Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 395 Flower Rock Monster

small town.

"It is said that during the ancient war years, thousands of bones were buried in the mountains here, but how could this lonely soul who died in a foreign land rest in peace?"

"They intertwined together and finally condensed into a strange evil spirit. This resentful evil spirit did many evil things, and all the surrounding residents complained."

"But then... a mysterious man appeared. He took the 'Warcraft' with him, and with his powerful power, he sealed the evil spirit in a piece of stone."

"Then...the mayor?" a child asked.

The mayor shook his head: "Since then, everything has been peaceful for hundreds of years, but recently there has been a strange kidnapper in the town. I am afraid that the evil spirit is trying to absorb power to break through the seal."

"Well, so terrible..."

"Once that young man left just now, I'm afraid I won't be able to return him." He seemed to be sighing. Recalling the figure riding the giant bird in armor, the mayor shook his head at the child:

"Tomorrow, I will advise everyone to move out, as far as you can...just go as far as you can."

"Here, you can't come back again..."


Thick purple smoke filled it, and there was an icy breath. An Shiyu felt as if something was strangling her throat. She half-knelt on the ground weakly, her face pale.

"It's so uncomfortable, I can't breathe."

An Shiyu looked at the distance. The flower rock monster was releasing its power to continuously create thick smoke. She also noticed that the people lying on the ground around her were constantly having green light spots coming from their bodies under the influence of the thick smoke. Emerged and was finally swallowed by the Flower Rock Monster.

"Woo--" The flower rock monster let out a cry of resentment like a baby crying. Its green face-like patterns began to ooze green light, becoming more and more ferocious.

As her consciousness became increasingly blurred, An Shiyu found that the scene in front of her began to shake from side to side.


She felt like she couldn't get any oxygen at all, and even her neck felt like it was being strangled.

"Feel sorry……"



"Big impact!"

When her consciousness collapsed, along with an explosion, she seemed to see a black shadow falling from the sky, hitting the Huayan Monster heavily.

And An Shiyu's consciousness suddenly woke up.


The huge steel bird stepped on the Huayan Monster, shaking like an earthquake. Ye Chuan fell from a high place and stood in front of the Huayan Monster.

"I see, the so-called evil spirit is this Huayan Monster." Ye Chuan looked at the huge Huayan Monster in front of him. The power of the waveguide was emitted, and he found that this area was filled with the aura of the Huayan Monster, and that The strength of the flower rock monster is somewhat unfathomable, and the power of the waveguide cannot be specifically detected.

After finding an extremely familiar aura, Ye Chuan looked over there. When he saw An Shiyu lying on the ground, he quickly ran over.

"Aye!" An Shiyu threw herself into Ye Chuan's arms.

"It's okay." Touching An Shiyu's body that was curled up due to fear, Ye Chuan breathed a sigh of relief. No matter what, it's okay as long as everything is okay.

"Then, are those people dead?" An Shiyu pointed at the people who fell on the ground and couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

Ye Chuan shook his head: "No, he seems to be in a coma."

"Eh..." After hearing that they were just unconscious, An Shiyu secretly looked at the residents who fell to the ground like dead corpses.

Ye Chuan pondered slightly: "But that's about it. They are like nutrients, using their own vitality to continuously provide nutrients to the flower rock monster."

"Aye..." An Shiyu reached out and pulled Ye Chuan's clothes, seeming to feel scared.

"Hiss--" At this time, a scream penetrated the night sky. Ye Chuan turned his head and found that the flower rock monster actually threw the steel-armored crow away.


The huge body of the steel-armored crow hit the rock wall nearby, creating a huge gap.

Ye Chuan narrowed his eyes slightly.

The origin of the Huayan Monster is very mysterious. It is said that this kind of elf is a creature formed by 108 souls entangled together. The formation of ghosts like Guis is simply not on the same level as the Huayan Monster.

Although there are not many flower rock monsters found, they are basically not as big as the one in front of you.

Ordinary flower rock monsters are basically about one meter in length, but the size of this one is actually almost the same as the steel armored crow. It is a giant flower rock monster.

Could it be that it is an elf made up of thousands of souls?

But whether it was thousands or tens of thousands, Ye Chuan had only one thought at this time.

That is to give this guy a physical salvation!

"Go!" As soon as Ye Chuan finished speaking, the steel-armored crow opened its giant steel wings and pounced directly on the Huayan Monster again. It stepped on it fiercely, and then its metallic-colored wings continued to flap in front of its eyes. The flower rock monster.

