Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 422 The Power of Changpan

After the big wolf dog left, the girl turned her head and looked at Ye Chuan beside her. No matter how stupid she was, she could clearly see that the boy in front of her seemed to be a very powerful elf trainer. He just said, The big wolfdog ran away with its tail between its legs.

"By the way, what's your name?" Ye Chuan turned around and asked after seeing the big wolf dog leaving.

"One by one." The girl replied.

"Yiyi?" It was a very rare name, but Ye Chuan nodded and pointed down the mountain:

"You should be from the town. I'll take you down the mountain first."

"But...other people." One by one said.

"Worried about them?" Ye Chuan smiled:

"Don't worry, I will find them later."

Looking at Ye Chuan one by one, he shook his head: "I'm not worried, but if they die, I will be blamed by the people in the town."

Ye Chuan was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the girl in front of him. According to his waveguide perception, Yiyi was certainly not lying. In other words, what she just said was from the heart.

Interesting guy.

Ye Chuan smiled, and then he stretched out his hand: "In that case, come with me."

"Steel-armored crow."


The steel-armored crow carried Ye Chuan and Yi Yi to the high altitude. Yi Yi seemed a little afraid of being so high and couldn't help but reach out and grab Ye Chuan's clothes.

"The human aura nearby..." Ye Chuan murmured, and then the waveguide felt as if he had discovered something. He stretched out his hand and pointed:

"Steel Armored Crow, get down that way."


After the steel-armored crow landed, Ye Chuan jumped down, then looked around, and finally locked on one place——

A boy fell to the ground covered in blood, seemingly in a coma. The wounds were obviously bites, probably caused by the big wolf dog just now.

"It's not life-threatening."

Ye Chuan checked the situation of the bald boy, and then looked at the person next to him: "Is this your companion?"

"Yeah." Nodded one by one.

After giving the medicine to the bald boy, Ye Chuan said, "Just stay here and watch him wake up. I will find the remaining two people."

"I want to go with you." One by one.

"Okay." Ye Chuan said, and then said towards the shadow: "Keep an eye on him."

"Suo——" A voice came from the shadows.

They glanced curiously one by one, as if they wanted to know what was hidden inside.

After spending some time, Ye Chuan finally found the remaining two people. Fortunately, they were not killed, but were seriously injured. One of the boys was almost swallowed by a giant peanut. Thanks to Ye Chuan. timely.

After giving emergency treatment to their wounds, Ye Chuan waited for them to wake up.

"Don't, don't come over!" Qiwu suddenly shouted, then sat up.

"here it is……"

He looked around and finally saw Ye Chuan and the others.

By this time, everyone had woken up, and Qiwu was the slowest.

"You finally woke up." Yang Lu, the girl with twin ponytails, said, "We almost died, but luckily someone saved us..."

Someone help?

Qi Wu looked at Ye Chuan and the steel-armored crow beside him...

"Okay, so big!" Qiwu looked stunned. The aura of this elf must be too terrifying.

Could it be a master-level elf?

"Now that everyone is awake, let's go down the mountain before dark." Ye Chuan said, taking out a Poke Ball from his pocket and throwing it to Qi Wu, which contained his Pidgeot Bird.

"Thank you." Qi Wu said blankly. Then, as if something suddenly occurred to him, he looked at Ye Chuan with bright eyes:

"Um...big brother, can you help us conquer the original elves?"

"Your elf seems to be very strong. It should be easy for you."

After he finished speaking, several other people also showed pleading expressions.

Ye Chuan touched his chin, then smiled: "No."

The expressions of those people were stagnant.

"Why, why, it's obviously very simple for you." Qiwu said.

"If it doesn't work, it won't work." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, he disappeared on the steel-armored crow.


After seeing Ye Chuan leave, Qi Wu looked depressed:

"Stingy guy, why don't you do me a little favor?"

"That's right..." The bald man beside him nodded in agreement.

"Okay, you two, do any of you say this about your savior?" Yang Lu rolled her eyes at them:

"Also, I won't follow you into the mountains anymore. Your brother's elves are of no use at all."

"What does it have to do with my brother's elf? It's because the big wolf dog is too strong, okay?"

