stone and then had to put it in his pocket:

"After the training, I will take it for appraisal to see what this mega evolution stone is."

"Well, this is better." Jiang Xue seemed to agree. Then she seemed to have discovered something and pointed out her hand: "Ye Chuan, look at what that is?"

After hearing this, Ye Chuan looked in the direction pointed by Jiang Xue and found that it was entangled with vines, but there seemed to be something strange inside.

"Blue Jay, peck away those vines." As soon as Ye Chuan finished speaking, the Blue Jay flapped its wings and pecked away all the vines.

The thing inside was also revealed. It was a line of text, and it was text carved on stone.

"These words are..." After Ye Chuan took a look, he realized that they were not words he recognized, so he looked at Jiang Xue beside him:

"do you know?"

Jiang Xue frowned slightly after looking at those words, and then shook her head:

"This font shouldn't be modern, otherwise I wouldn't recognize it."

"Really?" Ye Chuan always felt that this line of writing had a magical power. He thought about it for a while, and finally took out his phone and took a photo.

"Ye Chuan, look here."

At this time, Jiang Xue made other discoveries.

Ye Chuan looked over.

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