Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 416 Nightmare God——Darkrai

"You..." The masked man looked at Ye Chuan, and then his voice stopped.

His voice was a little hoarse, and he was wearing a cloak. Ye Chuan's waveguide power was actually unable to peek through it to see the outline of his face.

"Can you wear clothes that can isolate the power of waveguides?" Ye Chuan took a moment to feel the guys in white coats. After realizing that they were gradually moving away, he glanced at the slate in his hand and smiled at the masked man:

"You came for it too?"

"Hmm." The masked man did not return. The Ice Eevee next to him burst out with cold light, sweeping over like a laser!

"Steel-armored crow, flying mantis!"

The steel-armored crow defended against the freezing light, while the flying mantis appeared next to Ice Eevee like a ghost, and slashed out with the scythe!

"Yi!" Ibrahimovic shook out the cold energy, and actually froze the flying mantis next to him in an instant!

"Oh?" Ye Chuan narrowed his eyes slightly.

The strength of this Ice Eevee seems to far exceed that of its own elf.

"Bring the thing." The masked man stretched out his hand toward Ye Chuan:

"I can let you go, otherwise..."

Ye Chuan did not speak, but took out the elf ball and put the flying mantis that turned into an ice sculpture back into the elf ball, and then released it to let the fire dinosaur help defrost it.

"To be honest, this slate is of little use to me." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, he threw the slate on the ground and looked at the masked man:

"If you want it, take it yourself."

The next second, all Ye Chuan's elves rushed out!

"Hmph." Seeing this scene, the masked man snorted, and then took out the elf ball.

White light flashed, and a Boscodora and a powerful crocodile appeared on the scene, colliding with the elves.

But the masked man's side is obviously stronger. After several encounters between the elves, Ye Chuan's side fell into a disadvantage instantly. However, the elves on Ye Chuan's side all have a unique ability, that is, they can predict the opponent's skills. Generally speaking, although you are at a disadvantage, you will not lose.

"The power of waveguide." The masked man said slowly.

"Huh?" Ye Chuan heard this and then smiled:

"You know your stuff."

After the masked man looked at Ye Chuan for a long time, he took out a purple elf ball again:

"I say it again, hand it over."

"Master ball?" Seeing the purple elf ball in the masked man's hand, Ye Chuan smiled and said, "You actually have such a thing."

The Master Ball, also known as the Master Poke Ball, is the top Poke Ball developed by Bai's Technology. Its function is to forcefully conquer the elves 100%. However, this forced method will cause a series of problems, causing the Master to be 100% conquered. Production of the ball was discontinued within days of its release.

In the world of elves, one law has always been followed, that is, the weak eat the strong, and the strong is respected. If you defeat the elves with your own strength, then the elves will recognize you and obey you, but the Master Ball is a BUG.

It can directly conquer the elves regardless of any means, causing the conquered elves to attack the trainer as soon as the ball is released.

Moreover, those who are generally conquered by the Master Ball are very powerful elves. Once they are taken, the consequences will be serious, so Bai's Technology stopped producing this type of elves within a few days after careful consideration.

After Ye Chuan saw that the masked man actually had a master ball, he guessed that there might be some tyrannical spirit inside.

Those Ice Eevee Crocodiles are already so powerful, but what about the elves in this Master Ball?

"Maybe there's something terrible inside..." Ye Chuan smiled:

"But I refuse."

"Interesting, should I say it's confidence or arrogance." The masked man's hoarse voice was mixed with ridicule, but he could also feel that Ye Chuan really wanted to fight with him.

Could this man be a fighting lunatic?

"That's all, that's all." The masked man raised the elf ball in his hand and murmured:

"Appear in the darkness, Darkrai!"

The master ball opened, and endless black light seeped out - finally a figure appeared. It was completely black, but its head was white, and there was a circle of red jagged teeth around it. It opened its narrow blue eyes and looked around.

The air seemed to be a bit colder. After looking around, this weird elf finally turned its attention to Ye Chuan.

"This elf..."

This was the first time Ye Chuan saw this kind of elf, but he seemed to have seen it in the illustrated book, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

But... the masked man calls it Darkrai.

