Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 462 Chaomeng

At this time, Miao Frog Flower was naturally directly hypnotized by Youyou. After all, since Youyou obtained the power of the Squid King, hypnosis can be used almost in a wide range, and Youyou's body is an extremely powerful hypnotic body.

"Add some nightmares." Youyou pinched a little bit of black powder and slowly sprinkled it into the body of Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur's expression soon became painful. She was affected by the nightmare, and her vitality was also increasing. of loss.

"Okay, add happiness." Youyou's chubby paws sprinkled pink powder.

Bulbasaur's expression suddenly relaxed, revealing a happy expression: "Wonderful——"

"Then, after relaxing, a burst of energy dropped violently!" Youyou condensed a black ball of light and slammed it into the body of Bulbasaur, who immediately let out a cry of pain! !

The terrifying nightmare caused Bulbasaur's body to begin to convulse. Luo Tian's forehead was dripping with cold sweat and he shouted:

"Wake up Bulbasaur, it's just a nightmare!"

At this time, the broken limbs of Bulbasaur began to shake and beat, as if they were being chased by something. At this time, Youyou showed a drooling expression: "Hooraaa."

It opened its mouth wide, and finally swallowed the entire Bulbasaur directly, and then passed through its body. The soul-like shadow was dragged out by Youyou, and finally ate it, and the Bulbasaur suddenly opened its eyes, The pupils were already dark and lost their light.

Eat dreams!

"Bulbasa, lost fighting consciousness." The referee took a look at Bulbasaur's condition and directly raised the flag to announce the result.

Bulbasaur has not lost the ability to fight, but her appearance at this time is not much better than losing the ability to fight. She has directly lost consciousness.

"Thank you, Youyou." Ye Chuan smiled, and Youyou also changed from a white and pink fat man back to a girl.

"It's fun!" Youyou's arms were spinning like windmills, and she seemed to be having a lot of fun.

"I didn't expect that one day we would be defeated so easily. It seems we still need to practice. Young people today are so scary." Luo Tian took out the elf ball and took the Bulbasaur back. , and then walked to Ye Chuan.

"You are very strong, much more powerful than my useless son." Luo Tian reached out and patted Ye Chuan on the shoulder. The brute strength of a gorilla made Ye Chuan grin slightly.

"Hey old man, you can't say that about your son, right?!" Luo An seemed unhappy.

"Hahahahaha...then-" Luo Tian turned around, and a disciple came out with a black box in his hand.

After opening it, a silver hexagonal badge appeared, and then Luo Tian handed it directly to Ye Chuan: "Here you go, this is the badge of the Shuangtan City Gym. If you collect a certain number, you can participate in the competition held by the alliance. Various events.”

"Thank you." Ye Chuan looked at the badge in his hand and slowly put it into his pocket.

"Did you come to Shuangtan City to collect badges?" Luo Tian crossed his arms and looked at Ye Chuan and asked suddenly.

"Yes, that's true." Ye Chuan nodded.

"That's it..." Shuangtanshi looked at Ye Chuan's appearance and suddenly had a bold idea in his heart:

"Do you want to participate in the National Elf Competition?"

"Yeah." Ye Chuan smiled.

Suddenly there were gasps from around me. The guy in front of me seemed to be just a high school student. Can he participate in the National Elf Competition at such a young age?

Shouldn't someone at this age participate in school competitions?

"Hahaha, you are ambitious, but my son can't even participate in the school competition." Luo Tian laughed loudly, and Luo An on the side suddenly curled his lips: "What, you stinky old man."

Ye Chuan looked at the two people in front of him and smiled and nodded.

"So, where do you want to go next?" Luo Tian asked looking at Ye Chuan.

"Feiyun City." Ye Chuan thought for a while and then replied.

Feiyun City is right next door, and Ye Chuan could stop by to challenge the gym, and then went all the way north.

Feiyun City...

At this time, Luo Tian suddenly frowned slightly and fell into deep thought.

As if he noticed something was wrong with Luo Tian's expression, Ye Chuan was stunned for a moment and asked, "What's the matter, Master Luo Tian?"

"A big event happened in Feiyun City recently." Luo Tian said slowly.

"What?" Ye Chuan showed a curious expression.

