'How do I get out of slavery? ’

Qiao Ji was thinking about this question on the auction stage.

First of all, you need a slave release contract given by the master's family, and then you need a sum of money.

The latter can still make money by working hard.

The most difficult thing is the former. The 'slave's cancellation of the contract' depends entirely on the master's wishes, otherwise it will be useless to think too much.

"..." Qiao Ji glanced at the eldest lady, did she seduce herself?

No, true seductress might be more reluctant to let the eldest go away, and there is nothing less human rights, less freedom, and more obedient than slaves.

Then you can only make merit. With huge credit, if the eldest lady has no reward, you can only cancel the slave contract. This is the biggest reward for slaves.

The above, Qiao Ji is only a temporary plan and speculation.


Eve is full of admiration for people who dare to look directly at themselves.

Other men looked obsessed when they saw themselves, or they were dodging and daring not to look directly, only daring to glance furtively from the side.

The eldest lady has very high requirements for her future husband. First of all, she must be good-looking, otherwise everything will be ignored.

This will take into account the second point: human character and talent.

The character is too bad.

There is no talent, only appearance, not to mention.

Other aspects can be adjusted slowly, and the eldest lady still has the confidence to train a satisfactory partner.

As for the status and status, the eldest lady doesn't care very much, after all, she even refused to marry the eldest prince.

'For the time being, let's look at character and talent. ’

Eve decided in her heart, 'If you pass the test, you can practice training. ’


'What about the two of them? ’

Zuo Qian looked at the two people in a daze and distracted.

The little maid couldn't help but asked, "Miss, do you still want to bid?"

"Ah?" Eve came back to her senses and glanced at the auction table.

Her golden eyes flashed a bit of dullness, "No, get ready to go back."

"Yes." Zuo Qian replied obediently.

She reached out and tugged at Qiao Ji's sleeve, and whispered, "Come and help."

The little maid thinks that if she can buy Qiao Ji for 30,000 gold coins, she must be like herself, and the young man will become the eldest young lady's personal waiter in the future.

"..." Eve glanced at the little maid's movements, and her golden eyes narrowed immediately.

The eldest said coldly, "Zuo Qian, hurry up."

"Yes..." Zuo Qian groaned in her heart.

Calling her full name, the eldest lady got angry.

Damn, who provoked the eldest miss?

Qiao Ji followed the little maid without saying a word. She took what she said, and she could never go wrong by saying less and doing more.

"..." Eve looked annoyed at the two people who were very tacit, bit her lower lip slightly, and shook her toes in displeasure.

She couldn't help but say, "Qiao Ji, don't move, let Zuo Qian do it."

"Okay." Qiao Ji frowned, put down his things and stood beside him.

It seems that this eldest lady has a bad temper.

"Yes, just let me do it myself." Zuo Qian said quickly.

She guessed why the eldest lady was angry.

It must be that Qiao Ji went to get the eldest lady's things, which made the eldest lady angry.

well! It's all my fault, next time I can't let Qiao Ji mess with the eldest lady's things.

Tea sets, blankets, snacks... filled two large wooden boxes.

"This cleanliness addiction is a bit serious." Qiao Ji complained inwardly, looking at the things the little maid put into the wooden box.

It can be said that all the things that the eldest lady has close contact with are all carried by herself.

Qiao Ji's first impression: Miss is a very troublesome person.

"Feelin, you can come in now." Zuo Qian shouted to the outside of the box.


The door was pushed open.

Four knights in full armor entered.

Qiao Ji could feel the knight looking at him, his eyes were full of malice, jealousy, and envy.

He thought for a while, and showed a sunny smile to the four of them.


The sound of clenching teeth.

'This is a proud provocation. ’

The four knights were furious, but did not dare to show it.

"Hurry up, what are you dawdling for?" Eve said impatiently and coldly.

"Yes." The four knights raised the wooden box respectfully.

"There is no next time." Eve exuded a coldness all over her body, and walked out of the box with her slender legs.

"Yes." The knights lowered their heads in panic.

Zuo Qian tugged at Qiao Ji's sleeve and trotted to catch up with the eldest lady.

"Thank you for your hard work." Qiao Ji said politely.

He quickly followed the eldest, with a casual smile on his face.

It seems to make people envious, it's really interesting.


The breathing of the four knights suddenly increased.

Outside the box, the eight knights had already lined up, wearing gorgeous helmets, and their expressions could not be seen.

With a gloomy mood, the four knights carried wooden boxes to the back of the team.

"Miss, it's alright."

The knight who spoke was Fei Lin, who was 2.1 meters tall, with a large and strong body, really like a bear.

Qiao Ji couldn't help but look at Fei Lin's character panel.

【Character】: Flynn.

【Age】: 32.

【Strength】: 35. 【Speed】: 32.

【Intelligence】: 6. 【Physique】: 38.

【Charm】: 6.2.

(average for ordinary people: 5)

[Intelligence]: Fei Lin was rescued by Youwu Eve when he was 7 years old, and he has been loyal to the eldest since then, and his wife is the red thread led by the eldest.


'Better than Dinah. ’ Qiao Ji sighed, as expected of a knight trained by a great noble family.

"Well, go home." Eve nodded.


Four knights opened the way ahead, the eldest lady, Zuo Qian and Qiao Ji followed, followed by eight knights.

The group walked out of the hall, walked in the wide passage, and left the Colosseum after fifteen minutes.

There are many luxury carriages parked in front of the Colosseum.

As soon as the group came to the door, a luxury carriage drove over and stopped three meters away from the eldest lady.

The groom, also a knight, respectfully opened the compartment door.

Flynn stepped forward and scanned the interior of the carriage to make sure that no killer or the like was hiding in the carriage.

"..." Qiao Ji felt that the eldest lady's security was really strict, and had a guess in her heart.

"Miss, it's alright." Fei Lin said softly.

"Yeah." Eve stepped into the carriage.

"Feelin, Miss is angry."

Before getting into the carriage, Zuo Qian lowered her voice and reminded, "Have you been lazy in training recently?"

"..." Fei Lin blinked his eyes blankly, and then said in a deep voice, "I will train them more."


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