Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 447 Mingchang City

Ye Chuan used the power of the waveguide to control the situation. After all, under the perception of the waveguide, Ye Chuan thought it was like playing a chess game. He had insight into the actions of his own elf and the actions of the enemy.

It feels a bit like playing Fire Emblem, but not turn-based.

"Exchange." Suddenly, Ye Chuan said.

The fire dinosaur and the steel-armored crow suddenly stopped attacking the self-destructing magnet monster on the left, and instead turned to attack the self-destructing magnet monster on the side of the flying mantis.

But under everyone's gaze, the self-destructing magnet monster that was jointly attacked by the steel-armored crow and the fire dinosaur unexpectedly began to land strangely, as if it had lost its magnetism. Seeing this, the trainers looked at each other in disbelief. Understand what's going on.

"What's going on? Has that self-destructing magnet monster lost its combat effectiveness? Why did it suddenly float down?"

"I don't know. In this case, everyone come here and help!"

The self-destructing magnet monster that landed directly became a living target, and even the speed of releasing the electromagnetic gun began to slow down.

At this time, the self-destructing magnet monsters on the other side also began to land due to the fire attacks of the fire dinosaurs.

"What the hell is going on? It's so amazing!" Someone couldn't help but say, if the self-destructing magnet monster cannot float, the threat will be greatly reduced!

At this time, the security captain took a deep look at Ye Chuan and said:

"It's because of the heat."

"Captain, what are you talking about about the high temperature? Is it because Magneto, as a steel elf, is afraid of fire?"

"No..." The trainer shook his head and continued:

"The magnetism of a magnet comes from the consistency of the atomic directions. Heating will intensify the inherent irregular motion of the atoms, destroying the consistency of the atomic directions so that they cannot be arranged in the same direction. After cooling, the atomic directions will definitely not be restored to the same consistency... "

"The self-destructing magnet monster uses magnetic force to float. After its own magnetic force is destroyed, it can only be forced to land before it recovers."

Hearing this, many trainers showed surprised expressions, and then looked towards Ye Chuan:

"Is this... calculated in advance?"

Ye Chuan didn't care what the people over there thought, after all...

Isn't it normal to use fire elves to fight steel elves?

After the self-destructing magnet monsters could no longer float freely in the air, the other trainers' elves swarmed in and quickly controlled the two self-destructing magnet monsters.

Later, people from the Trainer Alliance also arrived. After seeing that the scene was under control, they couldn't help but ask the airport's security trainer:

"Have you already subdued it? I just heard you say that the situation is out of control."

Hearing this, the trainer captain scratched his head in embarrassment, and then pointed to the side:

"Thanks to that young man, we were able to subdue the two self-destructing magnet monsters."

After saying that, he looked over there, only to find that Ye Chuan had already disappeared.

What about people...?

"Young man?" The trainer looked at the captain in front of him with a strange expression and asked:

"The self-destructing magnet monster that you all couldn't stop was stopped by a young man?"

"Yes, yes, it looks like a high school student. There is a weird humanoid elf and a black flying mantis, which is very powerful in combat."

As soon as the captain finished speaking, the people from the Trainers Alliance were stunned, and then asked:

"Is the high school student you are talking about tall, thin, handsome, and has a fire dinosaur?"

"Yes, yes, he's quite handsome. There's a fire dinosaur." The captain nodded.

Hearing this, some people from the Trainers Alliance looked at each other, as if they all knew who it was.

Seeing the weird expressions of the people in the trainers' alliance, the captain couldn't help but said: "What's wrong? Is there something wrong with that person? Do you need me to bring him over?"

"No, he is not a suspicious person." The person from the Trainers Alliance immediately shook his head.

"But your reaction..." The captain showed doubts.

"Okay, since everything is fine at the airport, don't ask so many questions."

"All right……"

The captain had no choice but to nod his head and ask no more questions, but judging from the reaction on the other side, he seemed to understand that the boy who just helped seemed to be a great person.

the other side.

Ye Chuan stood next to An Shiyu and drank the drink in his hand:

"It seems like everything will be fine."

An Shiyu stretched out her hand to hold Ye Chuan's arm and asked in a low voice: "As long as everything is okay, Aye, what about our plane?"

"The plane just now probably can't take off. We'll probably get another one," Ye Chuan said.

After all, the plane was shot several times by the electromagnetic cannon. Not only was the outer body damaged, but even the parts inside were more or less damaged. Let alone taking off, if this kind of plane really took off, it is estimated that one of them would come before it flew very far. It hit hard.

"If that's the case, Aye, why don't we take the high-speed rail." An Shiyu asked.

