Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 482 Mewtwo’s First Battle

After a conversation with Mu Lan.

"I see, I just asked why I haven't seen that elf before." After hearing Ye Chuan's explanation, Mu Lan looked stunned, and then nodded:

"Now that I have been subdued by you, I feel relieved."

After hearing what Mu Lan said, Ye Chuan was a little surprised and said, "Don't you have any other ideas?"

"Other ideas..." Mu Lan heard this and then said with a smile:

"I can tell from what you said. In fact, the artificial elf is not an evil elf. In this case, as long as the trainer gets the punishment he deserves, then I will be relieved. As for the elf being treated like that The device took control forcibly, and I believe it couldn't help it, so how could I blame it?"

"Mr. Mulan is so generous." Ye Chuan said. After all, he also recognized Chaomeng's idea that it was actually harmless.

"You're very grateful. By the way, I have a favor." Mu Lan looked at Ye Chuan.

Ye Chuan smiled: "But it doesn't matter."

"I want to fight that elf again." Mulan said.

One more battle.

Hearing this, Ye Chuan then said, "Why?"

"It's just a little bit of pride as a trainer. I want to fight again openly." Mu Lan smiled, but it could be seen from his eyes that he was indeed serious and really wanted to challenge again. Mew-two.

Ye Chuan looked at Mu Lan for a while, then smiled:

"I understand. If I win, can I get a Feiyun Gym badge?"


"The following will be the Elf Gym Challenge. The challenger is player Ye Chuan, who will face Feiyun City Gym Leader Mu Lan!" The referee stood at his position and began to announce the rules.

"Sorry, because the gym has to be repaired, there are no spectators in the gym now." Mulan said with a smile.

"It doesn't matter." Ye Chuan glanced at the dilapidated gym and shook his head slightly.

But there is still an audience——

"Come on Ye Chuan!!!" Mu Xiaoxi shouted loudly, her face flushed, as if she was exerting herself very hard.

Chen An on the side looked like he was hesitant to speak.

"Then, come out, Mewtwo!"

In a flash of white light, Mewtwo appeared on the battlefield.

"It's actually it." Mu Xiaoxi undoubtedly knew Chaomeng. After seeing Chaomeng emerge from Ye Chuan's poke ball, she was obviously stunned, and then looked at her father. At this time, Mu Xiaoxi Lan looked unsurprised, as if he had known about it for a long time.

Could it be that the person who attacked his father was classmate Ye Chuan? !

No, it shouldn't be like this, otherwise my father wouldn't look full of fighting spirit.

Although she was very curious, Mu Xiaoxi still patiently started watching the game.

"Come out, my warrior!"

Mu Lan threw the elf ball in his hand, and Eluredo appeared.

After feeling the familiar aura, Elleduo suddenly entered the most vigilant state and assumed an attack posture.

"Alureduo, relax, that elf is no longer the one before." Mulan said after seeing Elureduo's permeable aura.

Elureduo came to his senses and nodded.

"Chaomeng, this is our first battle. Let me give you a good experience of what a battle is." Ye Chuan smiled.

Hearing this, Chaomeng nodded.

"Alureduo, Lianqie!"

Eluredo stepped forward, and then the bone spurs on his arms dragged the green light and rushed towards Chaomeng.

When Chaomeng saw the enemy rushing towards him, he stretched out his hand, intending to use his super power to destroy the opponent.

"Spiritual blade." Ye Chuan suddenly said at this time.

Chaomeng was stunned for a moment, then transformed into a pink light blade and collided with Elle Duo!

After the two sharp blades rubbed together and created sparks, Elleduo stretched the distance vigorously and began to look for a direction to attack.

Chaomeng seemed a little confused, but it was not stupid and chose to follow Ye Chuan's command.

"Alureduo, close combat!"

"The power of telekinesis will bounce the opponent away!"

After another round of fighting, Chaomeng easily defeated the opponent, and gradually, a strange feeling emerged in its heart.

It's not the numbness after destroying the enemy, but a sense of satisfaction after seeing the move, which Chaomeng has never experienced before.

"Don't always think about your super power." Ye Chuan said with a smile:

"And now that you are wearing the device, if you use your superpowers too much, you will get another headache."

When Chaomeng heard this, he seemed to understand something.

