Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 466 Reliable Zero and Lightning Bird

Ye Chuan was woken up by a burst of noise.

When he opened his eyes, only Ye Xiaoyi was left in the room, and An Shiyu and Ling were gone.

"What... happened?" Ye Chuan yawned, then looked around and found that he felt a little uncomfortable, but he couldn't express it.

After a few seconds, he reacted and sniffed.

The air is a bit dry.

Ye Chuan raised his head and glanced at the air conditioner, and found that it had stopped running.

"Master, the power is out." Ye Xiaoyi replied from the side.

power cut?

Service points generally have backup power supplies. What's going on?

"Master's wife and Miss Ling went to the first floor." Ye Xiaoyi seemed to have discovered that Ye Chuan was looking for An Shiyu and the others, so she added.

"Really?" Ye Chuan got out of bed, put on his clothes, and then washed himself.

At this time, beside the bed, Ye Xiaoyi was sitting obediently in a white dress, as if waiting for Ye Chuan.

"Then let's go out first." Ye Chuan said to Ye Xiaoyi after taking all the elf balls.

Ye Xiaoyi nodded lightly.

After arriving on the first floor, Ye Chuan found that there were quite a few people and elves gathered here, and on the side, there was a person who looked like a staff member who was explaining something, as if to appease everyone.

"Sorry, sorry, I don't know why the power supply at the service point suddenly cut off. We are now trying to find a way to repair it. Please don't worry." The staff said, but it can be seen that the incident happened suddenly, and even the people at the service point did not expect it.

At this time, Ye Chuan also saw An Shiyu and Ling.



They walked over, and An Shiyu patted his chest gently and said, "The power suddenly went out while we were cooking. It really scared me to death."

The kitchen has an induction cooker, so after a power outage, of course the induction cooker cannot be used.

"It seems like it's not just a power outage." Zero said from the side.

When Ye Chuan heard this, he looked curious: "Why isn't it just a power outage?"

"The electricity around here comes from a power plant not far away. I just went to investigate and found that there is a power outage everywhere." Zero replied:

"Generally speaking, this kind of power plant direct supply facility can eliminate pipeline problems first, and then there is only one possibility left, that is, there is a problem at the power plant."

"And I just called the power plant again to inquire, and found that no one answered the phone there. According to the regulations of the power plant, it is impossible for no one to answer the phone during working hours at this time."

Ye Chuan thought for a while, then looked at Ling Ling and said unexpectedly: "You collected so much information in such a short period of time?"

"Yes." Zero nodded:

"Intelligence gathering is what has to be done."

"Miss Ling is very reliable." An Shiyu said with a smile: "She taught me a lot of ways to deal with wounds when I was cooking."

"And these should be able to be used on elves."

"Really?" Ye Chuan looked at Zero beside him, and suddenly felt a sense of value for money.

But even if there is a power outage, it has nothing to do with Ye Chuan and the others, because they will pack their bags and head to Feiyun City later. There can't be a power outage in Feiyun City.

At this time, Zero suddenly took out his mobile phone and handed it to Ye Chuan:

"Master, I think you might be interested in this."


Ye Chuan took Ling's cell phone and found a golden figure lying on a huge generator in the photo.

It looks like a bird elf, and its feathers are very sharp. There seem to be golden arcs between the feathers, which contain unimaginable high-voltage electricity.

"Lightning Bird?" Ye Chuan is not unfamiliar with the appearance of this elf. This is clearly the legendary Elf Lightning Bird!

"Yes, young master, I also remotely retrieved the monitoring records in the power plant and found that this elf is absorbing the power of the generator."

Ye Chuan: "..."

No, no, no, I'm more curious about how you can do so many things in a short time?

Humanoid Gundam you?

"Aye, is this the legendary elf?" An Shiyu blinked her beautiful eyes, seemingly very curious. After all, she had never seen any legendary elf.

Ye Chuan looked at the Lightning Bird and couldn't help but recall the Phoenix King in the game.

After irritating the other party, he was severely beaten, but fortunately he ran fast.

Even Yugi is not his opponent, so how strong is this lightning bird?

Ye Chuan was very curious.

And this is not a game, this is a real legendary elf.