"The whole body is black and can blend into the darkness. The head is white with red teeth surrounding the head..." Ye Chuan suddenly remembered:

"The legendary nightmare god - Darkrai?!"

This is the legendary spirit that brings nightmares to life!

"Haha." The masked man sneered lowly, and then Darkrai's eyes flashed red, and his long and narrow arms condensed a strange black energy ball, which he threw directly to Ye Chuan's elf.

The black hole shook open, and Ye Chuan's Poké Ball froze, and then fell softly to the ground as if falling into sleep.

Then in the next second, the elves all showed signs of pain, as if they were beginning to have nightmares.

"It is rumored that Darkrai's characteristic can bring nightmares to the sleeping elves around him." Ye Chuan looked at Darkrai, and then whispered:

"It seems the rumors are true."

"Quack!" The fire dinosaur that fell to the ground began to groan in pain, as if it was fighting something.

The steel-armored crow was holding his head, as if he was being beaten.

Not to mention Youyou, who curled up into a ball and muttered: "I don't dare to procrastinate further, I will update it soon..."

"It seems that I'm really unlucky today. I bumped into a trainer who conquered the legendary elves." Ye Chuan said.

Then he bent down and threw the stone slab on the ground:

"Here, I admit defeat and give it to you."

"I wasn't very eloquent just now, why are I giving in now?" the masked man said calmly.

Ye Chuan shrugged.

At this time, Darkrai floated towards the stone slab and was about to pick it up——

"Buzz." The light of the sword flashed in the dark night.

Along with a buzzing sound, the red tooth-shaped object on Darkrai's head was chopped open!

The masked man turned his head and found that the flying mantis had woken up at some point, and his sickle was glowing with cold light.

"Why?" The masked man seemed unable to understand the reason why the flying mantis would wake up.

"Nightmares seem to make elves face what they least want to face, which is their inner demons." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, he smiled:

"But I'm flying mantis has already used its knife to crush his own inner demons!"

There were several more rays of sword light, accompanied by strange white air currents, and the flying mantis' sword energy blasted out directly forced several elves back!

"Why has the strength become stronger..." The masked man seemed to realize that something was wrong with the Flying Mantis.

"Yes, because when my flying mantis faces a strong person, its sickle will become sharper and sharper."

The Flying Mantis is like a shadow warrior. Its dark body strikes every elf with precise but fierce attacks in the dark night!

Darkrai condensed a shadow ball and threw it at the Flying Mantis, but found that the Flying Mantis was too fast and couldn't catch it.

"No Milan..." Darkrai's body slowly dived down and merged into the darkness.

The next second, Ye Chuan felt a chill on his neck. Darkrai actually appeared behind him!

"A legendary elf wouldn't use such a dirty trick, would he?" Ye Chuan said after feeling that Da Clayi had grabbed his neck with his cold claws.

Then Ye Chuan seemed to sense something and suddenly smiled:

"Oh? Your breath seems to have been injured before?"

After Darkrai heard Ye Chuan's words, he slowly tightened his neck.

"Wait a minute..." Ye Chuan said, then pointed at the masked man in the distance:


Darkrai looked over and saw that behind the masked man, the Flying Mantis was holding a scythe in front of his neck.

"When..." The masked man didn't notice that the flying mantis appeared behind him in the blink of an eye!

"So, it's not good to attack the trainer." Ye Chuan looked innocent:

"If you break my neck, your trainer will be dead too."

"Don't worry, it wants me to die." The masked man suddenly laughed, and then his voice became fierce:


Darkrai suddenly looked fierce.

"Come back!" The masked man's next words made Darkrai's claws stiffen.

After seeing Darkrai look at him with a look that seemed like you were teasing me, the masked man said, "We have other missions, and it's not worth dying here."

"And... at least, I can't die now." The mask said.

Hearing this, Darkrai slowly relaxed his paws.

Ye Chuan breathed a sigh of relief, his smile was obviously fake.

His life was precious, and it was not worth it to die here.

After the elves on both sides returned to their respective trainers with a tacit understanding, the masked man glanced at the stone slab on the ground, then slowly turned around:

"When Darkrai regains his strength...I will come to you again."

"You have to pay for taking things randomly."

After saying that, he slowly left.

The air became quiet again.

