In addition to the central arena, the Colosseum also has some halls for auctions or noble gatherings.

The place where the slave auction was held was in the largest hall in the Colosseum.

The hall is divided into three parts: front, middle and back. The front is the stepped seat for guests, the middle is the half-moon auction table, and the back is where the slave gladiators who are about to play are imprisoned.

Qiao Ji and Dinah have already been arranged to play.

The Crimson Valkyrie was ranked fifth as she wished.

The two stood behind the curtain, waiting for the slave auction to begin.

"It's really unpleasant." Qiao Ji's heart was full of killing intent.

When the goods are put on the shelves, waiting to be picked and bought.

"Brother, don't be impulsive."

Dinah held Qiao Ji's palm and said softly, "You may not have a choice when you are born, but we can fight for the future."

She had also been angry before, and the result had not changed.

"You're right." Qiao Ji was arrogant as a transmigrator, and it was difficult to accept it for a while.

"Welcome all distinguished guests to the slave auction at the beginning of the month."

The auctioneer and host didn't say much nonsense, "Next, there is the first slave."

Behind the curtain, the attendant went up holding something covered with a black cloth in both hands.

Soon, there was a noise from the front.

"My God, it's actually a flower fairy."

"Let's talk about the reserve price, I want to buy her."


"Looking at everyone's reaction, I don't think I need to introduce the goblin race."

The auctioneer shouted, "14-year-old flower fairy, the starting price is: 15,000 gold coins."

"15,500 gold coins."

"Sixteen thousand gold coins."

"Seventeen thousand gold coins."


"Twenty-nine thousand gold coins, deal."

The auctioneer tapped the gavel and then shouted, "A second slave is invited."

"This is a pure-blooded female elf, aged seventeen."

"We have asked a special midwife to verify that she is a pure and flawless elf girl. We have hired a special maid to take care of her. No other man can approach her within one meter."

"Please trust the credibility of our Colosseum."

A series of professional introductions from the auctioneer aroused everyone's emotions.

In the end, he quoted the price, "The starting price of the elf girl is: 7,000 gold coins."

"Seven thousand three hundred gold coins."

"Seven thousand five hundred gold coins."


"Eight thousand two hundred gold coins sold."

The bidding price of the auction elves is not fierce, obviously the nobles are all knowledgeable, except for some wealthy businessmen who are fighting for it.

"A third slave is invited." The auctioneer shouted.

"I'm going."

Before Qiao Ji came on stage, he told Dinah, "Remember to go back immediately after the film is unplayed."

"Yeah." Dinah's purple eyes were full of reluctance.

"Don't cry, remember to wait for me." Qiao Ji smiled, opened the curtain and walked out.

A green-haired elf with long pointed ears, surrounded by four tall maids, was pushing towards the side door of the auction.

Qiao Ji glanced at the elf girl, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then forgot about it.

He is also a 'cargo' now.

I really envy a retired pirate who auctioned himself for money.

"He is an elf demi-human who holds the title of the most beautiful boy in the imperial capital. He is a gladiator who has won ten consecutive victories in the Colosseum."

The auctioneer began to praise Qiao Ji, "Just yesterday, he killed Gary who has a 40-game winning streak."

"Aren't you excited for such a 16-year-old boy with beauty and strength?"

"Don't talk about it, let's make an offer." An excited female voice came from the guests.

Qiao Ji heard the sound and looked over, a fifty-year-old lady was winking at him.

He resisted retching and turned his eyes away, praying in his heart not to be bought by her.

"The price of the first beautiful boy in the imperial capital is: 6,000 gold coins." The auctioneer shouted loudly.

"Seven thousand gold coins."

"Eight thousand gold coins."

"Nine thousand gold coins."


One quote is faster than one.

All the ladies were bidding, and they were all red-eyed.

"..." The corners of Qiao Ji's mouth twitched, is she so popular?

"The current price is 12,000 gold coins." The auctioneer's mouth cracked.

An elf demihuman boy is actually worth more than a pure-blooded elf girl.

As expected of a woman, she dares to pay a lot of money when her head is hot.

"..." Qiao Ji saw that many of the male guests below were glaring at him, or envious and hated.

The male guests did not expect that one day, a young slave would be so popular with women that they would spend more than 10,000 gold coins to buy him.

"Twenty thousand gold coins."

Suddenly, a young girl's voice came, and the scene suddenly fell into silence.

"Huh?" Qiao Ji heard the sound and looked up.

It turned out that there was a row of boxes above the stairs, and the girl's voice came from the box in the middle.

"Is this voice the maid of that eldest lady?"

"It's Miss Zuo Qian's voice."

"Could it be... that eldest lady has taken a fancy to him?"

"Probably not. Although this kid looks a little bit good-looking, he won't let the number one beautiful girl in the imperial capital take a fancy to him."


"Everyone, the current price is 20,000 gold coins."

The auctioneer raised the gavel and was about to knock it down. The eldest lady couldn't afford to offend her.

"Twenty-one thousand gold coins."

Suddenly a cold voice came from another box.

"Who is this? How dare you raise the price with the eldest lady of Duke Yuwu's family."

"Don't pull me if you want to die, this is also the daughter of a big man."

"Who is it? Don't be a riddleman."

"Anyway, it's not worse than the eldest lady of the Yuwu family."


Zuo Qian asked the eldest lady to make an offer, "Twenty-two thousand gold coins."

"Twenty-three thousand gold coins." The other party followed.

After Zuo Qian glanced at the displeased eldest lady, she made another offer, "Twenty-five thousand gold coins."

"Twenty-six thousand gold coins." The other party hesitated for a while, then followed.

"Thirty thousand gold coins." Zuo Qian quoted in the cold eyes of the young lady.

"..." The other party stopped bidding.

The place quieted down.

Everyone is intimidated by this kind of bidding competition.

The auctioneer waited for a while and no one bid, and immediately knocked on the gavel, "30,000 gold coins, the deal."

He knew that tomorrow God would shake, or would shake the whole country.

A teenage slave auctioned off a sky-high price of 30,000 gold coins.

Such an appearance will definitely arouse the curiosity of women across the country.

The most beautiful boy in the imperial capital may become the most beautiful boy in the country.


(4 more, ask for a flower evaluation ticket)

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