Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 468 I really look forward to you going to seek revenge on my parents.

The Flying Mantis slashed with an almost invisible speed, and the man behind Ye Xiaoyi flew out and fell unconscious on the ground.

An Shiyu and Ye Xiaoyi came to the side of Flying Mantis, but at this time, the people in white did not dare to approach Flying Mantis.

Because of the uncanny speed of the Flying Mantis, no one knows whether the next knife will fall on his neck.

An Shiyu and Ye Xiaoyi looked at each other and trotted back to Ye Chuan's side.


An Shiyu threw herself into Ye Chuan's arms, and after seeing that she was okay, Ye Chuan stretched out his hand and patted her head gently to comfort her, then looked at the distorted figure kneeling on the ground in the distance, and Beside him, there was a little doll treating his wounds.

The healing power of the elf is magical. After taking the hand, the doll almost released a healing wave to treat his wounds. After a while, Ying's expression slowed down.

But despite this, the flexibility of his fingers was not as good as before. Ying moved his fingers and looked at Ye Chuan, who was full of ferociousness:

"You brat, you dare to attack me?"

"You don't want to get out of here alive tonight!"

Ye Chuan did not speak, but moved the waveguide. After receiving the instructions, the Flying Mantis turned into a black shadow and flew out again——

"Stop it!"

After seeing the Flying Mantis attacking again, a strong sense of fear emerged from Ying's heart. Beside him, a strange force directly held up the barrier, but in an instant, it was pierced by the Flying Mantis' scythe. through!

Hold on...ineffective?

The scythe was held in front of Shadow's neck, and the Flying Mantis's eyes were full of indifference.

The cold sharpness caused a stinging pain even if it came close. Looking at the dark scythe like a giant sword close at hand, his throat rolled, and then he said:

"W-what do you want to do?"

"If you kill me, the White Army will not let you go!!"

Day group?

Ye Chuan thought for a moment, then snapped his fingers.

The Flying Mantis slowly put down the scythe.

At this time, everyone around him breathed a sigh of relief. When Ying saw this scene, he immediately grinned and said, "That's right. It seems that you also know the name of our White Group."

The female captain in white on the other side of Ye Chuan said to Ye Chuan and the others:

"Ying's hand was cut off by you, so we don't owe each other anything. You can leave here now, we won't stop you."

She also discovered that Ye Chuan's fighting ability was unusual. If it dragged on like this, both sides would definitely suffer losses. By then, the chance of catching the Lightning Bird would be lost.

She believes that the other person is also a smart person.

"Okay." Ye Chuan nodded.

Others breathed a sigh of relief, but there was also a hint of arrogance in their hearts, because in this area, except for people from the alliance, no organization dared to provoke the White Group.

"Then see you later, my beautiful little sister..." Ying stared at An Shiyu and said disgustingly:

"Your neck smells so good."

An Shiyu said nothing, her jewel-like eyes looked at the shadow in the distance with an almost pity look.

It was like looking at a dead person.

Because a sickle struck his hands silently.

When Ying came back to his senses, he found that one of his hands fell to the ground, blood spurted out, and the flying mantis on the side looked at him with a mocking look.

"Are you crazy?!" Ying wailed, then roared.

The expression of the female captain in white also turned cold, and she stared at Ye Chuan: "What on earth do you want to do?!"

Ye Chuan, who was standing in the middle, suddenly twitched the corner of his mouth, his face full of ridicule:

"Are your heads stuffed with stinky mud or are your heads clamped by giant claw crabs?"

"The White Group? What kind of third-rate organization?"

"We don't owe each other anything. Hey, don't you know? You deserve it?!"

"I'm just teasing you, are you serious?"

Ye Chuan smiled, stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, and Flying Mantis knocked out the almost-doll next to him with the back of his knife.

Ying's pupils shrank, and he immediately understood what Ye Chuan meant.

He knocked out the elf who could heal him, leaving him unable to stop the wound!

"Chop off your dirty hands forever." As soon as Ye Chuan finished speaking, the flying mantis swept out the sickle and instantly swept the palm on the ground into blood foam!

If the hand is still there, it can still be reattached in a short time through medical treatment, but now, there is no doubt that Ying has lost this hand forever!

"Asshole, I can't get around you!" Ying was going crazy at this time.

