Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 492 Ye Chuan’s first battle

More than a dozen trainers got off the helicopter, staring at the third person with piercing eyes.

"It's really fast..." The third person looked away, and then shouted: "Boscodora, earthquake!"

The huge Boscodora's eyes flashed red, and then he jumped up high and landed on the ground, shaking the mountains for a while. The terrifying power of the king-level elf was released, and the earth began to roar.

A strong impact swept toward Ye Chuan like a wave. Seeing this, the trainers around him ordered the elves to protect Ye Chuan.

"Boom boom boom!"

After the earthquake slowly ended, Ye Chuan looked over and found that the third person had disappeared long ago, and there were superpower energy particles remaining in the air. It seemed that he had escaped through teleportation.

"Escaped? Indeed, it's hard to stop a trainer of this strength from leaving." Ye Chuan felt a little pity, but there was no gain...


Ye Chuan looked to the side and found that a man and a woman had been completely controlled by the alliance trainer. They were the two people who attacked him in the morning.

"Okay, let's go back." Ye Chuan said, just catch him and bring him back.

"Close the team!" Escorting the men and women with gloomy faces, Ye Chuan and the others got into the car.

In the afternoon, battle square.

Amid the cheers of the audience, the host explained one game after another. Even in the youth group, the battle was still fierce. After all, it was a showdown between the top powers of this age group.

"Then, the next contestant is Ye Chuan!"

"Battle, Chen Jiu!"

At the passage of the arena, under the gaze of everyone, Ye Chuan's figure slowly walked out. The sunlight fell slightly on his face, giving off a faint arc.

"Aye!!!" An Shiyu put on her cheerleading uniform at some point and shouted, "Come on."

"Come on Chuanbao!!!"

In the corner of the audience stand, there was a girl with a milky voice waving flags and shouting.

"Look, look, Ye Chuan is here!!!" A group of men and women from the Elf Department of Yinshan Middle School held their mobile phones, and Ye Chuan's figure appeared on the screen.

"It's time for class, what are you doing?!" Teacher Jiang walked in and shouted.

After hearing this, everyone including Gu Qi returned to their seats, but their eyes were still looking straight at the mobile phones under the table.

"Okay, today's class is a battle study class." Teacher Jiang turned on the computer screen projection, and then a familiar figure appeared on the screen, immediately attracting everyone's attention.

"How Ye Chuan fights today is the focus of your tactics learning." Teacher Jiang said.

People in the classroom laughed.

Outside Wucao City.

"Miss, the game has begun." In a room in a luxurious manor, the bodyguard said to the sick girl sitting on the bed.

"Yeah, Ye Chuan is here..." The sickly girl looked at her phone. Although her face was pale and bloodless, her eyes were shining brightly, and she murmured:

"That's great, although it's a pity that I can't go to the scene. After all, I can't get out of bed anymore..."

"I wonder how Riolu is doing?"

"Just let me cheer for you here."

In the diving city, a woman in a bikini was watching the competition with her mobile phone: "This kid, yes, he really ran to compete."

"Lord, the challenger is urging you!"

"Um, we're closed today. Let's see customers off."


"Sister, the big brother's game has begun."

"Eh, is it true? Let me see..."

"Old Ye Tou, your grandson is here!"

"Come on, come on, hey Lao Bai, come here!"

"Oh." In a certain manor, several old people happily walked to the TV.

Somewhere in the world.

"Zai Zai is on the stage. What's the father of the child?" A black-haired woman said holding a tablet.

"Well, don't run so fast, be careful of the baby in your belly."


In the square, Ye Chuan took a deep breath.

He stood in the battle square, surrounded by a dense crowd of spectators. This was a number of spectators that Ye Chuan had never seen before, and it also gave him full psychological pressure.

After all, there were so many pairs of eyes staring directly at him.

The man in the distance looked like he was in his twenties, and he seemed to be at ease.

"Then come." A smile suddenly appeared on Ye Chuan's lips.

He stepped forward and stood in the command position, and the audience began to cheer.

"Ye Chuan is a talented trainer. He was the champion of the national school competition at a young age. Not only that, he is also the youngest contestant among the contestants this time. He seems to have just celebrated his eighteenth birthday," the host introduced.


