In late autumn, it rained continuously.

Inside the restaurant of the Imperial Palace.

Qiao Ji sat in front of the main seat and had dinner, the fire in the fireplace was burning brightly, and the weather was getting colder and colder.

After Qiao Ji made the mouse drink the potion of immortality yesterday, the mouse only regained some vitality, but was still a bit sluggish overall.

Qiao Ji injected immortality potion into several other mice, and observed them in the laboratory for more than an hour, but there was still no obvious change.

Then put the mice back into the iron cage, intending to observe for a few days and then have a look.

Among the mice that drank the potion of immortality, some were terminally ill and would soon die, some were too old to move, and some were healthy.

If sick mice can be cured after drinking the potion of immortality, the potion of immortality is considered a preliminary success, right?

Thinking of this, Qiao Ji stroked his chin slightly and murmured to himself silently, but he had to look at those old mice, if they could regain their vitality, it should be considered a sign of success.

He kept formulating and optimizing the immortality potion according to the pharmacy given by the system, but he never got a good experimental result.

According to the innate skill of pharmacy, if the potion of immortality is successfully made, there will be an invisible 470 induction in the heart, as if it is natural to know that it should be so.

However, Qiao Ji has made so many immortality potions, and he has never felt this way in his heart. He guesses that he will not know until the results of the experiment come out.

"What is His Majesty thinking?" Dinah asked with her amethyst-like eyes blinking.

Qiao Ji came back to his senses, shook his head with a smile, ate a piece of beef and said, "I'm thinking about what to name our child.

It has been more than eight months since Dana was pregnant, and her belly is getting bigger and bigger

However, this did not make it difficult for Lang Erniang, because she had been exercising before she became pregnant.

Dinah, who has a strong body, did not have any obvious discomfort in the late pregnancy, but was a little tired when she was first pregnant.

On the contrary, Eve, as her belly got bigger and bigger, her movements became more and more inconvenient, and she was very different from the radiant look when she was first pregnant.

She was sitting on Qiao Ji's right side, stroking her nine-month-old belly with one hand, and drinking soup with a spoon in the other.

"Did Your Majesty think of a nice name?" Eve put down the spoon and looked at Qiao Ji and asked.

"That's right, Your Majesty, according to the time, Eve's due date should be within a few days." Dinah nodded.

The term due date of delivery is still very unfamiliar to the girls. They heard about it from Qiao Ji, but they can understand what it means.

"Not sure yet, but I have a few options, which one do you like better?" Qiao Ji raised her bushy eyebrows.

When Dinah heard this, she took out the paper and wiped her mouth, and said expectantly, "Your Majesty, tell me."

Eve also took out the paper and wiped it at the same time, and put her hands gently on her stomach, feeling the naughty child kicking herself.

"Boys are called Qiao Chong, Qiao Song... Girls are called Qiao Yuan, Qiao Jing... I have thought about these names for a long time." Qiao Ji chuckled.

"It's all very nice." Dinah said without thinking.

She felt that these names were very special, at least not the same as the names of other people in the empire.

Dinah suddenly remembered that when she first met Qiao Ji, she thought his name sounded nice, as if it was different from everyone else's name.

Eve fiddled with the blond hair scattered on the side of her face, and said softly, "You can choose Qiao Chong, but I think Qiao Song is also nice..."

She was still struggling with what to name the child, thinking that she couldn't be called Jack, Lena, Catherine, etc., which are everywhere.

Now after listening to the nice names that Qiao Ji said, I feel that I don't need to worry about the child's name anymore.

"Then wait until the baby is born, and you can choose the one you like." Qiao Ji said, taking a sip of hot tea.

Just when Eve was about to speak, her beautiful brows were tightly frowned, and she immediately held her stomach with her hands.

Beads of sweat began to ooze from her forehead, (cidc) said a little uncomfortable, "Your Majesty, I feel as if... I'm about to give birth."

Eve clearly felt that the amniotic fluid had broken, and the lower half of the skirt was soaked in amniotic fluid.

Since she was pregnant, she often chatted with her mother, Yalan, and learned a lot about pregnancy, including the feeling of amniotic water breaking and imminent delivery.

Of course, Eve also learned a lot from Qiao Ji, who is a great doctor.

After all, Luna, the number one doctor in the empire, was taught by Qiao Ji.

"Ah!" Dinah exclaimed after hearing the first one.

Because she is also pregnant and has more than eight months, seeing Eve's amniotic water breaks will inevitably feel nervous for her.

Without further ado, Qiao Ji stood up from the main seat, picked up Eve in the form of a princess, and went to the waiting room.

"Tap Tat Tat..."

He left the restaurant directly and went to the waiting room on the second floor of the palace, and Dinah and others followed him.

The maids immediately go to boil hot water, boil herbs, prepare towels, etc., all the work that needs to be prepared during childbirth.

These are all trained in advance, so that they will be safe when the girls give birth.

"Your Majesty, rest assured to leave it to me." Luna had already changed into a white coat.

She has been staying in the palace recently, because Eve's due date is just these few days, and she must be ready to deliver the baby at all times.

"Okay." Joey nodded.

He trusts Luna, after all, she has come to the present step by step, and is affectionately known as the first female doctor in the empire.

Luna put on a white mask, turned around and said to the girls, "Emperor Concubine, Emperor Concubine, go out first, I need a quiet environment."

"Okay." The girls nodded slightly worried.

She looked back at Eve lying on the bed three times a step, and was a little worried when she saw her uncomfortable face.

After seeing the girls leaving, Qiao Ji walked to Eve's side and held her hand, and said firmly and gently, "Don't worry, I'll always be here."

"Yeah." Eve nodded heavily.

She feels a little better now, because the pain comes and goes, and the main reason is that there are many reasons for the tension in her heart.

Luna sterilized all kinds of tools together, and then observed Eve's situation. The waiting room was filled with the smell of various disinfectants.

Time passed by every minute and every second, more than four hours later.

"Wow wow wow..."

With bursts of loud and clear cries, Eve gave birth to the next baby boy safely. At this moment, she was soaked in sweat.

"I'm proud of you." Qiao Ji got up and kissed Eve's forehead.

Eve took several deep breaths, her face covered with sticky sweat, and said weakly, "Your Majesty, I..."

"Don't talk yet, take a good rest." Qiao Ji gently wiped Eve's sweat with a towel.

(1 more, please customize.).

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