It seems that it no longer needs to release superpowers that cause severe pain to its brain, but is simply fighting its opponents.

Eluredo's attack is very fast, and it is not easy to deal with it without excessive use of super powers. But for some reason, it doesn't hate this feeling. Is it because it is relatively fresh?

Not really.

It really feels the charm of the battle, one move after another, breaking down the opponent's offensive rhythm, and every attack and counterattack is enjoyable, rather than directly destroying the opponent and ending it quickly.

"Very good..." Ye Chuan looked at this scene.

Mewtwo hates fighting, not only because of its extraordinary superpowers, but also because it is boring.

It's like an online game. You fight the BOSS back and forth. When you finally defeat the opponent, you feel satisfied with both the process and the result. But after you activate and kill, any monster you fight will be killed in 999 seconds. It's natural. You won't want to play any more, you'll find it boring.

This stems from positive feedback. As long as there is positive feedback and a sense of satisfaction, Chaomeng will experience the fun of fighting. However, every battle is a headache and he kills his opponent instantly. Chaomeng will naturally hate fighting.

"Very good..." Mu Lan seemed to be very happy at this time. Elle Duo was his strongest elf, and the opponent Chaomeng was no longer as oppressive as before, but it was still very difficult to fight. However, he did not Without flinching at all, he became more and more fierce as he fought.

Because he is an elf trainer!

"Elureduo, the last move!" Mulan shouted.

Elledo lowered his body slightly, and then the bone spurs on his arms turned into sharp purple blades, and light began to gather continuously——

"Sword Dance!"

Eluredo's aura surged again in a short time!

"Come on, spiritual blade!"

With one step, Elleduo turned into purple light and rushed towards Chaomeng, very fast!

"Then let's come too." Ye Chuan said.

Chaomeng nodded, it held the light blade and rushed out!

It's its own decision!

In one breath, two sharp blades collided together!

Then the two sides brushed each other's bodies, standing back to back in everyone's eyes.

The air became slightly silent, and the next second——

Chaomeng's body swayed slightly, and then he stood up straight.

Eluredo fell to the ground.

"Alureduo, you have lost the ability to fight!" The referee raised the flag.

"Lost..." Mu Xiaoxi, who was watching from the side, murmured, "I thought...Classmate Ye Chuan."

"Thank you, how do you feel?" Ye Chuan said to Chaomeng with a smile.

"I don't understand." Chaomeng lowered his head:

"I don't know why, but I don't hate it."

"Because this is a battle, not a killing." Ye Chuan said with a smile:

"Fighting is enjoyable, killing is not."

He took out the elf ball: "You should gradually understand in the future, I will take you to treatment."

When Chaomeng heard this, his body was slightly shrouded in green light, and then the wound was quickly repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Ye Chuan was slightly startled when he saw this scene.


Do you still have such perverted skills?

Ye Chuan still doesn't know what skills Chaomeng has. After all, this battle is also decided on the spur of the moment, but...

He has amazing superpowers and a perverted level of recovery skills such as self-regeneration. He has almost no shortcomings in any aspect. Mewtwo's physique may be comparable to that of a quasi-god elf!

No, maybe it can be compared with the legendary elves.

Ye Chuan then thought about it again, smiled and shook his head: "I really thought too much. Although Chaomeng is very strong, how can it possibly reach the strength of the legendary elf."

"It's so refreshing, I feel like I'm breathing out my heart." At this time, Mu Lan came over and said with a smile:

"Thank you so much. I'm so happy."

Hearing this, Ye Chuan smiled slightly: "Really?"

"Yes, I felt like I had inner demons and psychological shadow before." Mu Lan said:

"Although I still lost this battle, that feeling has completely disappeared."

"Your name is Chaomeng, right?" Mu Lan then looked at Chaomeng:

"It's great to have another chance to play against you, thank you."

Chaomeng didn't understand, because this guy was attacked by him, why was he thanking him now?

"Don't worry, the elf trainer is such a simple existence." Ye Chuan said from the side.

Mewtwo had no choice but to nod.

"By the way, this is the badge of Feiyun Gym." Mu Lan took out a badge.

Then he placed it in Ye Chuan’s palm——

"Because I felt that my chances of winning this match were low, I kept it in my pocket in advance. Once you have the badge, you can participate in any official events."

"I know." Ye Chuan nodded, touched the purple round badge in his hand, and accepted it.