If it can be conquered...

"Where is the power plant?" Ye Chuan asked.

"It's nearby, Master." Zero replied.

"Very good, let's set off." Ye Chuan smiled. An Shiyu next to him heard this, looked at Ye Xiaoyi and the others, and finally said to Ye Chuan:

"Aye, isn't it dangerous..."

"I will do what I can." Ye Chuan smiled.

"Yes." An Shiyu nodded lightly. She would not object to Ye Chuan doing anything.

What An Shiyu can do is to stay quietly behind Ye Chuan and follow his footsteps.

As if anticipating that Ye Chuan would want to go to the power plant, Ling said:

"Master, I have rented a car temporarily. Please come with me."

I really want to complain.

Ye Chuan felt that he was no longer a bodyguard, Zero was just like a housekeeper, taking care of everything.

"Then let's go." Ye Chuan said.


The car parked in the parking lot at the door. After Ye Chuan and the others got in the car, they arrived at the power plant in less than ten minutes.

At this time, a large number of electricians gathered at the door with ugly faces, and many people took out their mobile phones to call the alliance.

"Hey, who are you? Don't come near here!" At this time, several people seemed to have noticed Ye Chuan and the others, and they warned.

"Aye, they don't seem to welcome us." An Shiyu whispered.

Ye Chuan smiled and then got out of the car.

After seeing Ye Chuan and the others get off the bus, a man in his forties walked over with a frown:

"What are you doing here?"

"We are from the Trainers Alliance." Ye Chuan smiled and took out his alliance card.

The man took the alliance card and glanced at it, then his expression slowed down and he said with an apologetic expression: "Sorry, seeing that you are so young, I thought you were some naughty kid from some family who ran over."

"Have you ever seen such a handsome boy?" Ye Chuan pointed at himself.

The man coughed dryly.

"The main reason is that we didn't expect you to come not long after we called..."

"Tell me, what happened?" Ye Chuan asked.

"We don't know either. This morning, the elves were madly attacking the generator as if they were possessed by evil spirits, as if they were being controlled."

"And they didn't obey the command at all. There was nothing we could do. We also knew to withdraw and asked you to come and take a look."

"Don't you obey the command?" Ye Chuan thought for a while, then asked:

"Are they all electric elves?"

"Yes, they are all elves like three-in-one magnet monsters." said the leading man.

Ye Chuan touched his chin and then said:

"In that case, let's go in first and see what's going on."

After hearing that Ye Chuan and the others were about to go in, the man was stunned, and then said with some worry:

"It's dangerous inside, do you really want to go in?"

"How can we solve the trouble if we don't go in?" Ye Chuan asked.

"Um... I mean you don't seem to have enough manpower here. There are at least dozens of elves running rampant inside. If one of them is accidentally injured, it will be in trouble." The man explained.

"Thank you for your reminder. I will take care to protect myself when the time comes." Ye Chuan smiled.

"Master, I will protect you." Ling said beside him.

"Aye, I'm going too," An Shiyu said.

"It's very dangerous inside." Ye Chuan said with a smile.

An Shiyu clenched her fists: "Ah, if Ah Ye is injured, I can help you heal!"

Although An Shiyu is not good at fighting, he is fully qualified as a backup.

"Then let's go."

Ye Chuan recalled the golden figure on the generator, raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and walked in with An Shiyu and the others.

Lightning bird?

I am coming.

After a while, another car stopped outside the door of the power plant, and several men and women came out.

After seeing the uniforms of the Trainers Alliance on them, the man who was leading them was stunned for a moment, and then walked over:

"Could it be that you are from the Trainers' Alliance?"

The men and women on the other side looked at each other with strange expressions: "Yes, we are members of the Alliance."

"And weren't you the ones calling for help?"

"Well, then, where are those people who just entered?" The man opened his eyes wide:

"Are they also from your alliance?"

The man was a little confused for a moment. If the people in front of him were from the Trainers Alliance, then what about those people just now?

"Who are they? We are the only ones sent here."

The man told what happened, and the person from the Trainers Alliance suddenly frowned:

"What a guy, how dare you pretend to be a trainer alliance!"

"Come on, let's go in first and catch those impostors after we resolve the matter!"


