Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 486 Return to school

Of course it's not physical pain, it's the fist of the Marsupial that made Ye Chuan feel pain in his head. But no matter what, he still has to bring an elf with him next time he goes in. If he gets punched in the real world, Ye Chuan will probably be beaten on the spot. lie on the floor.

"So, just go in and stay for a while every day?" Ye Chuan asked Ye Lin beside him.

"Well, that's good." Ye Lin said.

"Although it feels strange, since you said so, let's do this for now." Ye Chuan spread his hands.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and then An Shiyu's voice came out:

"Aye, I cut some fruit, do you want to eat it?"


Then the door opened, and An Shiyu walked in with a plate. It was a platter of cut fruits, carefully arranged in a beautiful pattern.

Ye Chuan took the toothpick, inserted a piece of apple and ate it.

"By the way, where will sister Ye Lin live today?" An Shiyu asked curiously:

"Is it a room on the first floor? If that's the case, I have to clean up the room. After all, it hasn't been occupied for a long time."

Ye Lin glanced at An Shiyu, then patted the bed:


Ye Chuan and An Shiyu were both stunned for a moment, and then An Shiyu smiled and said, "Sister Ye Lin is no longer a child. She can't sleep with her brother."

"Can we sleep together when we were young?" Ye Lin asked back.

"Yes." An Shiyu smiled.

"Then why do you sleep with my brother? Are you a child?" Ye Lin asked lightly.

An Shiyu exclaimed, then looked at Ye Chuan aside, her face turned red: "Well... that's not the case, because she is... yes, my fiancée, so we have to sleep together."

"Then I'll sleep on the sofa on the first floor." Ye Lin said, not forgetting to grab a pillow from Ye Chuan.

"Eh, no way."

An Shiyu quickly followed.

Ye Chuan looked at their leaving figures and said helplessly:

"This is nothing."

At this time, Chaomeng did not know when he appeared sitting on the balcony nearby and asked:

"Master, is this the Shura Field?"

After Ye Chuan saw Chaomeng, he was slightly startled, and then said: "Where did you learn the words?"

Chaomeng took out a comic book and continued to read: "I learn the mysteries of this world from the Bible."

It seems that this child Chaomeng has begun to enter the second stage of middle school.

Ye Chuan spread his hands.

On the other side, Ye Lin actually slept on the sofa in the living room on the first floor. Fortunately, the sofa in the living room was very large, and Ye Lin's petite figure meant that her sleep was not too uncomfortable.

It was another early morning. Ye Chuan planned to go to school with An Shiyu. After all, he had already returned home and couldn't take leave until the national competition started.

Although Ye Chuan has taught himself all the courses, it doesn't mean that he can't learn anything in school. The teacher still has a lot of useful information, let alone a top university like Yinshan Middle School.

"In that case, just stay at home with Xiaoyi." Ye Chuan said to Ye Lin before going out.

Ye Lin didn't respond and just continued to watch TV quietly.

"Master, I will study hard." Ye Xiaoyi said seriously at this time.

"Be good." Ye Chuan smiled, stretched out his hand and touched his apprentice's head.

Ye Lin, who was on the side, saw this scene from the corner of his eye and suddenly said: "Don't worry."

"Then we're going out."

"Safe travels."

He and An Shiyu left the house with their bags on their backs. Ye Chuan stretched his neck and said, "It's been a long time since I went to school. I don't know how everyone is doing."

An Shiyu on the side held Ye Chuan's arm, and suddenly put her face on his shoulder and smiled: "I think everyone misses A Ye very much."

"Will it?" Ye Chuan thought for a while:

"I feel like in their eyes, I'm not as attractive as a senior in a maid outfit."

"If a senior sister and I appeared in front of Aye wearing maid uniforms, which one would you like?" An Shiyu suddenly asked.

Appeared, sent a proposition!

Ye Chuan thought for a while and then said, "I don't choose either of them."

An Shiyu blinked: "Don't choose both...?"

"I choose Shiyu in maid uniform." Ye Chuan gave a thumbs up and smiled.


Yinshan Middle School——

After arriving at the school gate, Ye Chuan found that there was a bit of noise in front of him. Many students gathered there and didn't know what they were doing.

Ye Chuan and An Shiyu squeezed through the crowd, and suddenly found a girl lying on the ground, seemingly in a coma.