Although he didn't plan to come over to challenge the gym today.

"Classmate Ye Chuan, you are so strong." Mu Xiaoxi said at the side, then shrugged her little nose:

"I thought you didn't even have an elite level. Turns out you lied to me."

"I just said you guessed wrong." Ye Chuan smiled, but who knew that the girl had guessed wrong.

"That, that!" At this moment, Chen An, who was standing next to Mu Xiaoxi, suddenly said:


Ye Chuan was stunned for a moment, then looked at the boy in front of him who was about the same age as him, and said, "What's wrong?"

"I want to have an elf battle with you!" Chen An said.

"Chen An, what are you thinking about? How could you be Ye Chuan's opponent?!" Mu Xiaoxi opened her eyes slightly.

Ye Chuan was stunned and asked, "Why?"

"This is the first time I saw Xiao Xi showing such an expression to a" Chen An said slowly:

"I'm...a little unwilling."

After hearing this, Ye Chuan glanced at Mu Xiaoxi, then at Chen An, and suddenly smiled like an old man:

"You are really young."

Mu Xiaoxi suddenly jumped up: "That's not what you said, classmate Ye Chuan. I'm not familiar with him at all!"

"But wouldn't it be more embarrassing if we lose?" Ye Chuan smiled at Chen An.

"I know it's almost impossible to win, but I want to try." Chen An clenched his fists and said:

"It's okay to even know the difference."

Hearing this, Ye Chuan smiled and said, "Okay."

After seeing Ye Chuan's straightforward agreement, Chen An was a little stunned. He thought Ye Chuan would reject him.


"Yes, I agreed." Ye Chuan stretched out his finger and said:

"If my wife were here, she would definitely educate me in an old lady's tone: Ah Ye, I should agree to such a young, passionate, youthful and romantic thing."

"Wife?" Mu Xiaoxi suddenly said in a daze.

"It doesn't count." Ye Chuan thought for a while and shook his head.

"Oh, you're your girlfriend?" Mu Xiaoxi said with a smile:

"Boys nowadays really like to call their girlfriends their wives."

"I'm still my fiancée now." Ye Chuan also smiled and said, "My fiancée is super cute."

Mu Xiaoxi's expression froze, then she forced out a smile and said, "That's it. Congratulations, it turns out we're all engaged."

"Okay, let's get started." Ye Chuan looked at Chen An and said.

At this time, Chen An was also stunned, but he quickly reacted and smiled for some reason: "Okay!"

After cleaning up the battlefield, Chen An held the elf ball in his hand and threw it out:


White light flashed, and then a golden elf appeared. Its hair stood up like a hedgehog, with arcs flowing in it.

This is one of the evolutionary forms of Eevee. When Eevee is affected by the Thunder Stone or lives in an electrical environment, elves like Eevee will evolve into Thunder Eevee.

"If that's the case, then I'll send it."

Ye Chuan took out the elf ball, white light flashed, and Lucario appeared.

"Lucario, Raiib, come on!" Chen An said.

"The battle begins." The referee also said at this time.

"Leib, use one hundred thousand volts!"

Upon hearing this, Leib began to accumulate electricity, but the next second, it discovered that Lucario had disappeared!

In a blink of an eye, it appeared in front of Leibu in an instant.

What speed is this? !

"Bullet punch." Ye Chuan smiled.

Lucario's fist hit Leib's head in an instant, and the latter flew backwards, wiping out a long distance on the ground.

With just one punch, Reib was unable to stand up with some difficulty!

"The steel element obviously has little effect on Lei Yibu, who is an electric element..." Chen An murmured after seeing this scene.

"This is true in terms of attributes, but when the difference in strength between the two is too large, the attributes are not worth mentioning." Ye Chuan said with a smile:

"Let's finish it."

Lucario condensed a wave of missiles and threw them directly towards Reib!

"One hundred thousand volts!" This time, Reib released one hundred thousand volts, and the electric light shot out and collided with the wave missile. But the next second, the wave missile opened up the current and hit Reib directly!


After a loud noise, Reib fell to the ground and lost the ability to fight.

"So strong..." Chen An finally knew how terrifying Ye Chuan's strength was...

This is not something you can feel while watching the game.

Only in the most direct battle can one feel the pressure from Ye Chuan.

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