Start as Slave, The Eldest Lady Fell In Love With Me At First Sight

0044: The Outlook On Life Has Been Baptized Again.

"Ta Tata..."

The caravan went straight along the No. 1 Street of the Imperial Capital. Due to the dense crowd, there was no way to gallop on horseback, so it could only move forward slowly, which was a little faster than ordinary people walking.

Unless the imperial army is on an expedition, or there is an emergency military situation, the Imperial Capital No. 1 Street is only allowed to run fast.

Otherwise, the rider will be fined heavily.

The carriage team walked for half an hour before reaching the gate of the inner city.

"The inner city of the Imperial City is not small. It must be more than 2,000 meters long." Qiao Ji estimated in his heart.

He glanced at the wall of the inner city. It was about fifteen meters high, and it was all made of stone bricks.

"The city walls are quite high."

Qiao Ji sighed and asked, "Uncle Fei Lin, how long did it take to build the city wall?"

"Why are you even curious about this?"

Fei Lin laughed dumbly, thought about it and said, "I think it should have been used for less than ten years."

He added, "The inner city used to be the outer city, and the outer city is now expanded later."

"It's not even ten years." Qiao Ji suddenly felt that there must be a lot of sweat and blood on the stone bricks on the city wall.

With such a city wall built entirely of stone, he didn't have to think about what races to use, among which the giants were indispensable.

Otherwise, a piece of huge stone bricks, carried by ordinary races alone, cannot be built within ten years without the participation of more than 100,000 people.

The number of slaves who died in the first place is cold.

"..." Qiao Ji didn't think about it any further.

Out of the inner city, the outer city is another world.

Dirty is the first impression, followed by the stench coming from the nostrils.

There are many more demi-humans in the crowd, and the number of rich people in bright clothes has decreased by 50%.

The central street of the outer city is also the No. 1 Street, but with two more characters, it is called the No. 1 Street of the Outer City of the Imperial Capital.

Walking on No. 1 Street in Outer City, you will find that, except for the shops on both sides of the street, which are better, the houses further away are all low thatched houses and mud brick houses.

When the wagon train passed the crowd, the demi-humans avoided them in advance, and they all cast awe in their eyes.


However, Qiao Ji found that the eyes of these demi-humans were brighter, with envy, jealousy and hatred.

Entering the outer city, Fei Lin and the others said less.

The knights became more vigilant, and if anyone approached, they would throw a whip.

The atmosphere is a bit oppressive, and class differences are clearly manifested here.

Qiao Ji rode forward with no expression on his face, feeling a lot in his heart, and suddenly felt that life on earth is really beautiful.

"Ta Tata..."

The carriage team picked up speed in the outer city, and it took about half an hour to see the city gate of the outer city.

"Let's say the outer city is about 8 times bigger than the inner city." Qiao Ji can only estimate in his heart.

He found that the imperial capital said it could accommodate 3 million people, but it might actually be more.

Qiao Ji also found some problems, that is, the height of the outer city wall is only about 10 meters, and the stone bricks are not large.

From this, it can be speculated that either the national strength of the Golden Eagle Empire is declining, or there are officials who are taking kickbacks in the mixed waters.

Qiao Ji turned her head and didn't speak...

"It took 30 years to complete the construction of the outer city wall, after three generations of great emperors."

When the young man turned his head, Fei Lin said helplessly, "If you are curious about this, you can look for the 'Record of the Founding of the Empire' in the library."

"Thirty years and three generations of great emperors? Is it wrong?" Qiao Ji blinked his eyes.

"..." Fei Lin remained silent, tugged on the reins, and waited outside the outer city gate.

He glanced around and said in a low voice, "The battle of the royal family is the most cruel and ruthless. When the empire was at its most turbulent, six great emperors died within twenty years."

"Hi..." Qiao Ji's eyes widened.

It is equivalent to the death of a great emperor in more than three years, which is indeed a bit cruel.

No wonder the Golden Eagle Empire has 355 years of history, and now there are 27 great emperors.

Excluding a few long-lived emperors, you can see how bloody the battle for the throne is.

Qiao Ji suddenly understood why the Youwu family was neutral.

Not neutral, maybe just a few years after standing in the line, the next great emperor rebelled and was not allowed to kill a group of nobles...

Coming and going to stand in line, the Yuwu family has been destroyed several times.

Qiao Ji still didn't dare to say something: It's really strange that such an empire has not been destroyed.

Outside the city is even more dirty and smelly.

"Cough cough..." Qiao Ji took out a handkerchief from his arms, lifted the mask and covered his mouth and nose.

He seriously suspected that he was dazzled, the moat was actually a river of stinky water, and all the excrement was floating on it.

"You, you have to get used to... getting used to it." Fei Lin said intermittently holding his breath.

Qiao Ji buzzed back, "No, I may never get used to it for the rest of my life."

"Come on." Flynn ordered.

"Ta Tata..."

The wagon speeded up.

Qiao Ji observed on horseback and found that outside the city was simply a slum, full of crooked wooden shacks.

And the numb civilians are carrying firewood, charcoal, stone bricks... These may be their source of income.

"..." Qiao Ji rode forward with an expressionless face.

After leaving the imperial capital, I found that the air was so fresh and the river was so clear and bright.

The only imperfection is that there are a few bare hills not far away.

Going forward along the road, a piece of golden wheat fields appeared in front of you.

Ten minutes later, the carriage team turned to another road.

In less than three minutes this time, I saw a manor.

"This should be the manor of the Marquis Mailer family."

Qiao Ji muttered inwardly, and then slowed down the horse's speed.

There are butlers and knights waiting at the gate of the manor.

When they saw the family crest of Duke Yuwu's family, someone immediately came to lead the way.


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