And Ye Chuan knew this person.

"Sister Qianlan?!" After seeing that the person lying on the ground was his cousin Bai Qianlan, Ye Chuan had no time to be surprised. He quickly stepped forward and immediately hugged her up:

"Shiyu, call a car and I'll take Sister Qianlan to the school doctor's office first!"

"Yeah!" An Shiyu quickly took out her cell phone to call a taxi.

At this time, Ye Chuan was already running to the infirmary with Bai Qianlan in his arms.

The students who were originally watching and planning to help looked at each other, and one of them suddenly said: "That boy just now looks he Senior Ye Chuan?"

"It seems so. I heard that he took a break from school to challenge the gym. Why did he suddenly come back?"

"Isn't that normal? No matter how strong Ye Chuan is, he can't defeat the Elf Gym Leader. He should have come back directly after losing."


And at this time.

"Teacher, please check what's going on!" The school doctor sitting in the infirmary was frightened when she saw Ye Chuan rushing around. Then she also saw Bai Qianlan in Ye Chuan's arms, and immediately said:

"Put this kid aside on the bed!"


There is also a similar doll in the infirmary, helping the school doctor check on Bai Qianlan's condition.

After a while, the school doctor seemed to be relieved, and then said to Ye Chuan beside him:

"Sudden fainting caused by overexertion and lack of sleep, just rest for a while."

"Overworked?" Ye Chuan was stunned.

"Yes." The school doctor nodded, then she glanced at Bai Qianlan and said, "If I remember correctly, she is the student union president of our school."


"It's no wonder, there have been so many things happening in the school recently." The school doctor said, "I guess he collapsed from exhaustion."

"What happened at school?" Ye Chuan asked doubtfully.

The school doctor looked at Ye Chuan a little strangely: "You don't know?"

Then she began to look at Ye Chuan, with a slightly hesitant expression: "You... are you Ye Chuan?"

"It's me." Ye Chuan nodded.

"It's really you. You are already a big celebrity in our school." said the school doctor.

"Ahaha...Is it that exaggerated?" Ye Chuan could only laugh and said:

"Teacher, what are you talking about?"

"An accident occurred at an exchange meeting held by the school recently, resulting in injuries to students from other schools. The exchange meeting is the sole responsibility of the student union. After the incident, the school was under great pressure. It is probably because they were exhausted from investigating the cause. "The school doctor explained.

"Accident?" Ye Chuan pondered slightly.

Why are there so many accidents in Yinshan?

You haven't heard of anything happening in other schools, right?

Yinshan is really in trouble.

However, I have to admit that Yinshan's supervision of students is very loose. Although it gives students a lot of freedom, it also creates a lot of unnecessary troubles.


Suddenly a cell phone rang, and he suddenly remembered that the school doctor took out his cell phone from his pocket, chatted for a few words after getting through, and then hung up the phone and said to Ye Chuan:

"Just now a student accidentally stepped on the air and fell while going up the stairs. I'm going to give him emergency treatment. You can stay with her."


After saying that, the school doctor took a medical kit and a few dolls and left.

Ye Chuan sat by the bed and sent a text message to An Shiyu on his mobile phone to indicate that Sister Qianlan was fine.

About half an hour later, Bai Qianlan seemed to have some reaction. She opened her eyes in confusion, her expression full of unconcealable tiredness: "Where is this?"

"The school doctor's office." Ye Chuan said.

When Bai Qianlan heard the familiar voice, she was slightly startled. Then she looked at Ye Chuan and suddenly woke up: "Brother?!"

"Keep your voice ears are going numb from your shock." Ye Chuan said.

"Why did you come back suddenly?!" Bai Qianlan asked.

"Of course I'm back after collecting the badges," Ye Chuan said.

"You've actually finished collecting it?" Bai Qianlan showed an expression worthy of being my younger brother, and then she closed her eyes:

"Just come back."

As she said that, she seemed to be sleeping uncomfortably, then moved her body, and finally rested her head on Ye Chuan's lap, making a satisfied sound:

"This is much more comfortable. The pillows in the school doctor's office are too short."

Ye Chuan looked at his cousin and asked, "The school doctor said you collapsed from exhaustion. What's going on?"

"It's hard to say..." Bai Qianlan sighed without opening her eyes.