Just now, some viewers were curious about Ye Chuan's age. After the host said this, they immediately made a sound of surprise. This seems to be too young. It seems to be the minimum age for competition?

"Interesting, is he a high school student?" As Ye Chuan's opponent, Chen Jiu seemed a little surprised.

"At this age, you should enjoy your youth on campus." Chen Jiu said.

"I've almost enjoyed it." Ye Chuan smiled, and then took out his elf ball.

"Yeah, let's get started." Chen Jiu also took out the elf ball and said with a smile:

"Then let uncle teach you what the adult world is!"

With the referee's whistle, both sides threw their elf balls at the same time!

White light flashed, Lucario and a huge Bulbasaur appeared!

Lucario stood in the square, his eyes extremely determined.

The silver bracelet on her wrist shone with a faint silver light under the sunlight.

Finally stood on this stage, although I don’t know if she is watching, but...

Lucario assumed an offensive stance, and the power of the waveguide on his body began to slowly radiate out!

"The battle begins!" The referee waved the flag!

"Lucario, wave missile!"

Lucario condensed a wave of missiles, and then threw them towards Bulbasaur!

Bulbasaur threw out the vine whip. The huge vine was very flexible and shattered the wave missile in an instant!

But at this time, Lucario had already rushed forward, his fist igniting flames——

Fire fist!

"I see, is the wave missile a cover?" Chen Jiu smiled:

"Bulbasaur, carry it down!!"

The fist was filled with flames and hit Bulbasaur's body hard. Sparks exploded. Then Bulbasaur took advantage of the power of the flame fist and wrapped Lucario directly with vines!

"Throw it to the ground!"

Bulbasaur used its vines to lift Lucario high, and then slammed it to the ground!

"Boom!" The vines and the ground made a loud noise, and Lucario turned into powder and disappeared.

"It's a substitute!" the host exclaimed: "Lucario used a substitute at some point, allowing Bulbasaur to take the damage from the Flame Fist but failed to wrap his opponent with vines!"

Chen Jiu looked at Lucario's body in the distance, stretched out his hand, and Bulbasaur instantly summoned vines and swept towards Lucario!

"Get out of the way and find an opportunity to get close." Ye Chuan's blue eyes were locked on Bulbasaur and he said.

Lucario dragged the afterimage and began to approach Bulbasaur while dodging the vines.

It seems to have the ability to predict. Whenever the vines are about to attack it, Lucario can always get out of the way first!

“Take root!”

Seeing Lucario approaching at high speed, Chen Jiu said immediately, Bulbasaur suddenly released green light, and plunged directly into the floor like a tentacle, constantly beginning to absorb the power of the ground to restore his physical strength.


"Break it!"

Bulbasaur was about to release the sunny day skill, but Lucario had successfully approached Bulbasaur at this time, his fist ignited explosive flames, and hit Bulbasaur's head hard:


The flames exploded, and Bulbasaur was naturally uncomfortable with its attribute-restricted skills, but it still managed to hold on to the sunny sky it released!

A ball of light shot from Bulbasaur's body into the high air, and then emitted a dazzling white light, causing the surrounding temperature to rise quietly.


"Optical synthesis!" Bulbasaur roared, and green light erupted from her body. Under a sunny day, Bulbasaur's optical synthesis can restore physical strength at a high speed. The damage caused by Lucario just now is very easy to recover under the action of optical synthesis. He will be cured soon!

"It's really tricky."

Seeing Bulbasaur starting to take root and optical synthesis under the sunny sky, Ye Chuan murmured, after all, this routine is quite disgusting and it is a classic routine of grass elves.

So next...

"Parasite seeds!" Bulbasaur spat out several seeds and shot them towards Lucario like bullets!

"Ding Ding!" Lucario waved his arms, and the seeds were bounced away. Then he stepped forward again, and the explosive flames from his fists continued to fall on Bulbasaur!

At this time, Bulbasaur seemed to be ignoring Lucario and continued to recover his physical strength, allowing the flames to continue to explode.

"If this continues, your Lucario will be the first to lose stamina. My Bulbasaur has been specially trained in defense and stamina, so he is not afraid of the power of the Flame Fist at all!"

"Indeed, Lucario is not a fire elf, so the power of the flame fist is a little less powerful." Ye Chuan murmured.