After Ye Chuan, An Shiyu and the others came in, they found that the power plant was a little stuffy. It seemed that the exhaust fan was broken.

The floor was made of metal, and with every step he took, there was a metallic sound, and there was a strong smell of engine oil on the tip of his nose, which made Ye Chuan frown slightly.

This environment is really bad.

"Master, please be careful." After Zero finished speaking, he took out an elf ball, white light flashed, and a white and green humanoid elf appeared——


Gardevoir is a superpower elf, which is Ye Wangcai's final form.

However, Ye Chuan also doesn’t understand why his grandfather’s La Lulas is so powerful and still looks like he was at the beginning. Logically speaking, shouldn’t he evolve into Gardevoir to be able to fight so powerfully?

"Gardevoir, sense the dangers around you." Zero said.

Gardevoir clasped his hands together, his eyes glowing with pink and purple light, and then the superpower fluctuations emitted, and he began to sense the danger around him.

Gardevoir has the ability to sense emotions, and it can detect any hostile creatures around it immediately.

"Where is the Lightning Bird?"

Ye Chuan asked, this place is quite big, so he thought it would be more convenient to ask for zero.

"Master, please go this way." Zero said, then led the way.

It can be seen that Zero has prepared everything, and Ye Chuan found that the staff did not seem to know that there was a lightning bird in the power plant. From this, it seems that during the power outage, the staff were attacked by the elves and evacuated first. , and what was recorded on the surveillance camera was cracked by Zero.

Suddenly, Ye Chuan stopped and grabbed Ling:


Zero was stunned. The next second, there was a shaking sound from the ceiling, and then a figure fell from the sky and landed in front of Ye Chuan and the others!

It's all yellow, with black lightning patterns all over its body, and a tail with a circular pattern. It's an electric beast!

The electric beast was obviously in a state of confusion at this time, its eyes were red and full of aggression.

"Electric beast, Gardevoir!" Zero said:

"Use the shadow ball!"

Gardevoir condensed a shadow ball and then threw it towards the electric beast——

With a loud noise, the electric beast took a few steps back, fell to the ground and lost the ability to fight.

Very strong.

Ye Chuan could feel that Gardevoir did not use all his strength and easily dealt with this powerful electric beast.

"Gardevoir, didn't you sense the electric beast just now?" Zero asked Gardevoir.

"Shasha." Gardevoir shook his head.

It really didn't sense anything. If it weren't for Ye Chuan's reminder, Gardevoir probably wouldn't have known that there would be elves attacking them above.

"Really?" Zero frowned slightly.

"I'm sorry, Master, for scaring you." Zero had no choice but to say to Ye Chuan, seeming to blame himself a little.

Ye Chuan smiled and shook his head: "It's okay, don't blame yourself."

"I think the reason why Gardevoir can't sense the electric beasts is probably because these elves are in a state of chaos, so they won't show obvious hostility."

"Anything is possible in a state of chaos. It is normal for Gardevoir not to notice any hostility."

"I see, I've learned a lesson." Zero said.

"I think that the reason why these electric elves will fall into chaos must be related to the lightning bird. After all, communication between electric elves relies on electric current." Ye Chuan smiled:

"Let's go on."

the other side.

As soon as the Trainers Alliance team entered the power plant, they were surrounded by five or six three-in-one magnet monsters.

"Be careful to avoid it!" Several people immediately formed a lineup, and then summoned their elves one after another.

But the next second, those three-in-one magnet monsters summoned electric current, intertwined the power grid and directly covered those people!

The sizzling sound of electricity sounded, and the elf that had just been summoned was directly covered by the power grid!

The elves screamed after being attacked by the electric current!

"What's going on? Why have the elves in the power plant become so much stronger?" the boy said in surprise.

"Who knows... isn't it said that the black version is three times stronger?" After another girl finished speaking, she took out another elf ball and said:

"But don't underestimate the trainers' alliance, you bastard!"

There was a flash of white light, and several elves appeared to suppress those three-in-one magnet monsters!

At this time, deep in the power plant, on a giant generator, a giant bird wrapped in blue current seemed to sense something, and slowly opened its golden eyes——

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