Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 397 La Lulas:

"Huh, what's this?" Nolan woke up and held his forehead, as if recalling everything that had happened before.

She is a gym trainer in a small town. Because of the evil spirit incident some time ago, she couldn't help but search for the missing people alone. But when she came back to her senses, she forgot what happened, as if her brain had been damaged. A piece of memory was taken away, leaving her unable to recall anything.


Nolan looked at the fallen residents on the ground, with a slight flash of fear in his heart.

If these people's chests had not risen and fallen, Nolan would have screamed in fear, but judging from the current situation, these missing people were all in a strange coma.

Including...myself not long ago.

"No, we have to notify the people in the town." Nolan took out her cell phone, but found that it had no power. She didn't even know how long she had been unconscious.

At this time, the sudden sound of footsteps aroused Nolan's vigilance. She turned her head, only to find a man and a woman appearing in front of her. They were very young, probably high school students.

"You..." Nolan was stunned for a moment, and then immediately said: "This is very dangerous, you should get out of here quickly."

He seemed to regard the other party as a high school student who had strayed into danger.

"Don't worry, the matter has been resolved." Ye Chuan looked at the woman in front of him and explained with a smile: "That's a flower rock monster... it uses special power to hypnotize everyone and lead them here to absorb the power of their souls. .”

"Huayan Monster?" Hearing the slightly unfamiliar name of the ghost-type elf, Nolan thought for a moment, then looked around:

"What you mean by solution is..."

"Defeated." Ye Chuan said.

"By whom?"

"Me." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, Nolan suddenly looked suspicious.

She was the gym trainer, and even she was no match for that evil spirit. How could the high school student in front of her be that guy's match?

But Ye Chuan didn't look like he was lying.

Nolan thought for a while and finally asked: "You are from the town."

"No, I'm just a trainer passing by." Ye Chuan smiled.

After hearing what Ye Chuan said, Nolan had no choice but to nod. She tried to stand up, but found that her whole body was sore and weak, as if she had stayed up all night for several days, which made her very uncomfortable.

"I will call the people in the town to come over." Ye Chuan said.

"Thank you." Nolan had no choice but to sit down, and then she asked: "How did you defeat that guy... the flower rock monster?"

"Been eaten by my elf." Ye Chuan smiled.

"Eat?" Nolan was stunned.

Ye Chuan scratched his cheek with his fingers, and then nodded: "Well, he was swallowed by my ghost. The specific process is a bit troublesome to explain."

"A ghost type elf? That's it." Nolan nodded with some understanding when he heard the ghost type elf. After all, the ghost type is the most mysterious attribute and has all kinds of weird skills and moves. Nolan's least favorite is I encountered a ghost-type opponent.

In fact, Ye Chuan also had a headache. Recalling Youyou's appearance just now, he felt it was necessary for Youyou to go to the research institute for a thorough check-up.

After consuming that level of terrifying existence, Ye Chuan didn't know what would happen to Youyou next.

After chatting with Nolan for a while, Ye Chuan also accidentally learned the other party's identity. It turned out that the missing gym trainer was among this group of people.

After returning to town and informing the mayor, the mayor listened to everything Ye Chuan said in disbelief.

However, maybe after seeing Ye Chuan's companions returning, he took courage and took a dozen strong men into the mountain, and finally found the missing residents in the cave.

At this point, the strange evil spirits incident in the town has finally come to an end.

All those who disappeared returned to the town and were reunited with their relatives and friends. Although most people had lost their memories after the disappearance, forgetting those horrific things was not a bad thing from another perspective.

"On behalf of the residents of the town, I would like to express my gratitude to you." The mayor said to Ye Chuan. He finally didn't have to worry about it. After all, he had lived in the town his whole life and he really didn't want to leave.

"You're welcome." Ye Chuan shook his head.

Many people prepared thank-you gifts for him, but Ye Chuan declined them all. After all, he only came back to save Shiyu in the first place.

But Youyou's matter still made Ye Chuan a little worried.

Finally, he thought again and again, went to the service point in the town, and dialed the communication phone directly.

After a while, the other end of the phone was connected, and it was a small white face, staring directly in front of the screen: "Yoho, Xiaochuanzi."

