"What do you mean?" The red warbler's pink rabbit ears perked up.

Somehow they are stupid?

"..." Shan Zhe stood blankly without saying a word.

"If you want to know what it means, let's talk about it as you walk.

Qiao Ji shook the reins, passed by the two of them, and exited the chief inspector of the inspection department.

Shan Zhe thought of the team leader's promise to help find his sister, and decided to believe it once, so he led the horse to follow.

Chi Ying thought about it, and finally followed.

She didn't want to fall out for the time being, the new group was a little too hard to find, and it would be over if it dragged on for another half a month, and the workload would not be able to be completed by then.

"Ta Tata..."

Qiao Ji stopped at Artate Square on horseback and waited for the two to come over.

He looked at the crowd and asked, "You two want to find the murderer and your sister in the vast crowd of people in the imperial capital, right? 35

"If you want to persuade me to give up, then don't speak." Chiying's pink eyes are full of coldness.

Her story is not a secret, everyone in the inspection department knows it, just ask a little about it.

Therefore, Rabbit Girl did not doubt why Qiao Ji knew that she was looking for the murderer.

Shan Zhe clenched his fists and said in a deep voice, "My sister must be waiting for me to find her in the imperial capital."

"No, I won't stop you."

Qiao Ji shook his head and said calmly, "Your thoughts are not wrong, use the power of the Inspection Division to help find the murderer and sister...

"That's right."

He was sure, and then said unceremoniously, "However, you are too stupid to use this power at all.

"..." Chi Ying and Shan Zhe were silent.

The two knew that they would not use their power, and there had been no progress for many years.

"Looks like you know you're stupid. 35

Qiao Ji said with a chuckle, "The way you are looking for your goals alone is too backward now, manpower is limited, let alone one person."

"What the hell are you trying to say?" Chi Ying exuded coldness all over her body.

"There are millions of people in the imperial capital, and a large number of people come in and out every day.

Qiao Ji said slowly, as if she didn't feel it, "Are you sure that the murderer and sister are still in the imperial capital? If not, do you have to search for the rest of your life?

Chi Ying said decisively, "I will look for it all my life."

"Me too." Shan Zhe followed closely.

"Then work hard to climb up and become a high-level executive of the inspection department..."

Qiao Ji's expression gradually became serious, and he said, "You can assign tasks to the knights to help you find the target you want.

"If you are going to say this nonsense, I will not accompany you." Chi Ying became impatient.

Wouldn't she know how to climb up? The problem is that she can't climb up.

"Hey~~" Shan Zhe sighed, and a look of loss appeared on his face.

I thought there was a better way.

"I remember saying it at the beginning.""

Qiao Ji looked at the flow of people and said softly, "I'm very good at finding people, so I'll be promoted very quickly, right? 35

"You don't want to say, can you help us?" Chi Ying's cold face was full of surprise.

"Really?" Shan Zhe swept away his sense of loss and stared at Qiao Ji tightly.

"Yes, you can't, it doesn't mean I can't."

Qiao Ji turned to look at the two with a solemn tone, "Let's make an exchange, you guys help me, I'll help you find the murderer and sister.

"Just you?" Chi Ying's tone was full of contempt.

She had been cheated a few times before, and when those groups invited her to join, they always said this: We'll help you find the killer.

The result? They were all liars.

Not to mention a new team leader, I am afraid that even a criminal has never been caught.

"It's too difficult to find a criminal." Shan Zhe's simple and honest face was almost filled with the words "impossible".

No one lied to him because no one helped him.

If you join other groups and act alone too many times, you will be kicked out by the group leader.

Qiao Ji looked at the two of them and grinned, "Then why don't you try and believe me? 35

"You can catch a criminal first." Chiying frowned and turned her head away.

Shan Zhe said, "As long as I can find my sister, I will listen to you. 35

"Yes." What Qiao Ji wanted was now.

He uses words, just want the attitude of the two.

As long as you sincerely help the two find the murderer and sister, you will get two practical and obedient subordinates.

What a show of domineering, heroes from all walks of life have allegiance.

This is not an appeal and a conspiracy, that is, seeking for wealth and future, or it may be an early investment.

"Let's go, let's catch the criminal." Qiao Ji rode forward confidently.

"Ta Tata..."

The three entered the Imperial City No. 1 Street.

Qiao Ji looked around, looking for suspicious objects.

"..." Chiying rode a horse and looked at the young man looking around, completely like a novice.