At this time, the Bulbasaur in the distance was like a blood cow, constantly recovering its physical strength at a high speed. At the same time, because of its high protective power, Lucario really had nothing to do with it for a while. Not only that, As long as Lucario shows a flaw, Bulbasaur will definitely start to launch a counterattack.

Want to change elves?

Ye Chuan hesitated for a moment, because if he changed the elf, it would mean that his right to move first would be given to the opponent. If possible, he did not want to take the initiative to change the elf first.

At this time, the power of the waveguide transmitted Lucario's emotions, and Ye Chuan was slightly startled.

After a few seconds, he suddenly smiled: "I see, don't you want to end up?"

"In that case, use all your strength to see if this blood cow can withstand it!" Ye Chuan said.

Lucario jumped back, and then released a sword dance on the spot!

It waved its bone club, and its aura rose sharply in an instant. Sword Dance is a skill that can greatly increase its strength in a short period of time. The next second later, Lucario rushed over again!

"Vine whip!" At this time, Bulbasaur had also fully recovered her strength, and the vines swept towards Lucario!

"Bullet punch!"

Lucario's figure flashed, and the vines flew away. At this time, its fist hit Bulbasaur's body, and then it exploded with more than ten punches in an instant!

"Dong dong dong dong -" The muffled sound of punches hitting the flesh kept ringing. Lucario's punches were very fast, as if there were afterimages, and every punch landed on Bulbasaur's body. ripple.

"Okay, so fast?!" The host showed a surprised expression:

"Is this Lucario's full power?"

Although the power of each punch was not high, it could not withstand Lucario's punch after punch. When Chen Jiu saw this, he immediately said:

"Wrap it around and release the paralysis powder!"

Bulbasaur's vines flung out, and then released golden powder to restrict Lucario's movement!

"Buzz--" Lucario dragged the white light, used the electric light to instantly expand the range of the paralysis powder, and then condensed the missiles with his hands-


The blue energy ball landed on Bulbasaur's body, and then vibrated!

The explosion instantly blew away the powder. Lucario did not give Bulbasaur any chance to breathe. As soon as the paralyzing powder disappeared, it rushed forward with bullet punches, and then switched flame fists and enhanced fists to launch a fierce attack on Bulbasaur!

"Dong dong dong!" Heavy muffled sounds kept ringing. After Bulbasaur felt that she was beginning to be unable to bear it, she once again released optical synthesis to restore her physical strength!

When the host saw this scene, he immediately said: "It's optical synthesis. It seems that Bulbasaur is starting to regain its strength again!"

"Bluff!" Ye Chuan said.

Lucario's eyes glowed red, instantly making Bulbasaur freeze up.

"Not good." Chen Jiu showed a slightly unhappy expression.

Bulbasaur's eyes also glowed red, and its aura began to rise, but it did not continue to use optical synthesis, but made an angry voice and threw the vine whip at Lucario!

Bluffing can irritate the opponent. Although it will increase the opponent's strength, it will also fall into an angry state and be unable to correctly receive the trainer's instructions.

At this time, the angry Bulbasaur gave up recovering his physical strength and used the vine whip to continuously attack Lucario!

The strength of this Bulbasaur itself is not low. After the strength is improved, every time the vine whip falls, the floor will be knocked with a roar, and the dust will continue to vibrate. However, this attack is not suitable for Lucario who has a waveguide. Not working at all!

In Ye Chuan's waveguide power, the vine whip cannot attack Lucario, and Bulbasaur attacks itself angrily, which is naturally what it wants to see.

His body swayed, and after dodging Bulbasaur's vine whip again, Lucario jumped up high, then tapped his head with his finger, and his eyes glowed with gold——


The duration of the sword dance was about to end. Lucario relied on self-motivation to increase its attack again. Then it rushed towards Bulbasaur, its fist glowing silver!

Comet punch!

A punch hit the body of Bulbasaur so hard that the floor beneath it began to collapse like a spider web!

not end yet!

Lucario's other fist ignited explosive flames and hit Bulbasaur again!


Fire fist!

Everyone looked around and found that Bulbasaur took a step back and finally fell down!

"Bulbas, you have lost the ability to fight!" Along with the referee's voice, the excited audience cheered! ! !

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