This guy was undoubtedly La Lulasi, and Ye Chuan's phone call was to his grandfather's house.

"Long time no see." Ye Chuan smiled.

"Lalulus, long time no see." At this time, An Shiyu also said hello. After all, they were old acquaintances, and she didn't have much restraint.

"Did you enjoy your honeymoon?" Lalulas asked.

An Shiyu's pretty face suddenly turned pink, and then she waved her little hand: "That's not true..."

"I feel like it's almost like a honeymoon, and it's time for you to give birth to a little Xiaochuan for me to see." La Lulas muttered, as if she hadn't seen Ye Chuan for a long time, and she kept teasing him. She looks like an old woman now.

"Okay, Lalulas, where is my grandfather?" Ye Chuan asked, "I have something very important that I want to talk to him about."

"What's going on?"

Seeing La Lulas' sudden expression of interest, Ye Chuan had no choice but to explain from the beginning.

"A flower rock monster with ten thousand souls condensed?" La Lulas seemed to be very interested: "Let me be healthy."

"It has been swallowed by Youyou, so I am worried about whether there will be any problems with Youyou's body."

"Yeah, but it's no problem." Lalulas said:

"As long as you are willing to buy me a new game, I will help you diagnose the little ghost's condition."

"make a deal."

After discussing with La Lulasi, Ye Chuan took out Youyou's elf ball and put it into the teleportation device nearby.

Poke balls can be transmitted remotely through service points, but the transmission device is not available in ordinary people's homes, mainly because it is expensive. Therefore, when it is necessary to teleport elves remotely, both parties will go to the service point or elf center to use it. The device there.

Fortunately, my grandfather’s house has such a device. It is said that it was given by my grandfather...

But in the final analysis, the Poke Ball Transmission Device was originally an invention of the Bai Group. The Bai Group's success today is largely due to various scientific research achievements.

Then, the teleportation device emitted a white light, and the next second, the elf ball disappeared.


Grandpa Ye’s house.

"Zizzizi." Along with the sound of electric current, there was an elf ball in the groove of the transmission device next to La Lulas.

Lalu Lasi, who was sitting on the sofa, clicked her finger and opened the elf ball directly with her telekinesis, and a girl with short shoulder-length hair emerged.

"It's so magical. Can it be used for traveling anywhere?" Youyou blinked her big eyes.

It only took a few seconds to find out.

"Long time no see, senior Lalu Lasi." Then, Youyou noticed Lalu Lasi beside her and said hello.

"Okay, okay, come here." La Lulasi shook her little hand, and Youyou floated over.

"Let me be healthy..."

"Senior...your tone is so evil."

La Lulas carefully scanned Youyou's body with her telepathy, and finally showed an interested expression: "That's interesting... such a strong soul power."

"It's seems that the power is sealed, so it hasn't shown its true strength yet."

At this time, on the other end of the video call, Ye Chuan said, "Lalu Lasi, are Youyou okay?"

"It's okay, it's okay." La Lulas waved her little hand.

Ye Chuan breathed a sigh of relief.

"The worst case scenario is that it will be backlashed."

Ye Chuan: "???"

"The soul power inside is very powerful, and it has now been partially integrated with the little ghost." Lalulas said:

"And the soul is too mottled and impure, so it is difficult to refine. I am afraid it will have a serious impact on the little ghost's character and behavior in the future."

Ye Chuan frowned slightly when he heard this: "What should we do?"

"It's simple, I can just purify it all." La Lulas said:

"Let's do this. A soul will cost you 100 yuan. It's an affordable price."

One soul costs 100 yuan, ten thousand souls...

Ye Chuan did the math, and suddenly his head was full of black lines: "Lalu Lasi..."

"I don't have that much money on me."

"What, are you so poor?" Larulas suddenly showed a surprised expression.

Ye Chuan: "..."

"Aye, I..." At this time, when An Shiyu took out his wallet and was about to say something, Ye Chuan gently pulled her and then said to La Lulas:

"Well, if you're willing to help me, I'll treat you to a haute cuisine dinner when I come home next time."

Hearing this, La Lulasi immediately raised her head: "If you don't want to do it, the price will be clearly marked!"

"Two meals." Ye Chuan stretched out two fingers.