Purple mist filled the Huayan Monster's body, and the ferocious patterns on it were burning with green flames. It seemed to be angered, and its body directly wrapped around the Steel Armor Crow, and then wrapped it.

"Flying Mantis!"

"Fire dinosaur!"

As soon as Ye Chuan finished speaking, two elves rushed out, and the scythes and flames exploded, directly hitting the thick fog.

The body of the steel-armored crow was exposed. It shook its head and spread its wings: "Crow!"

Just when Ye Chuan thought it was almost over, he turned on the power of the waveguide, only to find that the aura of the flower rock monster had not weakened at all, as if the two attacks just now had no effect on it at all.

"This guy..." Ye Chuan narrowed his eyes slightly.

Suddenly, the flower rock monster turned its body, and its breath burst out instantly. The billowing purple smoke instantly enveloped the entire cave, and also submerged Ye Chuan and others.

An extremely negative emotion spread from Ye Chuan's heart:

"This is……"

Anger, sadness, fear... almost all kinds of negative emotions were filling Ye Chuan's heart at this time.

The other elves all had painful expressions. Ye Chuan tried to calm down, but found that something was wrong with An Shiyu beside him.

She pinched Ye Chuan's arm and then bit it down hard.

"Shiyu?!" The instant pain made Ye Chuan's brain clear up a little. He used the power of the waveguide to the extreme and finally dispersed the extremely negative energy in his heart.

At this time, An Shiyu looked in pain, as if she had lost her mind, but for some reason, she just bit Ye Chuan, but she forced herself to let go of her mouth as if she was struggling: "Aye, no..."

"Shiyu!" Ye Chuan put his palm on An Shiyu's chest, and then released the power of the wave guide.

Soon, the expression on An Shiyu's face began to soften, and then she opened her clear eyes again: "Aye, I just..."

"Well, it was that guy's fault." Ye Chuan looked at the granite. At this time, it made a harsh cry, making the Flying Mantis and others look in pain.

Even the steel-armored crow began to hit the rock wall beside him uncontrollably.

"Aye..." An Shiyu glanced at Ye Chuan, as if asking what to do.

"I'll try to wake up the elves." Ye Chuan took a deep breath. The next second, his eyes were dyed with a faint blue light, and the power of the waveguide was released, starting to link the elves.

At this time, the fire dinosaur closest to Ye Chuan quickly calmed down. It turned its head and stretched out its claws towards Ye Chuan.

"Very good, the fire dinosaur uses Dragon Dance!" Ye Chuan said.

The fire dinosaur roared, and the power of Dragon Dance began to explode, making its aura begin to rise.

"Flash Charge!"

The fire dinosaur stepped on it, and then its whole body was wrapped in flames, which hit the Huayan Monster hard.

At this time, Ye Chuan also seized the time and used the power of the waveguide to awaken the other elves.

Soon, the elves were awakened by the power of Ye Chuan's waveguide, but linking several elves at the same time put a huge load on Ye Chuan. After all, in order to avoid falling into that chaotic state again, Ye Chuan had to overload the waveguide. The use of power.

"Hiss--" At this time, the Huayan Monster screamed again, as if it would break people's deafness.

The thick purple fog shook the fire dinosaur and the flying mantis away.

"The aura still hasn't decreased..." Ye Chuan narrowed his eyes. No matter how powerful the flower rock monster was, it would not have any effect in the face of the flying mantis' attack that ignored defense.

Unless... from the beginning, there was no attack on the flower rock monster.

Ye Chuan's eyes moved downward, and finally looked at the slightly glowing stone under the Huayan Monster.

The stone was small and full of cracks, and the Huayan Monster's body emerged from the cracks. It seemed to be a stone used to seal the Huayan Monster.

Is it possible to attack that one?

Ye Chuan thought for a while and then tried to say:

"Attack the rock."

As soon as Ye Chuan finished speaking, the Huayan Monster seemed to react and directly released several green will-o'-the-wisps and flew towards Ye Chuan.

"Buzz." The sword flashed and the will-o'-the-wisps were chopped into pieces.

The Flying Mantis appeared in front of Ye Chuan and was responsible for protecting him.

"Boom!" Just when the fire dinosaurs and the others were approaching the stone, thick purple mist was released from the Huayan Monster, directly knocking them back.

Although it was unsuccessful, it also confirmed Ye Chuan's guess that the flower rock monsters were afraid of them attacking the stone!

"As expected... Youyou!" Ye Chuan looked at Youyou: "Attack that glowing stone!"