"Oh, I heard that there was a vicious gym attack in Feiyun City recently." At this time, Luo An on the side replied like a child raising his hand.

Gym, attack case?

Seeing Ye Chuan's thoughtful expression, Luo Tian continued: "It is said that the gym leader in Feiyun City was attacked by a trainer with a strange elf."

"Strange elf..." Ye Chuan heard this and asked, "What do you mean?"

"It's the unknown elf. It is said that when the gym leader of Feiyun City accepted a challenger that day, not only were all the elf defeated, but the opponent's elf also attacked him and directly destroyed the gym. leave."

Ye Chuan raised his eyebrows.

The gym was attacked and destroyed?

This is a very bad incident, which is equivalent to a direct challenge to the majesty of the Trainers Alliance. After all, the official gym represents the Trainers Alliance, the center of almost all trainer alliances in the world.

"If it is such a bad incident, I'm afraid I won't even be able to leave Feiyun City, right?" Ye Chuan touched his chin:

"What happened to the attacker later?"

"It's not found. It's like it disappeared suddenly. It's suspected that it used the power of the elves to leave the scene." Luo Tiandao.

"The unknown elf, the trainer who attacked the gym, is interesting..." Ye Chuan suddenly smiled:

"Then my next destination will be Feiyun City."

"Really? Looking at the situation at Feiyun Gym, I'm afraid it won't be possible to recover within a few months."

"It's okay." Ye Chuan shook his head. Then, he seemed to suddenly remember something and asked curiously:

"By the way, are the unknown elves you are talking about elves that are not included in the illustrated book?"

"Well, indeed not." Luo Tian touched his chin:

"How should I put it? In my mind, I have never seen that elf before, and it is actually so strong."

"Master Luo Tian has seen it with his own eyes?"

"No, I saw it in the photo. There was a report about this incident in the headlines of Feiyun City recently. Although the cameras were all destroyed in an instant, the trainer and the time when he sent the elves were well recorded. "

"Really?" Ye Chuan thought for a while.

When you arrive in Feiyun City, go to the Trainers Alliance to get a better understanding of the specific situation.

"Oh, by the way, that elf seems to be called Mewtwo. That's what the trainer ordered it to be."

Ye Chuan's hand trembled unconsciously, and then he looked at Luo Tian:


"Yes, the recording at that time was quite clear. It didn't look like an animal. It was standing, had a thick tail, and had mechanical armor all over its body."

Ye Chuan: "..."



"Mewtwo No. 300." Ye Chuan kept murmuring the name, and the memory of the underwater city gradually emerged. In the Bell Company in the underwater city, Ye Chuan obtained a research log in the secret room. There are records about a special artificial elf manufacturing plan.

And its name is Chaomeng!

"The experiment log mentioned that Chaomeng had gym master-level strength right after he was born. It seems to be true. In this way, it must be its superpower that was able to take away the entire company..."

"What does that company want to do?"

"Now you actually dare to attack the gym..."

Seeing Ye Chuan talking to himself, Luo Tian scratched his head a little strangely, and then looked at Ye Chuan:

"Hey boy, are you okay?"

Ye Chuan came back to his senses and shook his head: "No, I'm fine."

"By the way, can you send me a copy of that Mewtwo video?"

"Ah, oh, that's not a problem."

After the battle, Ye Chuan said goodbye to Luo Tian and his son, and then hurried back to the room in the Elf Center, opened his laptop and started operating it.

An Shiyu on the side saw Ye Chuan's slender fingers tapping the keyboard, and couldn't help but whisper:

"This is the first time I see Aye showing such a serious expression."

"Master... Master, what's going on?"

"Shh, let's go out for a walk." An Shiyu said softly when she saw Ye Chuan's focused look.

"Where to go?"

"I'll pick out a nice dress for you and go shopping in Shuangtan City."


Ye Chuan seemed to notice An Shiyu leaving with Ye Xiaoyi, but he didn't care. Maybe An Shiyu went to the rest area to buy food. At this time, Ye Chuan's eyes were looking straight into the notebook. video.

The picture quality is not very clear. A humanoid elf slightly taller than a human is standing there, with a thick tail raised. He is wearing metal armor and his face cannot be seen clearly.

