Six days later, the gladiator outfits the hall.

Qiao Ji is picking out a one-handed sword.

His opponent today is not easy, a gladiator with a 40-game winning streak.

Mente said seriously, "This is your tenth gladiatorial fight. As long as you win today, you can leave the Colosseum tomorrow."

Well, as long as he wins, Qiao Ji's status will skyrocket again at the slave auction tomorrow.


Qiao Ji indifferently pulled out a one-handed sword, "I won't lose."

After ten days of fighting, training with talent bonuses, and feeding the Scarlet Valkyrie.

Qiao Ji is making visible progress every day, and is dubbed by Dinah as a monster among geniuses.

If he faced the violent bear again, he could kill the opponent with his bare hands.

"You are a popular gladiator now, don't leave the field immediately after the fight."

Mente began to preach again, "You have to attract more nobles, they will be crazy for you tomorrow, and when you go out, you may have a chance to break away from slave status."

Qiao Ji pretended not to hear.

This is clearly to let him be a little white face, or a male pet?

Mente began sharing what he called a licking experience three days ago after he defeated a gladiator with a 35-game winning streak.

"You have to make good use of your face. You really don't know your blessings when you are in a blessing." Mente wished that his face could replace him.

"I don't want to either." Qiao Ji sighed helplessly.

He touched Jun's face and felt that being too attractive was also a burden.

The crimson Valkyrie didn't want to go to sleep in her cage these days, and stayed by her side all day.

She didn't speak, just looked at his face quietly, and smiled inexplicably.

"You..." Mente was at a loss for words, his liver hurt with anger, and he didn't want to speak anymore.

Qiao Ji tied the one-handed sword around his waist and asked quietly, "I heard some rumors recently that someone is running away?"

The past few days have been calm, and there has been no news of people fleeing collectively. There is quite the tranquility before the storm.

"You said it was a rumor, it must be unbelievable." Mente waved his hand.

Qiao Ji frowned, but didn't find anything.

Those people felt exposed, so they abandoned the plan?

In this case, there are still some smart people.

"Now, let's invite the beautiful boy who has won our nine-game winning streak to play."

The narrator shouted excitedly.

"You're on the court, don't be careless." Mente urged nervously.


The big iron gate opened.

"Humph! Beautiful boy?" Qiao Ji picked up a round arm shield in dissatisfaction, and walked towards the big iron gate with a dark face.

"Oh! The beautiful boy has come out."

"He is definitely the most handsome man I have ever seen in the imperial capital."

"Damn, why did I grow up like this."

"You have to go back and ask your father why he looks so ugly."


The auditorium found the uproar.

Some beautiful women were very enthusiastic, and some women threw handkerchiefs down.

Qiao Ji walked on the Colosseum without looking sideways, turning a deaf ear to these compliments, after all, he was used to it.

He was standing in the middle of the Colosseum, and the opponent had come.

"Check the other party's character panel." Qiao Ji thought silently.

【Character】: Gary.

【Age】: 27.

【Strength】: 10.4. 【Speed】: 9.

【Intelligence】: 5.3. 【Physique】: 10.6.

【Charm】: 5.

(average for ordinary people: 5)

[Intelligence]: The man who has won 40 consecutive victories in the Colosseum, in order to participate in the massacre plan tomorrow, he swears to win this battle.


"..." Qiao Ji's pupils shrank after reading the information, and looked at the strong bearded man in front of him in surprise.

Participating in a massacre program?

There will be a slave auction tomorrow, so you don't need to think about who to kill.

However, only one person can't do it.

"Boy, admit defeat, you will die if you lose." Gary's eyes were condescending and full of contempt.

"Do you think we can succeed tomorrow?" Qiao Ji asked with a smile.

"Huh?" Gary was stunned.

He frowned and looked at the thin body of the handsome young man.

Gary was a little unhappy, wondering what those people did to actually bring a new person to participate in such an important project.

Once the word leaks out, they all have to die.

Gary lowered his voice and asked slowly, "You also participated in the plan to slaughter nobles?"

"Hmm." Qiao Ji's heart trembled slightly.

He didn't expect these people to be so daring to actually target the nobles.

"You still don't participate." Gary's attitude became better.

"Why?" Qiao Ji wanted to provide more information.

Gary curled his lips in disdain, "You are so weak, are you going to die tomorrow?"

"Isn't it because of you?" Qiao Ji's expression "It's up to you".

"Boy, you won't be deceived, will you?" Gary revealed a playful smile.

Qiao Ji frowned, "What do you mean?"

"Heh, what do you think will happen to those who can't keep up with us?"

Gary sneered and urged, "You hurry up and admit defeat, so I can go back to sleep early. After all, it's the last night in the Colosseum."

"So it is." Qiao Ji suddenly understood.

He held the hilt of the sword in his right hand and said lightly, "In order to thank you for the information, I will let you leave the Colosseum without too much pain."

"You, what do you mean?" Gary felt? Not right.

"Thank you, I just know what will happen tomorrow." Qiao Ji gently drew out the one-handed sword from his waist.

"You actually took my word for it." Gary's face changed greatly.

He raised his two-handed sword and slashed at Qiao Ji, preparing to kill him.

"Hundred Kills and Quick Sword Ten Styles, One Style, Pointing Star."

There was light in Qiao Ji's eyes, and the one-handed sword came first, like a long arrow that bounced.

A little cold mang came first, and a sword sealed his throat.


"The movement of raising the hand is a little slower."

Qiao Ji drew out the one-handed sword, and threw the blood from the tip of the sword.

"Uh uh..." Gary's two-handed sword fell, and his hands covered his throat in fear.

He didn't expect that he would be killed in one stroke.

That's fine, I can go to see my family sooner.


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