"Welcome to the youth group finals of the National Trainer Competition!!!"

Without too many words, just this simple sentence from the host instantly ignited the enthusiasm of the entire audience. Today is a highly anticipated game, and almost everyone is cheering for their favorite player.

"Shan Huang, Shan Huang, Shan Huang!"

"Yechuan, Yechuan, Yechuan!"

"I have fully felt everyone's enthusiasm." The host said with a smile:

"After yesterday's fierce battle, the two people who reached the finals are Ye Chuan and Shan Huang."

"These two players are not only extraordinary in strength, but also have excellent commanding abilities. They are indeed one of the top players in our region."

"And with the existence of so many mega elves and even legendary elves, there is no doubt that this year's National Trainer Competition is the most valuable year."

"Okay, without further ado, let's invite two contestants to the stage!!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the platforms on both sides of the venue began to rise, and then a person appeared standing on each side. They looked at each other without speaking.

After seeing the audience come on stage, the audience cheered.

"Okay, let's interview the two contestants." The host stood on the self-destructing magnet monster and floated next to Ye Chuan and asked:

"Contestant Ye Chuan, how do you feel standing here today?"

"How are you feeling?" Ye Chuan smiled when he heard this: "Happy...excited or maybe lucky."

"So when you first entered the competition, did you ever think about entering the finals?" the host asked.

"From the moment we signed up as trainers, I think we have only one common goal." Ye Chuan said slowly:


"As expected of contestant Ye Chuan, he spoke with confidence." The host smiled:

"At the same time, player Ye Chuan is also one of the youngest players in our competition, only eighteen years old."

As soon as he finished speaking, many people who didn't know yet were stunned.

These eighteen?

Many high school students in front of the TV showed confused expressions.

Are we the same age?

Seeing many viewers showing surprised expressions, the host smiled because he was also shocked when he first learned about Ye Chuan's age. At his age, he was able to reach the stage of the finals and still had no luck. The ingredients of the factors are enough to prove Ye Chuan's power.

"Okay, here comes our player Shan Huang." The host came to Shan Huang's side and said:

"Player Shan Huang, there are many people following you on the Internet now, did you know?"

When Shan Huang heard this, he said calmly: "I don't know."

"Now everyone is curious about how you subdued Darkrai. Can you tell us about it?" the host smiled.

"No." Shan Huang said.

"Uh..." The host laughed dryly, and then said: "Contestant Shan Huang is really a cold character. In this case, the interview ends here and the competition begins immediately!"

Everyone was a little regretful that they couldn't hear about Dacrei, but as soon as they heard that the game was about to start, they immediately became excited again.

Ye Chuan stood in the command position. He glanced at Shan Huang opposite him and suddenly smiled:

"meet again."

Shan Huang seemed not surprised that Ye Chuan recognized him. He licked his dry lips and stared at Ye Chuan with his eyes:

"Where did the things go?"

"What?" Ye Chuan shrugged.

"Slate." Shan Huang squinted: "Why are you pretending to be stupid?"

Ye Chuan smiled: "Guess..."

This Shan Huang is the masked man with Darkrai who fought against Ye Chuan in the Buried Dragon Valley town before!

After all, Darkrai is an electric rat all over the streets, so naturally not a few trainers can tame him.

The slate Ye Chuan had already handed over to La Lulasi, and it was definitely not in his hands, but Ye Chuan did not expect that he would meet this guy here.

Is it for yourself?

"Haha." Shan Huang sneered, and then took out the elf ball.

Ye Chuan also took out the elf ball.

Following the referee's instructions and the cheers of the audience, both parties threw the Poké Ball out at the same time! !

A flash of white light——

Powerful Crocodile and Flying Mantis appear on the field.

"Here we go, it's the Crocodile and the Flying Mantis!" the host said, "What kind of confrontation will it bring about in the first round... eh?!"

Before the host finished speaking, the Flying Mantis killed the Crocodile with a knife.

"The crocodile has lost the ability to fight!" The referee was also stunned, but after he was sure that the fallen crocodile in front of him was indeed not an illusion, he raised the flag.

"It's really amazing. What speed was that just now? You actually killed the crocodile with one knife?!" the host exclaimed.