"Hmm... It is indeed an elf that I have never seen before. Is this Mewtwo?" Ye Chuan did not say that he knew all the elves, but he was familiar with them all in the illustrated books. Ye Chuan had not seen this kind of elves in any illustrated books. Saw it in.

On the other side of the battlefield was a green and white elf.

The super-powered fighter elf-Elledo.

At this time, Chaomeng stretched out his hand, and saw that the video suddenly fluctuated, and the picture looked like waves. Elleduo on the opposite side fell softly to the ground, losing his ability to fight.

It can be seen from the shocked expression of the gym leader and the stunned look of the audience that this is such a shocking thing. Eluredo suddenly fell down, and there was even a sense of weirdness.

"It looks like it is indeed a superpower elf, and with such a straightforward solution, his strength should be even higher."

"How long has it been since it was created, and its strength has grown so fast?" Ye Chuan frowned.

If this continues to develop without restrictions, things may develop to a point where the consequences are immeasurable.

The elves created by humans themselves violate the laws of nature. This kind of elves are not born in nature, and are naturally unrestrained. It is possible to have abilities beyond cognition.

What's more, it can be seen from the attack on the gym that this Bell Company probably has no intention of using Chaomeng to do good things.

"Are these mechanical armors used to increase superpowers?" Ye Chuan then turned his attention to the armor.

The armor worn by Mewtwo will glow slightly every time it attacks, as if it increases its power.

When the matter reached this point, Ye Chuan no longer believed that he could solve it with his own power.

Because judging from the current situation, the Trainers Alliance may only regard this incident as a vicious gym attack, without thinking about what Mewtwo itself was created for.

But in the final analysis, not many people know about the Mewtwo Project. He also accidentally learned about it in the research log. He doesn't know more in-depth information about this guy called Mewtwo. With the information he currently has in hand, Come and see.

1. This is an unnatural elf with extremely strong growth speed.

2. Judging from the moves and methods, it will probably be a super power elf.

3. The Bell Group’s use of Mewtwo to attack the gym is probably just the beginning.

"It's really a big crisis. Let's talk to the people at the headquarters." Ye Chuan took out his mobile phone, but he thought about it again and called his sister-in-law directly.

After a while, the other party connected.

"Hey Chuanchuan, why don't you call your sister-in-law when you have time?" My sister-in-law's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Sister-in-law... I have something very important to tell you."

"Are you talking about that shady guy...ahem, your mother is pregnant again? I already knew about it~"


As if he heard Ye Chuan's serious tone, Ye Xiaoke's voice gradually became more serious: "Go ahead."

Ye Chuan told his sister-in-law everything about the Chaomeng Project, the attack on the Feiyun City Gym, and his analysis.

"Chaomeng, is it interesting..." Ye Xiaoke's voice gradually became colder:

"The elves invented through this kind of cruel experiment, these guys are really not involved in any good things."

"These guys?" Ye Chuan was stunned. From his sister-in-law's tone, he seemed to know this group.

"Well, this organization called Bell Group has actually been warned many times by the alliance. They have been doing this kind of research and experiments a long time ago, but they were discovered and banned in time... Unexpectedly, they actually did it again in private Start doing this.”

"Sister-in-law, do you need to issue a wanted order?"

"Yes, according to your guess, this kind of immeasurably dangerous elf will have a great impact on the entire society. If it's just one, that's fine. If it can be mass-produced..." Ye Chuan could hear his sister-in-law's tone. The chill in it.

Indeed, if it was just a single Mewtwo, then it would be fine, and the alliance should be able to end the worst outcome.

But if Mewtwo, which is progressing at such a terrifying rate, can be mass-produced, then the world will probably begin to turmoil.

"Chuanchuan, your information is very important. I will immediately arrange for senior trainers to track down the Bell Group and search for Chaomeng's whereabouts. During this period, you must also pay attention to your own safety. After all, you have personally investigated this matter. I'm afraid..."

"It's okay, sister-in-law, I can already protect myself." Ye Chuan smiled.

"Pfft, you're obviously just a kid, but your confident look is completely different from your dad. So... I'll arrange a bodyguard to follow you." Ye Xiaoke couldn't help but laugh.

"Bodyguard?" Ye Chuan was stunned for a moment.

"Well, remember to check it."

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