After all, it only takes five hours to go to Mingchang City by high-speed rail.

"High-speed rail?" Ye Chuan thought for a while, then smiled:


After making up their mind, Ye Chuan and An Shiyu gave up taking the plane. Little did they know that this decision directly disrupted some people's plans.

It was a temporary decision, but fortunately the tickets were not difficult to buy, so Ye Chuan and An Shiyu quickly bought the tickets and took the high-speed train.

And it happens to be ABC three times in a row.

Ye Xiaoyi's little face was full of curiosity. After all, she had never ridden on any means of transportation. No matter which team she took, it was a novel experience for her.

"Eve..." Eevee in Ye Xiaoyi's arms fell asleep quickly after getting on the high-speed train. After all, he was just a newborn baby. He was a little troubled by the two self-destructing magnet monsters just now. , and soon became exhausted.

Maybe it was because he looked cute when he was sleeping, which attracted the attention of Mu Mu Xiao.

"Bubu." Mumu Xiao picked up the blanket covering himself and spread it slightly over Ibrahimovic. After all, the air-conditioning on the high-speed train was still quite cold.

After seeing this scene, An Shiyu said softly:

"Mumuxiao has grown up."

After saying that, he pinched its fleshy cheeks.

"Bubu." Mumuxiao patted his chest, that was.

Ye Chuan smiled and then began to close his eyes to rest.

Time passed slowly, and An Shiyu and the others also fell asleep. An Shiyu naturally slept on Ye Chuan's shoulder, while Ye Xiaoyi leaned against the window. Although An Shiyu was very kind to her, Ye Xiaoyi Xiaoyi was still too shy to lean on An Shiyu.

After several hours of high-speed rail journey, we finally arrived at our destination - Mingchang City.

After a good night's sleep, An Shiyu stretched out. Her beautiful figure attracted the attention of everyone around her, but she didn't pay attention to it. Instead, she hugged Ye Chuan's arm:

"Where do we go next."

"Go to the Elf Center to put your luggage first." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, he seemed to have thought of something and glanced at Ye Xiaoyi:

"But it seems that there are no three-person rooms in the Elf Center."

Hearing this, Ye Xiaoyi immediately said, "I can just sleep on the ground."

After hearing what Ye Xiaoyi said, Ye Chuan reached out and touched her head, feeling dumbfounded, and then said:

"I definitely won't let you sleep on the floor. It's better to have a normal double room. An Shiyu sleeps with me, and you and Ibrahimovic share a bed."

Hearing this, Ye Xiaoyi nodded, and then silently wrote it down in his notebook.

The number of times to repay the master x33.

After swiping his card and getting off the high-speed rail station, Ye Chuan called a car and checked in at the nearby Elf Center.

Mingchang City is a relatively ancient city with a strong historical and cultural atmosphere.

To put it simply, there are very few modern high-rise buildings in this city, and there are basically some ancient buildings and some antique buildings.

Because of this, it is also the filming location for many costume TV series.

"It has a completely different atmosphere from our city." An Shiyu looked at the surrounding buildings and said softly.

"Indeed, in fact, every city has its own characteristics." Ye Chuan smiled, just like Wucao City before.

Ye Xiaoyi also looked around curiously, but because she was relatively paralyzed, she looked a bit like she was looking around with a face mask on her arm.

"Hey!" At this time, Ibrahimovic in Ye Xiaoyi's arms suddenly screamed happily, then broke out of Ye Xiaoyi's arms and ran away.

"Wait, Ibrahimovic!" Ye Xiaoyi shouted immediately after seeing this.

After Ye Chuan saw Ibrahimovic actually running out, he took out the elf ball, white light flashed, and faintly appeared.

"Wow, it's so beautiful here." Youyou lay on Ye Chuan's shoulder and looked around with a flat face.

"Okay, let's go get Ibrahimovic back." Ye Chuan patted Youyou's head, and the latter suddenly stretched out his hands cutely and escaped directly into the shadow:

"Catch Eevee!"

After a while, Youyou floated back with Ibrahimovic in her arms, but now there was an extra ice cream in Ibrahimovic's mouth.

Behind him, a little girl ran over crying: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, give me the ice cream quickly."

Seeing this, Ye Chuan was stunned for a moment, then took Eevee from Youyou's hand, looked at the ice cream in its mouth, and then looked at the crying little girl. Just when he was about to speak, the little girl The girl cried loudly:

"You are a bad person, woohoo!!!"

The child's cry immediately attracted the attention of the people around him, and many passers-by came over, directly surrounding Ye Chuan and the others.