"Okay, okay, all of you, stop arguing and go down the mountain quickly, otherwise it will be dangerous when it gets dark." Bald Head said.

As if remembering all the horrific things just now, Qiwu said with lingering fear:

"That's right, let's go down the mountain."

At this time, Yang Lu suddenly paused: "Where is Yiyi?"

"That guy must have gone down the mountain a long time ago. He saw her just now." Baldhead said.


Rustling footsteps.

A girl with long hair walked through the trees at a very fast speed, letting the branches scratch her skin.

The pain caused by the oozing blood did not stop her.

Finally, she ran to an open place, but found that the figure was not there.

"Have you left? Sure enough." Yiyi sighed and knelt down on the ground.

"Are you looking for me?"

A voice suddenly came from above. She raised her head sharply and found Ye Chuan sitting on the branch above her.

Ye Chuan jumped down, and then moved his eyes downward to notice the scratches on her feet:

"Did you come with me?"

"Yeah." Nodded one by one.

Ye Chuan touched his chin and looked at the girl in front of him, and then asked a little strangely:

"Is there a problem?"

"I..." Yiyi hesitated and raised his head. His eyes under the bangs were still lifeless:

"I want to ask you to help me become an elf trainer."

Hearing this, Ye Chuan said:

"Do you know why I just rejected them?"

"I know, because you don't need to help us." Nodding, she looked at Ye Chuan:

"I can help you with many things. No, I can help you with anything you ask me to do."

"You don't even have an initial elf, what can you do for me?" Ye Chuan couldn't help but laugh:

"It's no use talking."

Hearing this, he thought about it one by one, and finally slowly took off his shirt, his meaning unspoken.

Ye Chuan looked at her quietly, and after a few seconds, he said, "That's it?"

One by one he took off his skirt again.

Ye Chuan still looked unmoved.

In other words, this childlike body has no allure for him at all, but it can still last a few more years. After all, he has a pretty good foundation and a cute face.

Of course, it is completely incomparable to my precious Shiyu.

But he smiled and said: "In order to become a trainer, is it necessary to do this step?"

After hearing them one by one, he lowered his head:

"I... want to leave town."

"Then what?" Ye Chuan looked at her slightly trembling body and continued to ask.

"Become a trainer and earn a lot of money..." continued one by one.

Ye Chuan touched his chin: "Put on your clothes, I'm not interested in this."

Looking at Ye Chuan one by one, he suddenly asked blankly:

"You like men?"

Ye Chuan twitched the corner of his mouth: "I'm not interested in movies about girls like you, who want meat but not meat."

Yiyi bit her lip gently, and then put her clothes back on.

"Okay, let's go back." Ye Chuan waved his hand, looking uninterested.

"I'm sorry..." Yiyi nodded slightly and had no choice but to turn around and leave.

But before leaving, Ye Chuan used the power of waveguide to sweep her body.

"Huh?" Ye Chuan was suddenly stunned and said:

"Wait a minute."

Yi Yi paused and turned her head to look at Ye Chuan, as if she was a little surprised why this boy suddenly stopped her.

"Why is your waveguide aura so weird..." Ye Chuan frowned slightly, then walked up to Yiyi in two steps, staring at her closely.

Yi Yi took a step back consciously, but under Ye Chuan's scrutinizing gaze, he did not resist.

In other words, she even wanted Ye Chuan to do something to her.

In this way, maybe he will help him.

"Sure enough, it's very strange." Ye Chuan withdrew his gaze, then looked at them one by one and asked, "What special ability do you have?"

Special abilities?

Yiyi was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, indicating that he didn't.

"No?" Ye Chuan shook his head when he saw them one by one, and found that the other party did not lie, but this waveguide was really strange.

Because in Ye Chuan's waveguide perception, the waveguides of ordinary people are blue, and the waveguide users are dark blue, but the girl in front of him is a weird cyan.

Maybe she doesn't know what she's capable of yet.

After thinking for a while, Ye Chuan stretched out his hand: "Give me your hand."

Yiyi was stunned for a moment, but still stretched out his hand obediently.