She suddenly regretted joining this group, it was a waste of time, she might as well find a way to create a group.

Shan Zhe led the horse and glanced at the crowd with round eyes, looking for the girl with horns on her head.

The dark red leather armor on the three people represented the identity of the patrol knights, and ordinary people avoided it when they saw it.

Qiao Ji picks out those who shrink their heads, and quickly finds two targets.

"Intelligence: Carver is a thief, specializing in outsiders. He is also a peripheral member of the Masked Man, and is responsible for monitoring the knights of the chief inspector.

"Intelligence: Domiran is a wanted criminal, with a bounty of 12 gold coins. He ran away after stabbing a small wealthy businessman to death in the street three years ago, and started a business with the money of the small wealthy businessman.

"I have a goal." Qiao Ji pulled the reins and approached Chi Ying and Shan Zhe.

"Who?" Chiying rabbit ears perked up.

"Ah?" Shan Zhe was a little confused, scanning the crowd.

"Chiying, do you see the bearded man who is supervising the loading next to the carriage?"

Qiao Ji chin up at the door of a cloth shop selling cloth, "This is a wanted criminal, I'll give it to you."

"Okay." Chiying turned cold and drove her horse to the cloth shop.

Her expression was full of coldness, and she went straight to the door of the cloth shop. Her eyes just glanced at the wanted criminal, and then her eyes returned to the cloth shop.

"Shan Zhe, the man squatting on the left side of the entrance of the tavern, wearing gray clothes, with a bald forehead, is a thief, and he should have other people's money bags on his body.

...for flowers...

Qiao Ji glanced at the thief out of the corner of his eye and said in a low voice, "Is it alright to bring him back in the past?"

"Leave it to me." Shan Zhe patted his chest and led his horse to the tavern.

He licked his lips as he walked, and stared directly at the door of the pub, as if he was 'greedy to buy wine'.

"Really talented.

Qiao Ji sat quietly on the back of a horse, looking out into the distance of Imperial City No. 1 Street, and only observed the movements of the two from the corner of his eyes.

"Ta Tata..."

When Chiying rode past the carriage, she turned her head and stared at the wanted criminal with her pink eyes.

She said coldly, "Do you want to capture it, or do you want me to do it!

"Lord Knight, I don't know what you're talking about." Domirang's face changed greatly, and his footsteps slowly moved back.

"Hey! 35

Chiying flicked her arm, and a long nail came out of her hand.


"Ah~~" Domiro screamed.

He slumped on the ground, staring in horror at the nail in his right leg.


"Get up, let's go." Chi Ying stared at Domirang's neck with deadly eyes, throwing a palm-length iron nail in his hand.

"I'm going, don't do it."

Domirang was frightened, stood up and howled, "I'm a good person, you patrol knights will only bully the commoners."

"call out!

"It's too noisy." Chiying impatiently threw out the nail in her hand.


Domirang only felt another pain in his thigh, and looked down at the thigh where the nail had been inserted, and now there is another nail.

"Ah~!" He was about to scream, but the next second he covered it with his hands.

Chi Ying has two more nails in her hand, and her thick body exudes an aura that she is about to throw the nails out.

"I'm going, I'm going." Domirang didn't dare to struggle any more, and walked forward with a lame leg.

And this time...

Shan Zhe came to the door of the tavern, and when the thief was attracted by the movement at the door of the cloth shop, he suddenly opened his hands and rushed towards the thief.

Push and pinch.

"Ah~" Carver let out a shrill scream.

He felt that his thick bones were about to be squeezed together, and his face became hideous in pain.

"I'm sorry." Shan Zhe said sorry, but took the thief into his arms and fastened with one arm.

With the other hand he led the warhorse back.

When Shan Zhe brought the thief Carver to Qiao Ji's side.

Akagi also drove Domiro over.

"Good job." Qiao Ji praised.

"What kind of wanted criminal is he?" Chi Ying looked at the bearded man indifferently.

"Huh?" Domirang was stunned when he heard it.

Don't know what I am wanted? You dare to stab me with iron nails?

"I'm not a wanted criminal, you caught the wrong person."

Domirang immediately screamed and bowed.

His heart was full of excitement, and he could escape the disaster again.

Chiying suddenly turned her head to look at Qiao Ji, if the other party was not a wanted criminal, then she would be in trouble.

Once reported.

Her status as a patrol knight will be reviewed, and she will be downgraded to an apprentice knight in serious cases.

(3 more, please customize, trying to refuel in the code word...) Soil.

single g

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