"Your worries are unnecessary. Come on, I can't use my strength with this little power."

Broli hooked her finger and said. In her previous life, Saitama was often mentioned on the Internet whenever there was a character's combat power involved. After all, both the name of One Punch Man and his strength were very impressive, so he was often compared in combat power, such as Saitama and Saiyans, Superman and Saitama, Ultraman and Saitama, and even Saitama VS the clown Pennywise. There are rumors that

Saitama's combat power is about Super Saiyan 2, and there are also many One Punch Man fans who say that Saitama has no upper limit. No matter how strong the enemy is, Saitama can be stronger than the opponent. Broli is also very curious about his true strength.



"Seriously punch her!"

Saitama nodded, his legs turned into afterimages and he quickly ran towards Broli, twisting his body slightly and punching her.



Broly raised her elbow to block Saitama's fist. The collision caused a terrifying shock wave. The ground beneath their feet suddenly turned into powder, and the sky instantly became cloudless. If you look from outer space, with the location of the two as the center, the clouds covering the surface of the earth were blown away at once, and in the end, there was almost no cloud in the entire hemisphere.

"call out——"


Then Broly turned sideways and kicked Saitama in the waist with a roundhouse kick. With the impact that penetrated his body, Saitama flew out.

[Red Comet: Although I have seen the content in the work, it is still a bit unbelievable to actually see someone exert such terrifying power with flesh and blood.

[Batman: It seems that the live broadcast screen should have been specially processed by the chat group. It is obviously a battle that far exceeds the reaction speed of humans, but ordinary people can see it clearly.

Well, the current strength is slightly lower than that of Sun Wukong in the previous Super Saiyan state, but is the power control still relatively rough?

Broli roughly converted Saitama's current strength based on the previous attack. Although this evaluation sounds a bit too low, not as good as the Super Saiyan 2 level rumored on the Internet, Broli used it to compare with Sun Wukong when he fought against herself.

Since the Namekian Super Saiyan appeared with a combat power of 150 million, the combat power value setting has been completely broken.

Although it is mainly based on various more powerful transformations, don't forget that Sun Wukong and others are also getting stronger in their normal combat power.

With the increase of 50 times and 100 times after the transformation, even if it is only a change of 100 combat power in normal conditions, it will cause a gap of tens of thousands, not to mention that the combat power depreciation in the plot is more serious than the Zimbabwean dollar back then.

The Super Saiyan that Sun Wukong transformed into when fighting Broly had actually already surpassed her combat power when she transformed into Super Saiyan 2. After all, the increase of 50 times and 100 times seems to be very different, but the difference between these two transformations is only doubled. What

's more, the timeline of Saitama has just begun, and even Genos, the fund warrior, has not yet appeared. He will only continue to become stronger in the future. (PS: Saitama's strength in the later battles will also be temporarily converted to this standard)

Come on, let me see if you really have no limits.

As for the possibility that Saitama's strength will continue to break through and be surpassed by the opponent, she doesn't think that the growth rate of her strength will be weaker than that of the opponent, especially when the explosive transformation is in a state where the whole body is constantly washed by energy. Even if Broly does not fight and exercise, she can quickly become stronger in all aspects, physical, mental, and even soul.

She has also put this direction of cultivation on her agenda. After all, strengthening herself through energy tempering makes her think of cultivating immortals. What if she finds a path that suits her? But for now, it's better to focus on the battle in front of you.

"cough cough……"

Saitama coughed, and used a movement as if he was swimming in mid-air to get back to the ground, his feet deeply planted on the ground. This roundhouse kick made him faintly hear the sound of his ribs breaking, and the pain made him full of fighting spirit.

This was the first time he had been hurt since he lost his hair. The hot blood in his body kept boiling, and the broken ribs recovered in a breath. But before Saitama could stand on the ground again, Broly suddenly appeared behind him, raised her arm and hit him directly on the back.


Saitama, who was already moving backwards, was hit by Broly's arm. The impact went straight into his lungs. A trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. With a sonic boom, his body suddenly arched back and flew into the sky.

That's right! This is it! Such pain, such tension, and the rising fighting spirit in my heart!

0 If you want flowers and read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"call out——"

Broly exploded in the air, leaving a white line in the air and instantly flew in front of Saitama. Seeing this, Saitama quickly turned around in the air.

This is what I want! Facing a truly powerful enemy, fighting with all my strength!

"Seriously punch continuously!"

Saitama's fist turned into countless afterimages and attacked Broli. Broli's hands kept passing in front of her, directly knocking away all the fists swung by Saitama. Then she lowered her body to Saitama's side, pressed one hand on Saitama's abdomen, and a green light instantly lit up in her hand.[]


Accompanied by a green explosion that almost illuminated the entire sky, Saitama was blown away all of a sudden, flying thousands of meters and crashing into a mountain in the distance. The mountain instantly turned into nothingness, and a large area of the surrounding ground was melted into lava emitting red light.

His strength increased quite quickly, and he had already surpassed Sun Wukong in the Super Saiyan state.

Feeling the power just now, Broly thought

[Elementary School Student of Death: It seems that Saitama is completely at a disadvantage]

[Red Comet: But based on the description of Saitama in the work, the battle shouldn't end so easily, right? I can kill my yesterday self every day, and now I am still facing a strong enemy.……]

[Devil's Child: But Broly's speed of becoming stronger is also terrifying]

[Rebecca: That’s right. At that time, Sun Wukong and the others fought directly from a normal state to two blue-haired forms.

Bruce Wayne was already lost in thought when watching the horrific scene of the two people fighting in the live broadcast.

With such strength, even Superman under normal circumstances could not win.

The key is that they do not have the weaknesses of kryptonite and red sunlight like Superman.

As for magic, due to insufficient information, let’s not talk about it for the time being.

Bruce Wayne agreed with the operation of each version of himself in the work to make contingency plans for the members of the Justice League.

After all, with such extraordinary abilities, if they get out of control, the harm will be fatal.

Superman still has kryptonite, red sunlight, and the weakness of low magic resistance, but what about the two people in front of him? If they get out of control, what can he do?


"call out——"

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