Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 271 Treasure House of Skill Discs

A big tail standing, either a flame fist or a bursting fist. Those who didn't know thought this elf was the fighting elf Abirou, but the violent attack was indeed released from a cute elf.

After the fire dinosaur was directly hit by the explosive punch, it flew out directly, then stabilized its body in the air and landed on the ground.

"Gah!" Obviously, this explosive punch caused great damage to the fire dinosaur.

"If you can suppress my Oodachi for a while, Ogawako, you are already very strong." Liu Xueling said.

Because she knew exactly what level of strength her Ooridachi had reached, and she also understood how terrifying Ye Chuan's potential as a trainer was. From this point of view, he was still much stronger than Ye Shuang back then.

Ye Chuan looked at his fire dinosaur for a long time and suddenly said:

"Aunt Xueling, I give up."

Because the waveguides are connected, Ye Chuan can now feel the physical exertion of the Fire Dinosaur's continuous use of the nuclear explosive flame punches, as well as the damage caused by the explosive punches. The exhaustion on the body has reached the extreme.

Although he relied on the fierce fire for a while, he couldn't withstand it in the end.

As soon as Ye Chuan finished speaking, the Fire Dinosaur glanced at Oudao Tachi somewhat unwillingly, and then sat on the ground to rest.

It had no objection to its master's surrender, because Ye Chuan's desire for victory was no worse than it was, and at this time the fire dinosaur really couldn't hold on any longer.

"Thank you for your hard work, have a good rest." Ye Chuan took out the elf ball and put the fire dinosaur back directly. This was a rare defeat, but speaking of it -

Aunt Xueling can take over the position of Elf Hall Leader. At least her strength is at the Hall Leader level. Master-level Fire Dinosaur and Hall Leader-level Otori. In fact, it is not strange to lose to the opponent. After all, the higher the level, the higher the level. The battle becomes more difficult.

"I can act as the museum owner, but only two days a week at most, because my other time schedule is still very full." Ye Chuan said.

"I'm just waiting for you to do this." Liu Xueling immediately ran to Ye Chuan with a smile on her face, then rubbed his cheek and said:

"Xiao Chuanzi, if you need any help, you can tell Auntie, and I will fully assist you as the acting museum owner."

Ye Chuan: "..."

Then, Ye Chuan stretched out his hand.

Liu Xueling blinked.

"Skill learning machine, you said it." Ye Chuan said calmly: "Didn't you say that you have collected a lot of rare skill CDs? Take them all out."

Anyway, Ye Chuan just doesn’t feel like he’s at a loss.

"Look at you kid, you're in a hurry, come in."

With that said, Liu Xueling took Ye Chuan and An Shiyu to a special room. The place was filled with bookcases, but there were no books in the bookcases, but skill CDs one after another!

"So many?!" Ye Chuan was stunned. There were thousands of skill discs here. Where did Aunt Xueling get them?

"Hey, hey, these are all my inventory." Liu Xueling finished proudly:

"Although there are a lot of duplicates in it, there are also a lot of rare skills, such as... big character explosion, blizzard, etc."

Just as Liu Xueling finished speaking, Ye Chuan suddenly thought of Sister Qianlan who was abducted by Big Character Boom, and suddenly showed a helpless expression:

"Sister Qianlan is too miserable..."

"In short, except for the unopened skill discs, you can leave them alone, the rest can be used by you at will." Liu Xueling said:

"Those unopened skill discs are for my collection, so please don't use them."

Seeing Liu Xueling's extremely serious expression, Ye Chuan could only nod his head:


However, with so many skill CDs, Ye Chuan suddenly became a little greedy, because there must be many that cannot be bought online. By then, he can completely update a batch of skills for his elves.

Of course, the Flying Mantis doesn't need that.

"As long as you act as an agent for one day, you can borrow a skill CD from here." Liu Xueling said.

"One?" Ye Chuan was stunned for a moment when he heard this:

"Isn't it just for casual use?"

"Use it casually. I mean borrow one to take home. If you want the elf to learn, you can't leave the gym." Liu Xueling said:

"Otherwise you would empty out my collection and I would cry."

Ye Chuan: "..."

Who has nothing to do to empty your skill CD?

"Aye..." At this moment, An Shiyu beside him suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled Ye Chuan's clothes:

"Then when you come over to act as the museum owner on the weekend, can I come with you?"

"Of course there's nothing wrong with that." Seeing An Shiyu, this little clingy insect, Ye Chuan stretched out his hand and pinched her little nose, and then continued:

"Then let's start this week."

"Uh-huh, then I can play games with peace of mind." Liu Xueling suddenly hummed and made a happy sound.

"Not developing games?" Ye Chuan glanced at Aunt Xueling expressionlessly.

"Playing games is also an important part of developing games." Liu Xueling immediately explained:

“They develop it, I play it and, of course, provide the funding.”

"In general, you just don't do anything. You let others develop the games, let others represent the gym, and you just play games..." Ye Chuan finally understood why his parents called the woman in front of him salty fish.

Is this completely the reincarnation of the Salted Fish King? !

"What, I sometimes give interviews." Liu Xueling immediately retorted, then stretched out her hand to pull Ye Chuan's face:

"Don't complain about your elders."

"Yes Yes Yes."

"Then it's getting late. Do you want to go home first?" Liu Xueling glanced at the time and then said:

"Actually, the gym also has a rest room. After tidying it up, it can be used for the two of you to sleep in."

"No, we prefer to sleep on the bed at home." Ye Chuan shook his head.

An Shiyu nodded in agreement.

"Could it be that the two of them slept together?" Liu Xueling suddenly looked at them with suspicion.

An Shiyu's pretty face suddenly turned pink, and then she also looked at Ye Chuan, but at this time Ye Chuan looked at Liu Xueling speechlessly:

"Aunt Xueling, if you have the time to gossip, why not think about how to find a partner? After all, you are so young..."

Before Ye Chuan could finish speaking, Liu Xueling grabbed his face:

"What are you talking about?"


After leaving the gym, Ye Chuan and An Shiyu went home. After all, today was not the weekend. They would come over during the weekend and get familiar with the staff before they could officially take up the acting position.

As for the Trainers Alliance, they also need to provide an application form for acting as a gym.

It’s just that Liu Xueling can just make a phone call——

After a while, the call was answered.

"Xue Lingzi, why are you calling me so free?" A woman's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"I met Xiaochuan, Coco."

"Really? It seems that I have to find time to go back and see the child." The woman's voice softened:

"What did you do?"

"We had a duel, and then asked him to act as the acting museum owner." Liu Xueling told what happened:

"The application form is too difficult to get. Please help me tell the alliance."

"You are a king-level trainer, why are you bullying me, Xiaochuan?" An unhappy voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Hey, that's what it is, but he suppressed my big tail for a while."

Liu Xueling muttered.

"Did you gain this ability by fishing?" A speechless voice came from the other end of the phone.

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