"Wow--" The audience was in an uproar. What speed is this?

They didn't even see it clearly just now. They saw a black shadow flashing past, and the powerful crocodile fell down.

Shan Huang was slightly shocked when he saw that Flying Mantis actually killed his own Crocodile with one strike: "Oh?"

"Show your strongest strength and show up. Don't let me down too much." The power of the waveguide in Ye Chuan's eyes was about to condense into substance. Blue light filled his eyes, and his whole aura changed.

The originally smiling look was extremely serious at this moment, and his slightly narrowed eyes seemed to want to see through the other person.

"Is this Ye Chuan's true strength?" In the audience, Chi murmured after seeing the amazing strength of Flying Mantis. He remembered that the strength of the powerful crocodile was not weak.

"It seems that you have made a lot of progress in a short period of time." Shan Huang said, and then took out a purple elf ball:

"But now, my Darkrai has recovered from his injuries. Do you think it is still the same Darkrai?"

"Reveal yourself in the darkness!"

The purple master ball opened, endless black light poured out, and finally gathered together. Then the black light opened its blue and narrow eyes, and the entire form condensed instantly——

Nightmare Elf, Darkrai!

Darkrai narrowed his eyes immediately after seeing the flying mantis.

It remembers the other person.

After seeing the other party summoning Darkrai, Ye Chuan stretched out his hand, and the flying mantis instantly turned into black light and rushed out.

Darkrai immediately condensed a shadow ball, and then detonated it next to him!


There was a loud noise, and a figure beside Darkrai was knocked back, and then the soles of his feet scraped several meters away from the ground.

The flying mantis raised his knife.

Ye Chuan narrowed his eyes.

The Flying Mantis's movements were seen through.

"Darkrai can sense shadows. As long as your flying mantis has a shadow, it cannot escape perception." At this time, Darkrai summoned a black hole. Shan Huang looked at Ye Chuan and suddenly smiled:

"You don't think I'm here to fight you, do you?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the black hole flew directly towards Ye Chuan!

Ye Chuan was slightly stunned.

Could it be...

The black hole hit the barrier protecting the trainer, and then black light suddenly spread out, instantly penetrating the barrier and piercing Ye Chuan's body!

Endless tiredness sweeps over the brain like a wave.

His consciousness seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, and Ye Chuan instantly lost his reaction.

When he came back to his senses, Ye Chuan found himself in a dark space.

My mind was in chaos, as if I had forgotten something.

"Where is this?" Ye Chuan touched his head, feeling like he couldn't remember something important.

"Your soul has been sucked into this endless dark space." A voice sounded. Ye Chuan turned his head and found Chaomeng standing behind him.

"Chaomeng?" Ye Chuan was stunned.

Chaomeng stretched out his hand, and with a flash of purple light, Ye Chuan instantly recalled everything just now: "Darkrai!"

"Yes, it seems to have released a strange power, drawing your soul into this space. Here, it seems that there is no time, no space, and no light, swallowing everything." Chaomeng said slowly.

"Then you..." Ye Chuan looked at Chaomeng: "Are you here to protect me?"

"I can't talk about protection, because my abilities are limited..." Chaomeng said:

"Just barely keeping you from being swallowed up by this darkness."


After a few seconds of silence, Ye Chuan smiled and said, "Thank you."

Chaomeng seemed not used to being thanked, and looked to the side awkwardly.

"Then how do I get out? What do I look like outside now?" Ye Chuan looked around and asked. At this time, the surroundings were dark, and there was almost nothing except the glowing Chaomeng in front of him.

"If we go out..." Chaomeng's voice began to hesitate.

"What's wrong?" Ye Chuan asked.

"This space is too weird. If I want to get out, I might be able to do it with all my strength." Chaomeng said.

"Use all your strength... wouldn't it be..." Ye Chuan came back to his senses.

"Maybe I will disappear forever." Chaomeng said:

"This is the only way."

Ye Chuan stared at it blankly.

"Thank you very much during this time, you have made me understand how happy it is to be alive." After Chaomeng finished speaking, the purple light all over his body began to light up, and its body could not withstand its own terrifying power, and began to gradually Break into pieces——

"wait wait wait!"

