"Cough cough cough..."

As soon as Qiao Ji woke up, he was choked by a stench and kept 'coughing'.

"Hey..." A lot of memories flooded his mind, and he gasped in pain.

After a while.

Only then did Qiao Ji realize what happened, and whispered bitterly, "I didn't expect that I've been through 16 years, and only now did I wake up from the memory of my previous life."

He was an Earthling in his previous life and was training for survival as a scout. Then he encountered a group of smugglers, killed seven people and was killed by a stray bullet.

Through reincarnation, the memory of the past life was blocked by the brain, and it was not released until now.

This is a multi-racial world, where humans dominate, and other elves, minions, dwarves, giants, orcs... take a secondary role.

Demihuman: A hybrid of two races.

The demi-humans have the lowest social status except for slaves, and suffer from pure-blood racial discrimination and scorn.

In this world, Qiao Ji's life is not very good, because he is an elf demihuman.

Moreover, he was captured by the slave team, became a demi-human slave, and was sold to the Colosseum, a place where the mortality rate was as high as 95%.

"Slaves, a multi-racial world full of discrimination and feudalism, it seems a bit difficult to mix."

Qiao Ji pursed her dry lips, and stared at her current situation.

The dank cage was made of iron fences, and a large number of slaves were imprisoned in it.

"I want to go home."


Choked sobbing, and murmured murmurs.

"The situation is not very good." Qiao Ji's face was a little ugly.


The sound of the key being unlocked broke the cage of the gloomy atmosphere.


The large wooden door was opened, and a bright light source was projected in.

"Ta Tata..."

Footsteps, accompanied by a flattering voice:

"Master, the slaves who just arrived yesterday are all here."

"Pick ten slaves to play."

The hoarse master ordered, "Mente, there are distinguished guests at the opening show today. The slaves you choose should be selected well, and you must struggle a few times to make the guests happy."

"I'll choose it myself to make sure the guests are entertained." Mente respectfully assured.

"Very good, you will be rewarded if you do it well." The hoarse master covered his mouth with a handkerchief and left.

"Yes." Mente bent over and watched the master leave.

He straightened up, turned to look at the slaves in the cage, and said in a condescending tone, "Ten slaves come out, those who have performed well, you can add meals today."

"Can you set us free?" the bold man asked.

"Huh? What are you talking about in your sleep?"

Mente sneered and said contemptuously, "You have to recognize the reality, what do you think a slave is? You are the private property of the master, and you want to be free. It's ridiculous."

He glanced at everyone indifferently, and warned, "Next time you say this again, you will have to feed the beasts."

These words scared the slaves to silence.

"Ten places, you should seize the opportunity." Mente turned to look.

"Me." Qiao Ji stood up.

"Oh... someone with courage has appeared." Mente looked over.

Immediately someone stepped forward to open the cage door and let Qiao Ji come out.

"What's your name? What race?" Mente's eyes lit up, but he didn't expect the first slave to be so beautiful.

With a height of 1.8 meters, his body is a little thin, but his appearance is very handsome.

He has short silver hair, his left eye is green, and his right eye is a blue pupil.

"Qiao Ji, the elf demihuman." Qiao Ji narrowed his eyes and quietly looked at the man three meters away in front of him.

He was a little ready to make a move, as long as he made a dash, grabbed the opponent's neck with both hands, and could strangle him with a little more force.

The next second, Qiao Ji's tense body relaxed, and it would be irrational to do it now.

If you can kill each other, you can't live on your own.

"Elf demihuman, that's no wonder." Mente nodded clearly.

The appearance of the elves are very beautiful, even if the descendants of the human are combined, most of them are very good-looking.

The elf demi-human slave in front of him looks better than some elves, but it is a pity that he became a slave of the Colosseum.

If it is placed at a high-end auction, some ladies will see it and buy it for a lot of money.

"..." Qiao Ji felt a little nervous when he saw it, and almost couldn't help but want to do it.

The look in the man's eyes made him feel offended.

"As long as you can survive, I'll give you a chicken leg tonight." Mente appreciated.

"Oh." Qiao Ji's face was expressionless, but murderous intent appeared in his heart.

"Hurry up, there are still nine places." Mente shouted to the crowd in the cage.

Qiao Ji looked around secretly. At first glance, there were all prisons, but there were 30 or 40 prisoners, not to mention nearly 1,000 slaves.

He couldn't help sinking in his heart, this slave owner's power is not small, it is a little difficult to escape.

The reason why Qiao Ji was the first to respond was not only wanting to find out information, but also because he didn't want to sit and wait to die.

The more energy you have now, the better your chances of surviving.

After staying in such a gloomy and cold environment, the state declines and then comes forward, it is not far from death.

Qiao Ji didn't believe how good food the slave owners would give them, and the state would only get worse day by day.

"Let's go." Mente picked ten slaves and took the lead to walk out of the cage.

Qiao Ji glanced at the other nine people and found that they were all sturdy and over 1.8 meters tall.

Observed all the way.

It turned out that they stayed in the underground cage, walked around the stairs and came to the cage on the ground.

The cages on the ground were larger and the iron fences thicker, and the gladiator slaves held inside were stronger and more murderous.

"As long as you survive, you can also live here."

Mente said with a smile, "The rooms here are drier and have less odor, but only some strong people are qualified to live there."

"..." Qiao Ji rolled her eyes, no matter how good it was, it was still a cage.

The group came to a cage hall with many weapons and equipment.

"You stay here temporarily until the big iron gate over there opens, and you rush out with your weapons."

Mente pointed to a corpse hanging in the center of the hall, smiling but not smiling.

"Those who are disobedient will be hanged here."

After he finished speaking, he turned and left.

Qiao Ji glanced at the hanging corpse and truly felt the barbarity and bloodshed of this era.

Human life is so worthless, it can be killed at will.


Qiao Ji strode to the side of the weapon rack, picked a one-handed sword and pulled out its scabbard, and waved the sword casually to try it out.

"Swordsmanship: +1."

"Huh?" Qiao Ji blinked in surprise.


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