"Haha, you are sending beggars away." Lalulas held her little hands: "Even if I starve to death, from here..."

"Ten meals."

"make a deal."

La Lulas immediately agreed. After all, the 100 yuan for a soul was just a casual talk. It naturally knew that it was completely unrealistic to get this money from Ye Chuan.

After getting the benefit, La Lulas immediately started working. It looked at Youyou, and then asked: "Can you call out that guy in your body?"

Youyou showed a hesitant expression: "That guy is super fierce."

"It's okay." Larula said.

Although Lalulasi is usually unreliable, she can still withstand critical moments. After thinking about it for a while, Youyou tried to awaken the consciousness that she had suppressed.

Youyou's body fell to the ground. After a while, her hair started to fly slightly, and her eyes were gradually infected with purple.

"I actually came back...this feeling of having power."

The voice of a mature woman slowly sounded. 'Youyou' looked around, and then showed a terrifying smile: "Although I don't know what happened, but... I am free hahahaha!"

Laughter echoed throughout the room.

At this time, Hei Lujia, who was sleeping in the doorway, raised his head, and then lazily closed his eyes.

"Okay, it's time to leave here." 'Youyou' looked around, and when he was about to leave, a voice slowly sounded:

"Hey, did you ignore me when I talked about you?"

'Youyou' was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head and found La Lulas floating in front of him.

La Lulasi's body shape was only a little taller than a mineral water bottle, and 'Youyou' really didn't notice it for a while.

"Little thing, do you know who you are talking to?" 'Youyou' smiled happily.

"Who?" Lalulas held her little hands.

"You will know." 'Youyou' condensed the shadow claws and grabbed directly towards La Lulas.

La Lulas did not dodge, but just floated in place.

"Buzz--" A wall of void air directly blocked the attack of 'Youyou'.

"What?" 'Youyou' was stunned for a moment, and then looked at La Lulas. After she realized something was wrong, she slowly floated back,

"Wait a minute."

A faint purple light appeared in Lalulas's eyes, and 'Youyou' froze in place as if her body had been frozen.

Body, can't move?

'Youyou' felt as if her body was locked at this time, unable to move at all.

Did this little guy do this?

La Lulas looked at 'Youyou', and then tilted her head: "To be honest, I have never seen humanoid ghosts like Little Ghost, but this is the first time I have seen a fusion monster like you."

"Who do you think is the fusion monster?" 'Youyou' looked at La Lulas coldly.

"You." Larulus smiled.

"Buzz--" A black light burst out from 'Youyou', and the next second, it directly wrapped La Lulasi, and disappeared together with 'Youyou', leaving only a diamond-shaped energy cube floating in the air.

The dim space unfolded before our eyes, like another world.

La Lulas was floating in mid-air and said with a glance: "Using huge soul power to collapse space to form a short-term small space is a very interesting ability. Is this something that ghost power can do?"

"Little guy, you do have good eyesight." After 'Youyou' finished speaking, a shadow ball appeared in his hand:

"It is precisely because this space is filled with my power that you will only die after entering."

"Eh-" La Lulas smiled, and then took out a green onion that was almost as tall as it.

"Green onions?" 'Youyou' burst out laughing after seeing it:

" won't use this to fight, will you?"

With a touch of Lalu's little hand, pink light appeared on the green onions, and finally wrapped around the green onions and turned into a lightsaber.

"You got the answer right." Lalulas held the lightsaber and then slashed it casually.

This pitch-black space split into two instantly, shattering like glass!

Seeing the stunned expression of 'Youyou', La Lulas appeared in front of it in the next second, and then the lightsaber directly penetrated 'Youyou's' body.

"Hmm." 'Youyou's expression froze instantly.

"Then, the game is over." Lalulas smiled, and then black smoke continued to seep out of 'Youyou's' wound, and her body began to tremble.

After about ten minutes, after Youyou's expression calmed down, La Lulas pulled out the lightsaber, and Youyou fell to the ground like a deflated balloon.

"If you absorb the purified soul power, how strong will it be in the future?" La Lulas looked at Youyou with a smirk.

Maybe it can be compared to the legendary elves?

The future can be expected, the future can be expected.

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