"You said you are such a big man, how can you bully a child?"

"Yeah, you can afford to raise elves, so why are you grabbing the children's ice cream?"

"What's wrong with you, are you still shameless?"

Seeing the indignant looks of the people around him, Ye Chuan's mouth twitched, but at this moment An Shiyu stepped forward, protected Ye Chuan and said:

"Everyone misunderstood. We didn't steal the children's ice cream. It was Ibrahimovic who was too naughty."

After saying that, An Shiyu looked at Ibrahimovic: "Quickly apologize to Ibrahimovic."

Ibrahimovic blinked, then licked the ice cream.

After seeing Ibrahimovic who showed no repentance at all, the passers-by had indifferent expressions.

An Shiyu originally wanted to explain, but Ye Chuan walked up to the little girl, then squatted down so that his eyes were level with hers:

"Kid, big brother is not a bad person, can I give you an ice cream as compensation?"

Maybe it was because Ye Chuan's tone was very gentle, or maybe because Ye Chuan's appearance was more handsome, the little girl blinked and said with tears in her eyes:

"The last one... is sold out."

"Ice cream is sold everywhere, can you trust me?" Ye Chuan said with a smile:

"As an apology, can I buy you as much food as you want?"

Hearing this, the little girl nodded: "Okay..."

"But before that, where are your elders?" Ye Chuan asked.

After all, such a small child.

When the little girl heard Ye Chuan's question, she suddenly said timidly:

"Ying'er ran out secretly to buy ice cream..."

After hearing what she said, Ye Chuan smiled and said:

"Okay, let me take you to eat ice cream first, and then take you home, okay?"

Hearing this, the little girl said hesitantly:

"Sister said... you can't go with strangers."

"Then I'll take you home?"

"But I want ice cream." the little girl whispered.

"Then do you think my brother is a bad person?" Ye Chuan asked with a smile, not forgetting to smile.

Seeing Ye Chuan's appearance, the little girl hesitated: "I don't know..."

"Then will my brother buy you a lot of ice cream?"

"Brother, you are not a bad person." The little girl replied immediately.

Seeing the little girl's greedy look, Ye Chuan was a little bit dumbfounded. Then he glanced at the passers-by around him and said:

"Actually, our Eevee was too naughty and ate this child's ice cream. Now I'm taking her to buy ice cream as compensation."

"If you don't believe it, someone can come with me. We are not bad people."

Perhaps Ye Chuan and An Shiyu didn't look like bad people, and their tone just now was quite sincere. The passers-by looked at each other and said:

"There is a dessert shop at the intersection near here."

After saying that, he pointed to the distance, as if he didn't want Ye Chuan to take the little girl to other places.

Ye Chuan smiled, and then led the child towards the dessert shop.

There were not many people in the dessert shop. After Ye Chuan and the others found a booth and sat down, Ye Chuan handed the menu to the little girl:

"Your name is Ying'er, right? Come on, do whatever you want."

The prices in the dessert shop are not cheap, and the various parfaits with pictures inside are even more mouth-watering. After looking at the prices, the little girl glanced at Ye Chuan secretly:

"Can I really order it?"

After all, she was robbed by Ibrahimovic because the ice cream truck sold a single ball of ice cream for 5 yuan, and the parfaits here started at 100 yuan.

"Well, brother won't lie to you." Ye Chuan smiled.

Hearing this, the girl started ordering with peace of mind.

After she ordered a strawberry parfait, Ye Chuan thought that since he had arrived at the dessert shop, he handed the menu to An Shiyu and Ye Xiaoyi:

"You guys can order one too."

Girls naturally can't resist desserts. After An Shiyu asked for a cake, Ye Xiaoyi became confused.

Because she has never eaten these things, and in her memory, cakes are something that neighbor children can only eat on their birthdays, and they are not delicious.

But maybe because the picture was too pretty, she tentatively ordered one.

Soon, all the desserts were served. Seeing the little girl holding a long spoon and eating with a smile, Ye Chuan smiled:

"Where do you live? I'll take you back after eating."

"It's nearby. Ying'er will go back by herself after eating." The little girl licked the ice cream at the corner of her mouth and said.

"Really?" Hearing this, Ye Chuan started to eat his dessert. Then he took out his mobile phone and searched for the gym in the city and found that it was nearby.

"The gym in Mingchang City is actually near here." Ye Chuan touched his chin.

"Dojo?" Ying'er on the side suddenly blinked her big eyes:

"Are you going to my house?"

"Your home?" Ye Chuan was stunned for a moment when he heard this.

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