The female captain in white also said with an angry smile: "Very good, very good, even if you can leave here today, don't think about the rest of your life being easy!"

"Everyone, get on me!"

The elves on both sides launched an attack together, and rushed towards Ye Chuan and the others in a pincer attack. There were many powerful elves among them. After seeing this, Ye Chuan said:


"Eula." At this moment, a pair of blood eyes suddenly appeared on the shadow behind Ye Chuan, and then a dark wave spread out with Ye Chuan and the others as the center.

Nearly half of the elves who rushed over instantly fell to the ground and fell asleep, falling directly into a state of sleep!

When the remaining half of the elves saw this, they showed hesitant expressions, and then released their long-range skills!

"Steel-armored crow."

The Steel Armored Crow stepped forward at this moment, and stretched out its huge steel wings to protect Ye Chuan and the others in his arms. The skills landed on the Steel Armored Crow's wings one after another, and all of them were bounced away.

And some fire skills have strengthened the defense ability of the steel armored crow at this time!

"It actually doesn't work?!"

"What's going on? Why are so many elves hypnotized?! Where are the elves who cast hypnosis?!"

After seeing this, everyone showed horrified expressions, and at this moment, the steel-armored crow slowly opened its wings, revealing Ye Chuan and others beneath him.

Ye Chuan looked at those people expressionlessly:

"I told you, you don't deserve it."

The Flying Mantis strikes again, harvesting the surrounding life with his scythe like a god of death.

The face of the woman in white was now filled with fear. This person's strength seemed to be far beyond her imagination.


A black flying mantis?

The giant steel-armored crow...

The woman in white suddenly seemed to have thought of something and said, "Are you from the Alliance?!"

"Oh?" Ye Chuan smiled: "You know that I am from the alliance with the recognition of elves. You, a third-rate organization, are pretty good at intelligence."

The woman in white stared at Ye Chuan and suddenly sneered:

"So what if you kill us today, the organization will not let you go. Even if they can't deal with you in a short time, they will seek revenge on your parents and your relatives. By then, I really look forward to seeing you... His face showed an expression of despair."

Hearing this, Ye Chuan suddenly smiled and said something that made the woman in white's expression dull:

"My father is the champion, and my mother is the king of heaven. I really look forward to you going to seek revenge on my parents."

Crown, champion? !

King of Heaven?

The people around him all showed silly expressions.

Ying Ye looked at Ye Chuan, his face full of fear: "No, it's impossible!"

The White House is just a local criminal organization. Facing a king-level existence, it is completely incapable of confronting them head-on!

"Threatening your family is really just a third-rate organization." Ye Chuan said slowly, and the third-rate organization he spoke out one after another made the people present in the White House instantly break through their defenses.

"Is the master's background so powerful..." Ye Xiaoyi didn't know this, but she knew even in a small town that champions and kings were the pinnacle of the trainer profession.

An Shiyu and Ling were not surprised. An Shiyu knew it from the beginning, and Ling knew that the leader of the trainers alliance was Ye Chuan's sister-in-law, so they were not much shocked when they found out that he had champion parents.

"It's fake, it must be fake!" Ying shouted at this time.

Everyone present calmed down. Yes, this must be a fake. This is really ridiculous. If this thing is true, then how terrifying is the background of the boy standing in front of him?

However, Ye Chuan's strength made them hesitate.

This guy is so fierce. Even if he is not, the origin may not be simple!

At this time, many people looked towards Ying, as if they were complaining. Why are you so damn mouthy? !

"Then, this farce is almost over." Ye Chuan said with a smile:

"I have no intention of letting you leave this power plant since you threatened me."

Although Ye Chuan said it with a smile, it made everyone present feel a chill to the bone.

"Slow, wait, how about we withdraw and tell you how to subdue this lightning bird?" the woman in white shouted in panic.

At this time, the lightning bird was still lying on the generator.

"No need." Ye Chuan said.

There is no negotiable meaning in the tone, this is a real murderous intention!

"Damn it, if that's the case!" The woman in white took a step back, and the next second, she slammed her hand on the instrument beside her:

"Then if you want to die, let's die together!"

The generator suddenly went into chaos, and then began to stop running. The Lightning Bird, which had been sitting on it absorbing power indifferently, suddenly raised its head, and lightning crackled all over its body.