Youyou raised her hand, and a shadow ball as deep as a black hole emerged, and then began to expand, absorbing the surrounding power.

Feeling the same fluctuations coming from the air, the Huayan Monster looked at Youyou floating in the sky. It screamed directly, released a black ray as thick as two people's arms, and swept towards Youyou!

Waves of evil!

Youyou dodged dangerously: "Wow!"

But at this time, the Huayan Monster once again released evil waves!

"Boom!" A collision sounded, and the steel-armored crow on the side found the opportunity, stepped hard on the flower rock monster, and then flapped it with its wings!

Because of the steel-armored crow's timely attack, the evil wave of the Huayan Monster was deflected and directly hit the rock wall not far away, causing bursts of explosions.

"Now!" Ye Chuan said.

Youyou glanced at the Huayan Monster. At this time, the Steel Armored Crow was fighting with it. If the shadow ball was released, the Steel Armored Crow would still be injured.

The power of the shadow ball has undergone earth-shaking changes after being improved by the underwater diving gym.

However, out of trust in Ye Chuan, Youyou still threw the shadow ball directly: "Watch the move!"

The shadow ball dragged its dark black flame tail and fell straight towards the Flower Rock Monster!

After Huayan Monster felt the breath in the shadow ball, it struggled harder, but the steel-armored crow held it firmly, allowing the terrifying power to continuously collide with it. The two giant monsters fought, and one by one Time does not matter!

The cave began to vibrate crazily due to the Huayan Monster's struggle. At this time, the shadow ball had landed. Ye Chuan found a moment to take out the elf ball:

"Now, come back!"

The red light shot out, and when the shadow ball landed, it directly collected the steel-armored crow into the ball.

Then, the huge and breathtaking shadow ball like a black hole collided with the stone under the Huayan Monster——


There was an explosion and the cave collapsed!

After the thick smoke passed, Ye Chuan coughed dryly on the side of the rock wall. He glanced at An Shiyu who was protecting him. After finding that An Shiyu was fine, he glanced around. Fortunately, this cave is open-air. , those collapsed rocks are not that many.

At this time, Youyou had floated down without any strength and was held in Ye Chuan's arms.

"Where are the fruits that restore physical strength?" Ye Chuan asked.

"Don't mess with it." Youyou's limbs were as weak as a doll.

The elves also came to Ye Chuan's side.

Ye Chuan's waveguide power had been completely exhausted at this time, so he had to use his naked eyes to search for the flower rock monster.

As if he had estimated the approximate location, he stretched out his hand and pointed to a stone pile: "Go and have a look there."

The fire dinosaurs nodded and then walked over.

After moving away the collapsed rocks, a dim triangular-shaped stone appeared in front of everyone, with thick purple smoke flowing from it.

There is no doubt that this is the stone under Huayan Monster.

Ye Chuan hesitated for a moment, and finally stretched out his hands to pick it up.

It was cold and there was an ominous atmosphere everywhere. Ye Chuan observed it for a while and after confirming that there was no threat for the time being, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Aye, are you okay?" An Shiyu asked curiously.

Ye Chuan nodded: "Well, it seems to be okay."

"Then... what to do with this stone?"

"Send it to the Trainers Alliance for testing." Ye Chuan said: "This flower rock monster is too special. Whether it is its strength or the power that is just like mental control, if left alone, it will definitely be a great disaster. .”

Hearing this, An Shiyu nodded.

"What about the residents?"

"We will go down the mountain and inform the people in the town later. As for what happens next, it is not our business." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, he placed the stone on the ground and then took out his backpack.

Just when Ye Chuan was about to put this piece of Qi stone into his backpack, suddenly, the pattern on it burst into purple light, and then thick purple mist poured out crazily!

"What?!" Ye Chuan was stunned when he saw this.

it's not finished yet? !

A huge purple shadow appeared, it was undoubtedly the Flower Rock Monster!

At this time, Ye Chuan is so close, it is the time for revenge!

"Hiss!!! The scream almost deafened Ye Chuan!

Just when Ye Chuan had no time to dodge, Youyou on the side suddenly opened his mouth wide, and the huge mouth opened unscrupulously due to the gas directly took the piece of stone into his mouth: "Ah!"

The shadow also dissipated instantly!

"Eat?" Ye Chuan was stunned for a moment when he saw this.


"Are you okay?" The development of the matter was beyond Ye Chuan's imagination, and he asked.

Is this thing inedible? !

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