After Ye Chuan stood there for a while, he collapsed on the ground: "Huh..."

The flying mantis stood beside him.

"I'm so exhausted!" Ye Chuan cursed: "What kind of bullshit and snake god thing is this?!"

Nightmare God Darkrai?

"Although I don't know if that guy can't exert his power, fortunately, I'm lucky." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, he walked to his elves.

After waking them up one after another, Ye Chuan sat on the ground and crossed his arms:

"What kind of mysterious organization is this? It actually has legendary elves?"

This was Ye Chuan's first time fighting against legendary elves, and his weird skills actually hypnotized all the elves.

"It's somewhat similar to Youyou's area-wide hypnosis." Ye Chuan glanced at Youyou beside him.

"Are you messing with me?" Youyou tilted her head.

"Absolutely, but obviously my hypnosis is more powerful, and yours still has a chance of failure." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, he remembered that Youyou could also give the other party nightmares...

"Youyou, I think you can be a little nightmare god." Ye Chuan patted Youyou's head.


"This slate." Then, Ye Chuan looked at the slate.

"The Slate of Creation?"

Just ask La Lulas.

After dragging aside the village chief who was lying on the ground, Ye Chuan straightened his clothes a little and went back directly.

early morning.

After Ye Chuan woke up, he left the room and saw the disgraced village chief, and said with a smile:


"Morning, morning!" The village chief trembled all over and replied dryly.

"What's wrong? Could it be that you didn't sleep well last night?" Ye Chuan continued to ask with a smile.

"Sleep well, sleep well." The village chief said quickly.

At this time, An Shiyu walked over. After seeing Ye Chuan's familiar smirk, she stretched out her finger and poked Ye Chuan's cheek:

"Aye, what are you doing?"

"Nothing." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, he glanced at An Shiyu:

"Shiyu, it's almost time for us to set off, right?"

"Well, it seems that there are no toxins in the river today. When I just went out, I was very happy to see those people." An Shiyu smiled sweetly:

"This way I can replenish some supplies here and set off."

"Let's go then, let's go out and take a look." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, he did not forget to glance at the village chief:

"Well, village chief, let's go first."

"Okay, let's go slowly." The village chief said quickly. Although he had a smile on his face, he seemed to be eager for Ye Chuan to leave.

Ye Chuan and An Shiyu left the courtyard side by side. After walking for a while, An Shiyu looked curious:

"Why do you feel that the village chief is different from yesterday?"

"Hen." Ye Chuan shrugged.

After the two purchased some supplies in the village, they quickly left the village.

After walking for several hours, Ye Chuan took out his cell phone and called La Lulas while letting An Shiyu prepare lunch.

After a while, the call came through:

"Hey, hey, hey, if you have anything to say later, I'll fight the dragon."

The sound of the handle buttons being tapped came from the other end of the phone. After Ye Chuan heard it, he showed a helpless expression:

"Can the game be paused for a moment?"

"Do you think it's a stand-alone game?!" Lalulas said.

"Okay." Ye Chuan waited patiently for a while, and finally heard La Lulas mutter "caught."

"Is the fight finished?" Ye Chuan asked.

"Well, you can tell me what you have to say while collecting materials. Is it about the little ghost again?" Lalulas said.

"No... I met Darkrai last night." Ye Chuan said.

"Ha, oh, it's that nightmare-making machine. It's so pitiful. It's like an orphan and no one wants to get close to it. After all, who wants to have nightmares every day?" Lalulas said.

"Uh..." Hearing Lalu Russ's disdainful tone, Ye Chuan wanted to complain about that legendary elf, but thinking that La Lulas was his grandfather's main elf, he must have seen some legends. After leveling up as an elf, he had no choice but to put away his thoughts of complaining.

"Let's not talk about this for now. Yesterday, I met a group of people who were robbing something called the Slate of Creation..."

"What?!" Larulas suddenly became excited:

"Can you say that again?!"

Hearing La Lulas' rare mood swing, Ye Chuan was stunned for a moment, and then repeated it.

"Impossible, you must have made a mistake. That thing is stuck in the alpaca." Lalulas said.


Ye Chuan looked confused.

"Okay, take a picture and show it to me." Lalulas said.

"All right……"

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