Perhaps because he noticed the situation at the scene, or perhaps because the generator stopped running, the Lightning Bird let out an angry scream and spread its wings wide!

Strong electric current shot out and bombarded the surrounding buildings, causing an explosion instantly! !

The Lightning Bird flew up, continuously releasing the huge electricity that its body had just accumulated, and continuously bombarding all creatures present! ! !

"This guy……"

The terrifying electricity was far beyond Ye Chuan's imagination. Ye Chuan had no choice but to temporarily find a safe position under the cover of the steel-armored crow to avoid being hit by the collapsed iron frame above.

Continuous explosions sounded, and the Lightning Bird stood on top of the generator. The terrifying current in his body seemed to be released, spewing out high-voltage voltages one after another!

The Steel Armored Crow's special fire attack was much weaker in front of the Lightning Bird, but Ye Chuan and the others found a blind spot. Although they could not avoid the danger of being struck by lightning, at least they would not be knocked down here. hit by a building!

Ye Chuan summoned all the elves.

At this time, the White Group also seized the opportunity to escape in the chaos, even at the cost of some of their companions and elves who fell to the ground and could not move!

"These guys..." Ye Chuan squinted his eyes. The objects falling around him undoubtedly blocked Ye Chuan from pursuing them.

Now we can only stop the Lightning Bird first!

The Lightning Bird seemed to have noticed Ye Chuan and the others. It let out an angry cry and flew towards them with a flap of its wings.

The next second, an electromagnetic gun condensed in front of the Lightning Bird——

"It's the electromagnetic gun, Steel Armor Crow!"

The steel-armored crow stepped forward and held up the protective barrier!

The next second, a terrifying electric current hit the barrier, and the dazzling electric current made the surrounding area so bright that it was blinding!

"Flying Mantis!"

At this time, the Flying Mantis found the opportunity, appeared behind the Lightning Bird, and struck out with a sickle!

After hitting the target, the lightning bird screamed, flapped its wings and flew higher into the air.

There is no doubt that the Lightning Bird is getting more and more angry and violent at this time. Its eyes glow with a light blue light, and then dark clouds gather and it starts to rain.

Pray for rain!

Then the electric current on the Lightning Bird was released and merged with the raindrops, allowing each raindrop to connect with the electric current on the Lightning Bird! !

Interlaced electric currents appeared densely around the lightning bird like a spider web. Not only that, the ground also began to conduct electricity because it was wet with water droplets. The flying mantis was instantly attacked by the electric current!

The flying elves were restrained by the electric system, and the flying mantis began to shrink instantly, unable to get close to the lightning bird wrapped in electricity!

Ye Chuan took out the elf ball and took back the flying mantis whose movements were restricted.

The Lightning Bird once again condensed the electromagnetic gun and turned it towards Ye Chuan and the others——

After seeing this, the steel-armored crow raised the barrier again.

The dazzling electric current bombarded the barrier, and two consecutive high-intensity bombardments made the steel-armored crow begin to struggle.

"Interesting, this Lightning Bird seems to have a very high IQ."

When Ye Chuan saw this, he smiled instead.

They used rainwater to wet the ground and used current to restrict Ye Chuan's activities to protect themselves. The powerful impact of the electromagnetic gun was much simpler and more crude than a hundred thousand volts, and it avoided being absorbed by some elves that could conduct electricity or lightning rods.

"As expected of the legendary elf." Ye Chuan showed his wrist:


At this time, Ye Chuan's shadow floated faintly, with his hands on his hips: "Eula."

"Mega evolution!"

The keystone on Ye Chuan's bracelet began to link with Youyou's evolution stone. The next second later, the rainbow light lit up and the light cocoon shattered - Youyou entered the form of mega evolution.

"Shadow ball!"

Youyou condensed a shadow ball, and the terrifying shadow fluctuations were condensed into a ball, aiming directly at the Lightning Bird!

At this time, the Lightning Bird seemed to feel the extraordinary aura. It screamed, and the current in its body began to gather at high voltage, and once again condensed the electromagnetic gun and aimed at Ye Chuan and the others.

The next second, both sides released their skills!

The shadow ball collided with the electromagnetic gun and exploded instantly! !

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