The purple light flourished, like a sharp blade instantly piercing the darkness!

"If I were to be reincarnated, I would like to be an ordinary elf..."



"Stop talking to yourself and sacrifice yourself, okay?" In the purple light, a golden light suddenly lit up.

Chaomeng found that the power he had released began to recover at a high speed, and his body that had begun to collapse gradually regenerated.

Ye Chuan's eyes glowed with golden light, and he said helplessly: "So you don't understand at all. Have you read too many comics recently?"

Chaomeng looked at him blankly.

"You are not allowed to do this next time. You are my elf. You are not allowed to play this without my permission."

Ye Chuan taught Chaomeng a lesson righteously.

"Okay, it's time to go out." Ye Chuan stretched out his hand and grasped the purple light that Chaomeng had just released in front of him, and the entire dark space collapsed!

"Contestant Ye Chuan actually fell down, what happened?!"


At this time, on the screen, Ye Chuan's body fell on the command position, his face pale.

After seeing this scene, many people looked at each other and didn't understand what happened, while Shan Huang smiled coldly.

This is no ordinary black hole that hypnotizes elves.

The black hole just now contained the original power of Darkrai. As long as it fell into it, it would never be able to wake up.

But the next second, Shan Huang's expression froze slightly.

Because he saw Ye Chuan actually moving. Then under everyone's gaze, Ye Chuan slowly opened his eyes and stood up.

The medical staff and host on the side also looked at him.

"Uh..." After seeing so many people looking at him, Ye Chuan scratched his head: "I'm sorry..."

The host looked at Ye Chuan and asked tentatively: "Contestant Ye Chuan, are you okay?"

"I'm just a little anemic. I fainted accidentally just now." Ye Chuan smiled and then asked:

"Can the game continue?"

"Yes, yes, do you need a rest?" the host asked:

"After all, the game can be paused..."

"No need, everyone is so excited now, I don't want to dampen everyone's enthusiasm." Ye Chuan said:

"Let the game continue."

Ye Chuan's words combined with his pale face immediately made the people in front of the screen feel as if their hearts were being tugged.

Is this an angel?

"Have a rest!!!" Someone shouted in the audience, and others started to drink in response:

"have a rest!"

"Get some rest, I feel so sorry for you."

"Wow, wow, Sichuan Bao is so good."

Hearing this, Ye Chuan said to the host: "I'm fine now. We can't delay the master group competition in the afternoon. Let's start quickly."

The host showed hesitation, but in the end he respected Ye Chuan's decision:

"As requested by player Ye Chuan, the game continues!"

Shan Huang looked at Ye Chuan and narrowed his eyes: "You can actually come out?!"

"I didn't expect you to come for me." Ye Chuan smiled and said, "But the trainer will not fall down so easily."

The next second, the Flying Mantis rushed towards Darkrai.

I don't know if it was because of the black hole he had just released, but Darkrai's aura was much weaker, but he still completely resisted the attack of the flying mantis.

"The Flying Mantis' attack was very fast and it actually suppressed Darkrai for a while!" said the host.

Flying Mantis was a little worried about Ye Chuan's condition at this time, but Ye Chuan's waveguide conveyed to it a reassuring mood.

Since Ye Chuan was fine, the Flying Mantis unleashed all its strength, like a stream of light, and kept slashing at Darkrai!

"Darkrai just spent a lot of energy..." Shan Huang took out the elf ball and took Darkrai back.

"Oh, player Shan Huang actually chose to exchange elves. Did he know that his Darkrai was no match for the Flying Mantis?!" The host asked in surprise, could Darkrai not be able to defeat the Flying Mantis?

"Stupid beings can never see through the surface." Shan Huang said slowly, and then said to Ye Chuan:

"To be honest, you are bound to lose today, even if our initial plan fails."

"Oh?" Ye Chuan smiled: "Definitely defeated?"

Shan Huang said calmly: "Yes."

"Definitely defeated..."

The elf ball in his hand opened, and then an elf appeared on the battlefield.

The whole place fell silent instantly, and everyone stared blankly at the elf.

Blue-white body, streamlined body shape and wings——

That is……

The legendary dream elf, Latios?

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