There was no flesh on the little hands, but Ye Chuan didn't care about this. Instead, he directly released the power of the waveguide to more directly detect what was inside the girl's body.

After a moment, Ye Chuan's waveguide power sensed a warm force from the girl's body. With just a little contact, Ye Chuan's body felt as comfortable as if he were soaking in a hot spring.

There will always be a small number of people in this world who have special powers.

Ye Chuan is one of them. The power of the waveguide played an irreplaceable role in his growth, whether it was telepathy when training elves or seamless command of elves during war.

It is also very important to watch An Shiyu's healthy development every day.

"Interesting." After confirming that the girl in front of him really had special abilities, Ye Chuan thought for a while, then took out the elf ball, a white light flashed, and you appeared——

"RUA!" Youyou opened her hands and stretched.

"Human?" After seeing Youyou one by one, it seemed unbelievable that a human would appear from the elf ball.

"Humanoid ghost elf." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, he let Youyou hold Yiyi's hand.

During this process, everyone was in a state of confusion, as if he didn't understand what Ye Chuan wanted to do.

"Your body has a magical power. Try to sense it and then exert it." Ye Chuan said.

Magical power?

After Ye Chuan said this, he became even more confused.

"Don't worry, I will guide you." Ye Chuan smiled and said:

"If you can really use this ability, I wouldn't mind helping you."


"Yes, close your eyes."

After saying that, Ye Chuan asked Yi Yi to close his eyes, and the latter immediately closed them, as if he was afraid that Ye Chuan would regret it.

Ye Chuan used the power of waveguide to connect with the girl in front of him, and then used his own power of waveguide to guide the other party.

"Yes, relax first, and then feel the depths of your body..."

"If something comes in at this time, don't be nervous, just follow your feeling..."

"Right, that is it……"

About ten minutes later, Yiyi suddenly murmured: "What is this?"

Then she opened her eyes, and now her palms glowed slightly with cyan light.

And this power also slowly seeped into Youyou's body on the side.

"Huh?" Youyou was stunned for a moment, and then found that her strength began to rise, and her physical strength was constantly being replenished.

Although only by a small margin.

"Okay." Ye Chuan looked at Youyou aside and asked, "How did you feel after that power entered your body just now?"

When Youyou heard Ye Chuan ask this, she told him everything she felt just now.

"Increase strength and restore physical strength." Ye Chuan thought for a while, then took out his mobile phone.

He clicked on the intranet of the Trainers Alliance, searched for general keywords in the database, and soon found one about human special abilities.

【Power of Changpan】

[Humans with this ability can increase the combat effectiveness of elves for a short time, and can heal the injuries of elves. It is an extremely rare ability. 】

[Due to the lack of research subjects, more information is currently unknown. 】

"The power of Viridian, it seems to match." After Ye Chuan confirmed it, he looked at the girl in front of him.

And Yiyi also looked at Ye Chuan.

"You are a good candidate to become a trainer." Ye Chuan showed a harmless smile, and then asked:

"Do you want to become an official trainer of the Trainers Alliance?"

After seeing Ye Chuan's 360-degree change in attitude, Yiyi still hadn't come to his senses yet, but the official trainer of the Trainer Alliance...

It seems a bit far away.

At this time, Ye Chuan has indeed developed a desire to cherish talents, because such people with special abilities will definitely be able to contribute their own strength to the Trainers Alliance in the future.

Of course, even if you don't give it to the trainer alliance, it's still good for him to use it. After all, having this ability is like carrying a medical device and power bank with you.

"Then, let me ask you again." Ye Chuan looked at them one by one:

"Do you want to become a glorious alliance trainer?"

After hearing them one by one, he nodded vigorously, and his originally dull eyes gradually gained a glimmer of light:

"I want to be an elf trainer!"

"Very good." Ye Chuan touched his chin and said with a smile:

"From today on, you are my apprentice."

"Apprentice?" Yiyi murmured blankly, and then seemed to react and said:

"Yes, yes, Master!!"

Seeing the excited look of the girl in front of him, Ye Chuan touched his chin and thought to himself——

So, how should I explain it to Shiyu when I go back?

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