"Something happened at the exchange meeting, causing students from other schools to be injured. I want to investigate and find out what the cause was."

"Other members of the student union went to attend an exchange meeting at another school and will not be back until a week later."

"So I'm handling all the work, and I haven't slept for more than three hours for a week."

"Not only that, but due to staff changes in the Disciplinary Inspection Department, I also had to take on the patrol job. I might have been exhausted accidentally."

The corner of Ye Chuan's mouth twitched.

What kind of superman are you?

"Ah, I don't want to work~~~~" Bai Qianlan wailed. She was originally a salty fish, but she was forced to look like a social animal.

Seeing Bai Qianlan rolling back and forth on his lap, Ye Chuan held her down and smiled:

"I'll be back just in time to help you share some of the work."

"Wow, wow, you are indeed my good brother." Bai Qianlan choked.

"Okay, you can get some sleep. We'll talk about anything later." Ye Chuan said:

"I'm going back to the classroom first."

"No, I won't give away such a comfortable pillow!"

"Stay with me for a while..."

Seeing Bai Qianlan's appearance, Ye Chuan could only say, "Okay, I'll stay with you for a while."

"Hey." Bai Qianlan closed her eyes contentedly and slept peacefully on Ye Chuan's lap.

In less than three seconds, Bai Qianlan fell asleep, breathing calmly.

"You are really too tired." Ye Chuan looked at her and felt that it was not easy for Sister Qianlan to be the president of the student union.

I don’t know where the guy who used his big self-destruction to lure Sister Qianlan into the student union is. I think Sister Qianlan will remember him for the rest of her life.

Bai Qianlan woke up after about two hours of sleep, as if she had something to deal with later.

However, it seemed that because he had caught up on a few hours of sleep, he didn't look as tired as before.

Ye Chuan also returned to class and went to the student union to help during the lunch break.

As soon as Ye Chuan walked into the class, he noticed that the whole class looked over and showed a surprised expression:

"Ye Chuan, are you back?"

"When did you come back? I just heard someone from the lower class say you are back. I still don't believe it."

"Hey, Ye Chuan is back?"

Many classmates rushed over and surrounded Ye Chuan.

Gu Qi was also a little surprised that Ye Chuan came back suddenly: "Why did you come back suddenly? I thought I wouldn't see you until next semester."

"I came back because I missed you." Ye Chuan smiled.

"If I were a girl, I might believe what you said." Gu Qi rolled her eyes.

At this time, the school bell rang, and a familiar figure walked in: "Sit down, everyone, it's time for class!"

This person was naturally Teacher Jiang. He glanced at it accidentally and saw that Ye Chuan was also behind him, so he asked:

"When did you come back?"


"Then go back to your seat. It's class time now, don't do anything special!" Teacher Jiang said bluntly, as if chasing a duck.

"Yes Yes Yes."

After Ye Chuan returned to his seat, he started class with peace of mind.

After class, the surrounding classmates came over to ask about some interesting things during the trip. However, Ye Chuan did not talk about Chaomeng and the others. He only briefly talked about where the food was delicious and where the scenery was beautiful. Originally, he even took photos. , but because most of them were photos with An Shiyu, I didn’t plan to show them to them.

After all, An Shiyu likes to wear ball-toppers when taking photos. Ye Chuan thinks it's better to leave the curves drawn on his clothes to himself.

After the morning class ended, Gu Qi walked over:

"Yechuan, a ramen thief?"

"Ramen, but I have to go to the student union." Ye Chuan said, after all, he wanted to help Sister Qianlan.

"Oh, is it because of what happened recently? Then let me help you pack it, or did your little wife prepare a sweet lunch?" Gu Qi asked with one hand on her hip.

"Shiyu didn't prepare lunch today, please pack one for me." Ye Chuan said.

"The ramen must be gone. What should I eat?"

“BBQ set meal.”


After someone helped him pack, Ye Chuan went directly to the student union office. When he opened the door, he saw Bai Qianlan sleeping on the sofa.

Ye Chuan did not disturb her, but walked to the desk. There was a stack of papers on it, which seemed to be Bai Qianlan's work and the investigation of the accident.

"Have a good rest, Sister Qianlan." Ye Chuan picked up the paper, looked at it, smiled, and then took out the elf ball:

"Just leave the rest to me."

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